Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 577 Whose Layout?

Chapter 577 Whose Layout? (3)
Qian Xia ate a mouthful of porridge, "It's the property of the Mei family, but it's not necessarily the people of the Mei family who are instigating Lu Qianxiao behind the scenes, right?"

"Smart! My Qianqian is indeed extremely intelligent."

Qian Xia gave him a funny and angry look, "Since I was pregnant, your mouth has become more and more useful. Every day is like applying honey. The most untrustworthy man who speaks sweet words. I Now I'm starting to worry about whether you don't like me, so you want to choose another concubine."

Mu Liunian pretended to be angry, and turned cold, "You're talking nonsense again!"

The two laughed and ate porridge together, and then Mu Liunian carried her to sit on the porch.Although it is winter, Mu Liunian has discovered a rule, as long as he can sit in some transparent and open place after eating in the shallow summer, the frequency of morning sickness will be less, and sometimes even not at all. threw up.

With this discovery, Mu Liunian would take her out for a walk every time after she finished eating, and he would not go too far. If there was wind, he would carry her directly to the attic in front to eat, and then Open the window of the outer room, and they sit inside to rest, which will neither make her feel stuffy, nor let her be directly blown by the wind.

Qian Xia is really a little tongue-in-cheek for Mu Liunian's carefulness!
She really didn't expect that Mu Liunian, as a man, could think of her to such an extent.

"Qianqian, you are only two months pregnant, I mean, don't go out. As for the palace banquet later, I will let my concubine talk for you."

Qian Xia snuggled into his arms, "It's up to you. I am like this, I am afraid that if I go to the palace banquet, it will only disappoint everyone. Didn't you just say that the shop Lu Qianxiao went to is Is it from the Mei family? Which family is it from?"

"Yes, it belongs to Mei Yuanhua's family. Since his death, these properties have been managed by his sons."

"How did Lu Xiaoxiao get to Liangcheng, have you found out?"

"So far, we can only find out that she has been in the capital for a long time. Specifically, there is no conclusion yet, but she seems to be involved in the Fang family's previous affairs."

"The Fang family? What's the matter?" Qian Xia was a little confused.

"Have you forgotten that Fang's family colluded with Huangfu Dingtao's people before and imprisoned Xiao Yunsong?"

Qian Xia became energetic all of a sudden, "You said that Lu Qianxiao also had a part in this matter?"

"Well. Lu Xiaoxiao is not an easy person. I found out that she is no longer a virgin, and the reason why she lived in that house was because she was the wife of a wealthy businessman. But I let people After staring at her for so long, I have never seen her husband come looking for her once."

Qian Xia bit her lips lightly, "Lu Xiaoxiao was not a scheming person at first. It's just that he disappeared just once, but he was so powerful? There must be someone behind the scenes to advise him. Since we can't find out who else If she is not a person, then start with the person close to her, and you will be able to find clues after all."

"Well, I've ordered it to go down. Now, just wait for the result."

The two talked for a while, and Mu Liunian noticed that the sky was getting cloudy and the wind was starting to blow, so he wrapped her up tighter, "Let's go in. I'll lie down with you for a while."

Because the news of Qian Xia's pregnancy was concealed, Yun's family was worried about Qian Xia, so she couldn't come to visit her every day.

"At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, why is Xu Qingmei so quiet recently?"

"Concubine Mu is afraid that she will come and disturb your rest, so she has filled up her classes every day. Right now, she is learning from female celebrities."

"Her?" As soon as Qian Xia thought of Xu Qingmei's sword-wielding hands embroidering flowers, her eyes darkened, why did she feel so happy?

After hesitating for a while, Qian Xia still told about Xu Qingmei's concern for Yun Ruoqi.

"I know it's impossible for the two of them. I'm also to blame. I shouldn't have allowed the two of them to get close in the first place. They are both young people, and Xu Qingmei has such a temperament. Now she is moved, but she can't let them get close. She got her wish, after all, we cheated her."

How could Mu Liunian be willing to make his wife blame herself?
"No! Don't you know Qingmei's temperament? Everything comes and goes quickly. After a few days, people will be refreshed. I'm a little worried about Yun Ruoqi."

"What are you afraid of?"

"Now that your second elder brother is engaged to a young lady from the Liu family, and Chang'an is obsessed with medicine, and Yun Ruoqi has been wandering around the rivers and lakes all year round, so it is inevitable that he will be more hostile. An ordinary woman may not be able to enter him. eyes."

Qian Xia was slightly taken aback, for the third brother, she always felt that he seemed a little mysterious, and she didn't see him many times, but after returning to Beijing, she gradually got to know him a little better.

Among the three brothers, he was the most thoughtful about certain things.

"Third brother can't always be like this. On the bright side, didn't uncle let him start managing the Yun family's property? In the future, he will have an aboveboard status. This marriage shouldn't be a big problem. I just I'm worried that he's also interested in Qingmei."

Saying that, Qian Xia's tone became a bit lonely again, "A lover cannot get married. Is there anything more cruel than this in this world?"

"Okay, this matter is not up to you. Just stop thinking about it. I'll explain what Yun Ruoqi meant later. In fact, the two of them may not be able to be together. "

Qian Xia suddenly raised her head and looked at him in disbelief, "What did you just say?"

Mu Liunian smiled at her, "Don't be in a hurry. It's still early anyway. Now that Ziye's border problems are getting worse, and now inside, the emperor is not at ease with the second prince. Maybe he will remember that he needs to use uncle."

Asahi said she didn't understand.

She can understand the troubles and internal worries here, but what does this have to do with uncle?
"Zi Ye has not had a national teacher for two generations of emperors. Perhaps, this time, the emperor will intentionally help the Yun family up again. However, it is unknown whether it is real support or fake support."

Qian Xia thought for a while before she understood what he meant.

Does the emperor intend to use Yun Cangli's power to solve the border problem?At the same time, before the second prince can win over this effective supporter, win Yun Cangli first, at least, for the fourth prince, this is an extremely big boost.

Regardless of the special status of the Yun family, just being rich and incomparably rich is enough to provide the fourth prince with considerable support.

"The emperor will help the fourth prince establish his authority. I understand that. But I don't believe that he will be willing to reactivate the Yun family. After all, he has been afraid of the Yun family for so many years, how could he figure it out all of a sudden?"

(End of this chapter)

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