Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 576 Whose Layout?

Chapter 576 Whose Layout? (2)
Yun Cangli looked at him strangely, didn't he speak clearly enough?Why did he insist on prolonging Qian Xia's life?Is this something human can do?
"Uncle, don't tell anyone about this, okay? Of course, don't let Qianqian know that you told me."

Yun Cangli looked at this handsome man in front of him, his abilities were probably unmatched in Ziye, and when it came to means and thoughts, almost no one could compare with him.

But it was such a man, at this moment, crying like a child in front of him because of a woman.

In the end, Yun Cangli nodded and agreed to his request.

When Mu Liunian was leaving, Yun Cangli noticed that his footsteps were a little sloppy, as if he could fall over if the wind blows.

When Mu Liunian came out of Yun Mansion, he didn't rush back to Changping Palace, but went to Zuiyan Pavilion alone.

Standing in the exquisite and gorgeous room, the laughter and cursing outside, and the sound of the piano and zither, could hardly reach his ears.

When Suzaku and the others received the news, they just guarded outside the house carefully, and no one dared to go forward to talk to the young master.

The terrifying aura on Mu Liunian's body became stronger and stronger. He was blaming himself, deeply blaming himself!

So what if he has impressive martial arts?So what if you have great abilities?
Qian Xia's problem lies in the word "Secret Technique"!

But he prefers the secret technique, but he knows nothing about it. How can he deal with it?How could he think of a way to help her?To ask shallow?He can't do it!

He couldn't bear to look at Qian Qian's sad look, it was ridiculous that he had misunderstood her for so many days, and only thought that she couldn't bear those gossips, so he lied to himself!
I am simply a fool!
The stupidest, stupidest idiot in the world!

It is useless to blame himself now, he should think of a way, from now on, he must think of a way, he must start planning.Master Cangming?
Mu Liunian gently closed his eyes, and began to think of ways to clear his mind, and then slowly thought about everything about Cang Ming!
I don't know how long it took, Qinglong and the others outside almost fell asleep leaning on the pillar, and heard the master's call.

Several people pushed the door in unanimously, and saw that the master was as calm as ever, and their minds were a little more at ease.

"Suzaku, from now on, I don't care what method you use to establish our news network in Cangming as soon as possible. The focus is the capital of Cangming. Remember, I just want the news network. Others are not important. If you are short of money , ask me directly. What I want is speed, stability, and reliability. Do you understand?"

Although Suzaku didn't understand why the master suddenly had such an idea, she knew in her heart that it was obviously very important for the master to make such a decision.

"Yes, young master. What about Ziye's side?"

"Temporarily hand it over to Qinglong. In addition, I will let Yaoyue help him take care of it."

"Yes, son."

Mu Liunian glanced at her, and said in a very firm tone, "I can trust your ability. Remember, during this period, don't provoke any forces in Cangming, including Huangfu Dingtao, understand?"

"Yes, son."

By the time Mu Liunian returned to Chuyunxuan, Zi Shi had already passed.

Mu Liunian stood about three feet away from the bed, motionless, just quietly looking at the sleeping person on the bed.

On that obviously thin face, the chin has begun to point a little.Maybe it's because she didn't sleep very well, and the brows were still slightly furrowed. Occasionally, she could hear her talking in her sleep, but she couldn't really hear what she said.

Such a delicate woman is his wife.

It was the woman he swore to protect for the rest of his life.Mu Liunian walked over slowly, but after only a few steps, he felt that his legs were extremely heavy, and he almost couldn't lift them up.

After finally moving to the bed, the corners of Mu Liunian's eyes were a little sour. When did his wife find out that her life span was not long?
Was it on Phoenix Mountain, or after coming out of the Taolin trial?Or, after marrying him?

Mu Liunian raised his hand with some difficulty, and slowly stroked her perfect profile face.The movements were as gentle as a spring breeze, for fear of startling the Sleeping Beauty again.

"Qianqian, don't worry, no matter what, I will find a way. Big deal, we will go together when the time comes. I won't let you alone, go up to Biluo, go down to Huangquan, no matter when and where I'm with you."

Qian Xia turned her body slightly, and Mu Liunian was so frightened that she quickly retracted her hands, making sure that she was still asleep, before carefully lying down with her clothes on.

After kissing her cheek, Mu Liunian curled the corners of his lips, "Look, you can't even sleep peacefully without me by your side. So, how could you be willing to leave me?"

"It's decided like this. Regardless of life or death, we will be together. You can't abandon me, and I won't abandon you. In this way, we are husband and wife." Mu Liunian's right hand lightly passed through hers. , hugged her from the back, interlocking her fingers.

What Qian Xia didn't know was that in her sleep, Mu Liunian had decided her future in this way, disrupting all her earlier plans.

For the next few days, Mu Liunian didn't go anywhere, but just stayed with her in Yixin Garden, cooking porridge for her with his own hands, all kinds of vegetable porridge, which made Qian Xia's spirit gradually recover.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, didn't you say that Sanqi and the others should do these things? You are a big man who always cooks. What do you look like?"

Mu Liu smiled young, and said dotingly, "Qianqian means that a gentleman stays away from the kitchen?"

"I'm worried that people outside will talk nonsense. After all, you are also the eldest son of the Changping Palace, and you always surround yourself with me, a woman. Beware of people criticizing you."

"I love my own daughter-in-law, what can they criticize? They are jealous of me!"

As Mu Liunian spoke, he fed her, "All men envy me for marrying a beautiful girl like you, and all women envy you for marrying a perfect woman like me." Men. So, what they say, just think they are jealous."

Qian Xia knew that she couldn't speak against him, since Mu Liunian had never entered the court anyway, so there really wasn't anything serious to do.

"By the way, the matter of Lu Xiaoxiao has some clues. My people have found out that there is something wrong with the jewelry store. It is the property of the Mei family. I didn't expect that the Mei family would dare to intervene in the incident last time. Changping Palace."

Since Mu Liunian started cooking porridge, he has slowly consulted a few nuns and imperial physicians for advice. He knows that shifting his gaze can effectively relieve Qian Xia from morning sickness, so he doesn't mind talking about some unpleasant topics at this time. .

(End of this chapter)

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