Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 813 The governor vomits blood!

Chapter 813 The governor vomits blood! (1)
Furthermore, he is the third son of the Changping Prince's Mansion. Now let him taste carefully how much pressure and suffering ordinary people have to endure to survive in this world. It will naturally be beneficial to his future growth.

"Mother, mother, Tangtang."

Listening to Xiao Yunhua's immature voice, Qian Xia pursed her lips and smiled, her eyebrows and eyes curved, "Do you want candy?"

Xiao Yunhua nodded, looked at her mother with cute eyes, and then smacked her lips vigorously, thinking if she could ask her for more candy.

Looking at his big black eyes, Qian Xia couldn't help laughing, "You came to mother's place just to eat Tangtang?"

Xiao Yunhua pouted slightly, "Sugar, sugar."

Mu Liunian reached out and slapped his little butt, and then directly lifted him from Qian Xia's arms.

"Stinky boy, how many times have I told you? Don't eat candy casually, or your teeth will be broken!"

How could Xiao Yunhua listen to this?

In the consciousness of children, sugar is sweet, how delicious is it?Why not feed him?Can't understand.

"Tang, Tang, Daddy, kiss." As he spoke, he kissed Mu Liunian and began to ask for candy again.

The princess smiled, took a purse from the maid beside her, and took out a small paper bag from it, "This is ginger candy made by Chang'an. It doesn't matter if children eat less, and it can be reduced." He has a chance of typhoid fever. Come on, just eat a small one."

As soon as Xiao Yunhua saw the princess taking out the paper bag, her eyes lit up.

Subconsciously, he threw himself towards her, and Mu Liunian had to move a few times to follow.

"Sugar, sugar."

"Call me grandma. If you don't call me, you won't eat it." Princess Changping pinched a piece of ginger candy, which was shining golden, dangling in front of Xiao Yunhua's eyes.

Although Xiao Yunhua can speak, she can still pronounce simple words. How can she call her grandmother?
He could only make a symbolic sound similar to grandma, which caused everyone to laugh, and the princess stuffed the candy into his mouth.

"Sweet, sweet." Xiao Yunhua's face turned into a flower with a smile, pointing at the little pouch with a small hand, the meaning was obvious, and she wanted to take it into her hand.

Mu Liunian's face darkened, "No! You still have some in your mouth, let's talk after eating."

Xiao Yunhua seemed to be able to feel the anger gradually emanating from the man who was holding him, she pursed her mouth, lowered her head slightly, and neither said a word nor swayed her body.

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows, Mu Liunian's aura actually has the function of intimidating children, not bad!
At night, Qian Xia fell asleep holding Xiao Yunhua, put him on the small bed, fanned him for a while, saw that Mu Liunian had also returned from the bath, and whispered, "Since the concubine mother is here, are you here?" Don't you think about taking the third brother back? Let them meet too?"

"Let's talk about it. He has just entered the barracks not long ago. At this time, it is not suitable."

Qian Xia stopped talking after hearing the words, she didn't understand such things as military training, since she didn't understand, naturally she didn't need to say more.

"Where's Qinglong? Why didn't I see him?" Qian Xia still has a keen sense of everything around her.

"I asked him to go to work. Since the plan was drawn up before, it must be implemented."

Qian Xia's eyes lit up, "You mean, you have found all of Ding Moxian's belongings?"

"Well, it's really not old or young."

"Then, only Qinglong will go alone? Will it be too dangerous?"

"Your third brother also followed. Originally, I didn't want him to participate. After all, it was your third brother, but he refused. There is no other way but to let him go."

After Mu Liunian finished speaking, he glanced at Xiao Yunhua who was sleeping soundly, and held Qian Xia's hand, "Don't worry, nothing will happen. Both Qinglong and Yun Ruoqi have brought their own people, quite a few."

To say that Ding Moxian is actually a smart person, all his belongings are well hidden.

In addition to several secret compartments in his study, there is also a secret room, and further down from that secret room is a huge underground money bank.

Although Ding Moxian's family was not very poor in his early years, he was definitely not a wealthy family.

During his studies, he kept a low profile, not because of anything else, but because he felt that he was wearing common clothes, but those sons from rich families were all dressed in rich clothes.

Until the death of his first wife, he didn't save much money, but his life was better than before.

Later, after high school, he entered the court and became an official, and slowly, with some money, he became more and more confident in speaking and doing things.

Especially later he married Luanhe Liu's daughter to fill in the house. The beauty in his heart cannot be described as a happy one.

Ding Mo is this person first, perhaps because his family was not rich in his early years, so most of the bribes he accepts are only real money, because seeing these real things makes him feel at ease.

Of course, the officials got bigger and bigger, and later, the more they gave away were some silver notes and jewelry.

Except for some large-value banknotes, he just exchanged them for gold or silver for those less than 1000 taels after verification.

It was all hidden in the underground money bank under his study.

If this is a normal person, it is generally impossible to do such a thing.


In case you are promoted or transferred in the future, what will you do with your gold and silver?
How could Ding Moxian be a little bit wrong?
When he was transferred to Liaocheng earlier, he deposited the previous silver in several banks and took only a small amount of silver on the road. After he settled down in Liaocheng, except for a small part for his wife After the banknotes, the money will be exchanged. This is really a big deal.

It's only been two years since I've been in Liaocheng, how much money have I been greedy for?

After Qinglong and Yun Ruoqi arrived at the Ding Mansion, Yun Ruoqi raised his hand, and then quickly went to a few places, then they turned over the wall and came to the study.

(End of this chapter)

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