Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 581 Each has his own thoughts!

Chapter 581 Each has his own thoughts! (2)
There was a wry smile on the corner of Qian Xia's lips, this feeling of knowing that she would not live long really made her very upset.

Qian Xia's face was a little pale, probably because she had used the illusion for too long.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I'm fine. You don't have to worry."

The voice was very low and a little hoarse. To Mu Liunian's ears, it was a kind of weakness.

"Qianqian, you don't know how scary you looked just now. Promise me that we will stop using secret techniques for a while before you give birth, okay? Some things don't have to be done by your method Clear. I also have my means, you should learn to trust me."

Qian Xia's lips curled up, "I have always believed in you. You are my husband, aren't you?"

Mu Liunian's fingers were still trembling, although it was no longer so obvious, but even his voice trembled a little, "Qianqian, I hope this is the last time. Promise me, you won't do it without telling me. Something too risky."

Qian Xia was really tired this time, so she leaned into his arms again, and responded in a low voice, "Yes. Got it."

The two returned to Chu Yunxuan, Princess Changping was waiting there, and when she saw that Qian Xia was brought in by Mu Liunian, her heart skipped a beat, "What's wrong? Why is Qian Xia's face so pale?"

"It's okay, Concubine Mu. Just now when we went out together, someone startled the carriage and scared her." Mu Liunian tried his best to make his voice sound calmer.

"The carriage was startled? Is there any discomfort in Qianxia? Does the stomach hurt? Do you want to call the imperial doctor?"

Qian Xia managed to pull herself together, "I'm fine, Concubine Mother. It was someone else's carriage that frightened me. It wasn't our carriage."

Princess Changping saw that she could still laugh, and that she still had some confidence in her words, so she patted her chest, "I'm scared to death. It's fine, it's fine. Quick, go to bed and lie down first. Come on People, go to the dining room to stew bird's nest, and impress the concubine in a while."

"Yes, princess."

Princess Changping sat on the edge of the bed and carefully looked at her face, reached out and touched her forehead, then touched her hand again, to make sure she was fine, and then began to reprimand, "Why are you so rude?" Accident? Fleeting Years, didn’t you say that you didn’t even leave the door of Yixin Garden in the first three months of pregnancy? Why do you dare to take her into the street? What if I startle my little grandson again? ?”

Mu Liunian smiled apologetically, "Concubine Mu, I won't dare anymore. I just took her out for a walk because I was worried that she would be bored here all the time and would feel uncomfortable. Don't worry, I won't take her out again in the future. gone."

"You child, it's not the mother and concubine talking about you. This woman is pregnant, so many things are a bit difficult to deal with. This body is heavy, but she is very delicate. I don't dare to be so careless in the future."

"Yes, concubine mother."

"Xiao Xia, if you miss your mother and aunt, I'll ask someone to invite them to stay with you here for a few days. You can't go out anymore."

"Yes, concubine mother." Qian Xia also nodded obediently, and Princess Changping gave a few more instructions before leaving.

Mu Liunian breathed a sigh of relief, and slumped on the chair without any hesitation, "You saw it too? From now on, you will definitely be grounded. Going out again? Don't even think about it!"

Seeing Mu Liunian being reprimanded by Princess Changping, Qian Xia regained some energy, and said with a smile, "Is my face really scary? I just feel a little tired, and everything else is fine. ah."

Only now did Mu Liunian take a closer look at her face, and it was indeed a little pale.However, looking at her brows and eyes, she is still energetic, so she should not be lying.

"Lie down for a while, and sleep if you're tired. I'll cook some porridge for you."

Qian Xia did not stop him this time, but nodded at him with a smile, and added, "I want to eat vegetables, not carrots."

"Okay!" Mu Liunian responded in a low voice, kissed her on the forehead, and helped her lower the bed curtain so that she could rest better.

Qian Xia was also really tired, and muttered, "Is it because she is pregnant? It was only for such a short time, but she was so tired." Before she finished speaking, she closed her eyes, and after a while, her breathing Gradually evened out.

When Mu Liunian came back with the porridge, he saw Qian Xia sleeping soundly, and hesitated whether to wake her up.

I used deep hypnosis on Lu Xiaoxiao today, no wonder she was so tired.Even if you are not pregnant, using deep hypnosis on another person is extremely exhausting.

Mu Liunian put the porridge aside, and sat on the side of the bed, looking at Qian Xia's peaceful sleeping face. At this time, she seemed to still reveal a calm and rational temperament, which made people feel a little unbelievable. .

The back of Mu Liunian's hand gently caressed her face, feeling her smoothness and gentleness, and the corners of his lips curled up unconsciously. Although it was small, it looked very sweet and satisfied.

Qian Xia sighed, then moved her head, her eyelashes fluttered slightly, and she opened her eyes.

"Huh? Is it late? I slept for a long time?"

Mu Liunian still kept his hand on her face, and said with a smile, "No. You only slept for half an hour. Since you woke up, you should eat first. After sleeping for a while, you should feel better, right?"

Qian Xia nodded, and was supported by him to sit up. At this time, her complexion was slightly rosy, and she looked much better than when she just came back.

"Eat more. You have consumed too much energy today. Wait a little later and have another bowl of milk."

"it is good."

After finishing the porridge, Mu Liunian carried her outside for a walk.

"At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, why don't you take me for a walk in the flower room?"

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows, "It's so late, you still want to enjoy the flowers?"

"No, I just want to visit our greenhouse."

"Okay." Mu Liunian hugged her along the way, because she walked very slowly considering that she had just eaten. Qian Xia seemed to enjoy this speed and warm embrace.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, will you hold me all the time? Until I am old and ugly. My body is also fat. Will you hold me and walk?"

Mu Liunian's heart suddenly felt sour, as if something was stuck in his throat, he uttered a note with great difficulty, "Yes."

As long as you can stay with me all the time, then I will hold you all the time.No matter what day I can't hold you anymore, I still want to hold you in my arms.

Qian Xia smiled sweetly, "What you said is really nice. Although I have some doubts whether it is true, but I am really glad to hear you say that."

Mu Liunian was also infected by her smile, "Heh, when did I ever lie to you? You are old, but you are still a good-looking old woman. I just hope you don't think I'm too ugly when the time comes."

(End of this chapter)

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