Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 582 Each has his own thoughts!

Chapter 582 Each has his own thoughts! (3)
"How could it be?" Qian Xia raised her head, there seemed to be extremely dazzling brilliance surging in her eyes, and then the hands clasped around his neck exerted force, shifting most of the gravity of her body over, so that she could He raised his head, smacked his face, and then smiled threateningly, "When you grow old, I will kiss you like this, but you just don't want to despise me."

Mu Liunian forced himself to smile more naturally, "How come?"

Qian Xia was a bit petty, snorted softly, then put her head on his chest, and said proudly, "I'm sure you won't dare to dislike me! Otherwise, I'll use illusion for you, non-stop Let you say that you love me and you care about me. And in front of our children and grandchildren, will you blush when you see it? "

Mu Liunian was amused by her words!
Having known her for so long, it is really rare for Qian Xia to have such a childish side.

Qian Xia was already a little tired. Although she slept for a while before, she was lethargic since she was pregnant. She was hugged by him like this and turned around in the greenhouse. Before she came out, she was in his arms fell asleep.

Looking at her peaceful sleeping face, Mu Liunian really felt that what he held in his arms was the most precious treasure in the world.

Afraid that the cold wind would blow after going out and make her suffer from the cold, Mu Liunian just rested in the room outside the greenhouse.

Sanqi and Yaoyue carried the quilt over, Mu Liunian didn't change clothes all night, just hugged her and fell asleep.

Mu Liunian woke up early, and instead of rushing to practice his sword, he carefully looked at Qian Xia, who was sleeping soundly.

He really didn't expect that the person behind Lu Xiaoxiao would be Princess Songbao, she is the daughter of Prince Li, how could she order Lu Xiaoxiao to do these things?

Also, Princess Songbao didn't seem to have any problems with Qianxia before, I'm afraid they haven't even met each other a few times, so why bother to make things difficult for her?

Or, Princess Songbao's original intention was to make the Changping palace mess up?
What good would it do her?
Mu Liunian would not believe that Prince Li was standing behind Princess Songbao.

Even if Prince Li has other thoughts, it is impossible to move Changping Palace's thoughts.As the prince of the royal family, he knows best what the Mu family represents.

So, what is the intention of Princess Songbao to do this?

Do you want to deepen your understanding of the Changping Palace through Xu Youting, or do you simply see that the husband and wife are unhappy?

It seems that the answer has been obtained, but this answer is even more confusing.

Princess Anning and Princess Songbao have always been on good terms, could it be Princess Anning who provoked them?Things seem to be getting more and more complicated.

After Qian Xia woke up, she opened her eyes and saw Mu Liunian, she squinted her eyes, "It's dawn?"

"Hmm. Still want to sleep?"

Qian Xia groaned, then closed her eyes and shook her head, "I won't sleep anymore. But I don't want to move."

"Then lie down for a while."

Qian Xia grinned, "You will spoil me."

"It's good to be spoiled. If you spoil your temper so badly, no man will be able to stand you except me in the future. How dare you provoke me outside."

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows to look at him, she had just woken up, and her spirits were not in a good state at all, her eyes hadn't fully recovered at the moment, but she was a bit lazy and bewildered.

She has double pupils, but looking at her closely at this moment, her pupils are extraordinarily black and bright, like dazzling obsidian, which makes people sink in at a glance.

Mu Liunian didn't hold back either, he lowered his body, tilted his head, and directly sealed her lips.

The big hand was rubbing gently on her chest through the underwear, and Qian Xia was also aroused by his actions, but her reason was stronger than her senses, "No, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty! child."

The movements of Mu Liunian's hands paused, and then he gasped heavily, his dark eyes revealing a bit of lust, "Little fairy, when your womb is firmly seated, let me see how I can deal with you!"

Qian Xia was slightly embarrassed, and then said in a somewhat dull voice, "I'm pregnant, so can't I do that? Or, I'll arrange one or two roommates for you?"

Having said that, why do you feel so uncomfortable?It's a bit sour and astringent, and there's still a little bit of pain in it, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Mu Liunian's face darkened, "Are you sincere?"

Qian Xia was slightly stunned, and then felt the bitterness in her heart spread rapidly, and even felt that bitter taste in her throat.

"Otherwise? I'm your wife. It's my job to arrange a concubine room for you, isn't it?" Qian Xia's voice was a little dull, and then suddenly choked up, "But I just I don't want you to touch other women, what should I do?"

When Mu Liu heard her words at the beginning of the year, he was a little angry, but after hearing the second half, he was overjoyed again.

"Silly girl, it's settled, it's just the two of us, no one can force us."

There was a layer of mist in Qian Xia's eyes, and she asked pitifully, "Can you really do it?"

Mu Liunian smiled slightly, and said cautiously, "Not necessarily. So, you have to supervise me for the rest of your life. As long as I dare to have sex with other women, you have to remind me. Use Your illusion, okay?"

Only then did Qian Xia chuckle, and then said a little embarrassedly, "I don't know what's wrong, anyway, I just feel unhappy in my heart, and I didn't mean to mess with you, I, I just don't know what's wrong. "

Mu Liunian patted her on the shoulder lightly, "Don't do this. This is a normal reaction of pregnant women. You are still considered light, and some people even beat and scold their husbands."


"Of course it's true!" Mu Liunian said in an affirmative tone, as if he had actually seen such a woman with his own eyes.

The two got tired of crooked for a while, then got up and walked out of the greenhouse slowly.

"Back to the son, the concubine. The prince and the princess are waiting for you two to have breakfast in the flower hall."

"Okay, got it. Let's go there."

Mu Liunian hugged Qian Xia again, and strode towards the flower hall.However, the movements of his hands were extraordinarily gentle, never making the person in his arms feel uncomfortable at all.

When she got to the flower hall, Qian Xia felt a little embarrassed, struggled twice, and beckoned him to let her down.

From a distance, Mu Liunian saw his father and mother concubine smiling at him. There was a hint of joking in that smile.But Mu Liunian has a thick skin, and he can laugh when he smiles. Anyway, she is his daughter-in-law. If he doesn't hug him, why should he let others do it for him?
(End of this chapter)

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