Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 814 The governor vomits blood!

Chapter 814 The governor vomits blood! (2)
"I lighted the mist outside, it was given by my elder brother, it's easy to keep."

Qinglong nodded, "Master Yun's things are naturally good. But you have to keep some, we have to go to the granary later."

"Don't worry, I have many of these things on me."

Qinglong and Yun Ruoqi went into the underground money bank to have a look, oh my god, how much money does this cost?If it was just the two of them moving, at least it would take a month and a half and 20 days to move.

Fortunately, both of them brought people with them, and although the Ding Mansion also has a nursing home, compared with them, it is obviously not enough.

Two people were at the bottom and one was at the top. The people who were staring at them moved money quickly. By the way, Yun Ruoqi asked Yunying to call more people, so that they could end this exciting and adventurous behavior as soon as possible.

Dozens of people have been tossing and tossing until the middle of the night, and finally they have moved the underground money bank, so they are relieved.

The two happily glanced at the empty underground money bank, smiled at each other, and slapped each other, "Go, next place."

When they arrived at the granary, the operation naturally did not go so smoothly.

Because this place is not under his nose for Ding Moxian, so the guards here are extraordinarily strict.

The two looked at it for a long time, "Qinglong, I can't see it. There is so much food, it is impossible for us to evacuate it in one night."

"Then what? Put it off until tomorrow? If Ding Mo finds out first, won't it be more difficult for us later?"

Yun Ruoqi thought about it, this matter is indeed a bit difficult.

If you don't move at all today, what if Ding Mo finds out that his underground money bank is empty tomorrow?Then he will definitely take strict precautions here.

If there are more guards here tomorrow, they might not be able to take a single grain.

"Then think of a way, first get the granary in the innermost one, move as much as you can, if it's really not possible, we will sleep during the day tomorrow, and then come at night."

"Sure, Ding Moxian only entered his underground money bank last night. According to the results of our previous follow-up, he probably won't go down these two days. Let's get a batch of grain first tonight, and the rest will come later tomorrow." .”

The two made up their minds and started to do it.

It wasn't until the sky was getting dark that the group stopped immediately, and Qinglong and Yun Ruoqi wiped away the traces of the place where the incense was burned before, and then hurried back to Yunfu.

Naturally, all the stolen gold and silver were placed in Yunfu.

Yun Ruogu also didn't sleep all night, so he just stood here and counted the money.

When the silver was counted out, there was so much food again.

Fortunately, it was Mu Liunian who lived in his mansion, the rations, and the army rations when they entered Liaocheng before, were all placed in Yunfu.

Ding Moxian is very smart. The grain in the granary is directly hoarded in the granary. There are no sacks, but Mu Liunian is not stupid. He asked his [-] army to empty all the bags used earlier. Last night they These sacks were used to steal these grains.

Mu Liunian looked at their harvest overnight, and nodded in satisfaction, "That's right, at least it proves that you all have the talent to be thieves."

Qinglong didn't say anything, but Yun Ruoqi said sadly, "Mu Liunian, aren't you too heartless? Who are we working so hard for? Do you want to be so ruthless and cold-blooded to watch the fun?"

Mu Liunian glanced at him, "Okay, this talk is sharper than before."

Yun Ruoqi snorted coldly, turned his head and said, "I'm going to bed first, don't I have to steal food tonight?"

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows and looked at Qinglong again. Although his face did not look sleepy, how could he not be tired after tossing around all night?
"Bring more people over tonight, and try to solve everything tonight."

"Yes, son."

After walking a few steps away, Yun Ruoqi curled his lips and went back to sleep in his yard without saying a word.

When Qian Xia heard that their business was completed, she was naturally happy. Yun Ruogu had finished counting, and the conclusions drawn from this could scare the few people present to death.

A total of 5000 taels of gold and 10 taels of silver were obtained.

These are all in stock, real gold and silver, plus there are 4 taels of silver notes, now Mu Liunian is really prosperous.

In addition, there is still a box full of jewelry, and the specific value is really difficult to estimate at the moment.

After Qian Xia walked around these things, she suddenly realized, "I finally understand why some rich and noble families are always going to be unlucky when a big war is imminent. People like Ding Moxian copied his family , almost enough to cover half a year's military expenses for an army of [-] troops."

Mu Liunian was slightly stagnant, did Qian Xia's words be too straightforward?

"You said, Ding Moxian is also a literati, so he didn't collect some calligraphy and paintings? If those things are brought back, they can also be sold for money."

When he said this, his eyes were looking at Qinglong, and his eyes clearly said, you are not doing your job well, why don't you think of a way to get some more valuable things back?

Yun Ruogu coughed twice, "Qianqian, some of those things are on the bright side, if we steal them right now, they will be too conspicuous."

"That's true, let's wait until the granary is stolen."

The corners of Qinglong's mouth twitched. He used to think that their masters were ruthless, and they would almost leave no room for anything. But now after hearing what Shi Zifei said, he felt that Shi Zifei was the most ruthless one.

"Where's Bao'er?" Only then did Mu Liunian notice that Qian Xia came here alone, without the child.

"Oh, mother and concubine mother are playing with him in their arms. They just had some porridge, and they ate a lot."

Yun Ruogu ordered people to quickly put everything in order. On the surface, Yunfu was still the normal Yunfu.

Mu Liunian pulled Qian Xia, then called Yun Ruogu, and they went into the study together.

Spreading out a map, Mu Liunian pointed to Liaocheng and Yangzhou Road, "These two cities are actually next to each other according to the land boundary, but according to the actual construction of the city, there is still a gap of two in between. More than ten li. Therefore, we must find a way to build another wall here. The purpose is to prevent foreign enemies from invading. Trade between them can resume."

(End of this chapter)

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