Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 812 Start to act!

Chapter 812 Start to act! (2)
Only then did Qianxia think of something, "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, didn't you say that the third sister and the third younger brother are both in Liaocheng? Why haven't you seen them?"

It was Yun Ruogu who answered her, "Oh, they are in Bieyuan now. This means Fleeting Years, and I want to see if Ding Moxian will make any moves. Besides, Mu Huanran is not here. When you come Before, he had been transferred to the barracks, and now, he is with them, receiving recruit training."

Qian Xia froze for a moment, and then asked, "So, have you made any moves so far?"

Yun Ruogu smiled mysteriously, "Ding Moxian's ability is not small. In my other garden, he was able to send someone to infiltrate him. After all, I underestimated him."

"So, he already knows Mu Huanrong's identity?"

When Qian Xia said this, she looked at Mu Liunian. After all, such news is really not good news. If it is true, then he will most likely send the news to Liang Cheng.

Mu Liunian shook his head and said with a smile, "Don't pay attention to him, he's trying to scare you on purpose."

Yun Ruogu coughed awkwardly, and then under Qian Xia's gaze, he had no choice but to continue, "In fact, his people did infiltrate, but they didn't get any useful news. But , Through this incident, I found out by accident that Ding Moxian was colluding with some ruffians in Liaocheng."

"Ruffian?" Princess Changping was a little surprised, "He is the son-in-law of the Liu family, how could he have contact with the ruffian?"

"Back to the princess, this is exactly the ruthlessness of Ding Moxian. There are many things that he can't do on the bright side, so he can only find some local second-generation ancestors to do them. In the past two years, because of offending those officials of Ding Moxian, the mansion has suffered a lot."

Qian Xia sneered, "It's really surprising that he even came up with such a method. I really thought that Liao City was his Ding Moxian's world? Liaocheng is indeed far away from Liangcheng, but it doesn't mean that he Ding Moxian You can do whatever you want?"

Yun Ruogu unhurriedly explained Ding Moxian's evil deeds in Liao City in the past two years.

Later, however, Yun Ruoqi was filled with righteous indignation, and described a few more representative cases in detail.

"If you can't solve it on the surface, use such despicable means. This Ding Moxian is really hateful."

Even Princess Changping and Yun Shi, who have always been good-tempered, were a little bit annoyed. It can be seen how much this Ding Moxian has been hated by others!
Qian Xia narrowed her eyes slightly, although she also listened to these things, most of her thoughts were on her precious son, "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, you don't want to unite all those who have been bullied by him. Officials?"

Mu Liunian smiled faintly, "Why not?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and poked Xiao Yunhua's white and tender face, "If he didn't want to inquire about the situation in the other garden of the Yun family this time, I'm afraid we won't be able to find out about it. It has done a great job.”

"Okay, she knew you were here, but you sent her there, and you don't know what she will think of you?"

Mu Liunian pouted and said nothing.

Princess Changping hesitated, "How is your third brother in the military camp?"

"It's okay, don't worry, it's just a test. If he is really not suitable for staying in the barracks, I will find a way to get him out."

"Your third brother Xiwen grew up, but now you have brought him into the barracks. He is your only younger brother, but he can't make any mistakes. The prince has not been easy these years."

What he said seemed to be a little far-fetched, but both Mu Liunian and Qian Xia understood.

The Changping Palace has had a difficult time these years, especially the prince, who has to maintain the Changping Palace without being too strict with the higher-ups. Therefore, the disguise for many years is naturally indispensable.

Mu Huanqing is not a member of the Mu family, and in the fleeting generation, there are only two brothers in the direct line.Although Mu Huanran is a concubine, for Mu Liunian, there is only such a brother, so he doesn't talk about concubines anymore.

Princess Changping could tell when she thought about it, her son was going to do something big.

At this time, it is better to ask your own brother to help.

"Mother, don't worry, my son knows what to do. Even if he can't go to the battlefield to fight, at least he has to go through some experience to let him know how comfortable he was in Changping Palace. The outside world is far more complicated than he imagined."

At this time, Yun Ruogu met Qian Xia's questioning eyes, and whispered, "Mu Liunian did not reveal Mu Huanran's identity, so they didn't know that Mu Huanran was his younger brother. In the new barracks, But I suffered a lot.”

Qian Xia glanced at Mu Liunian, shook her head, and said nothing.

She understands Mu Liunian's thoughts.

It's not to make things difficult for Mu Huanran deliberately, but simply to watch him grow up.

If a man does not experience the baptism of war, then he must experience a life that is extremely subversive to his past life in order to truly grow up.

Especially the noble son who once lived in Youwo, without experiencing some hardships, he would never know that there is another kind of life in this world.

And this state of life is experienced by most people.

Especially when Mu Liunian wanted to take all Liaocheng and Yangzhou under his command, his younger brother had to understand that it was not easy for the common people.

This kind of understanding is not just lip service, but must be truly stored in his heart. Only by letting him truly experience the bitterness and difficulty of the common people can he truly cherish the common people.

Originally the third son of the palace, even if he was not valued very much, he was still well-clothed and well-fed, with constant servants. Now that he has entered the military camp, he can experience it deeply. Without his family background, without the support of the family, what would he do? Nor is it.

If so, he still can't value a family, then he is too stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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