Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 834 Mysterious son!

Chapter 834 Mysterious son! (1)
However, at least I know that there is indeed someone behind Commander Xu.As for where it is from, I'm afraid it will be hard to figure out for a while.

The key now is to find that Mrs. Xu, I hope they move fast enough.

However, Mu Liunian did not have much hope for this.

After all, Mrs. Xu has been running away for a few days. Even if she has people by her side, once she confronts the real killer, she may be dead.

Mu Liunian was already a little annoyed at this time, this time, he was too careless.

Such a good clue turned out to be lost, so it was lost.

Sure enough, two days later, the people from Seven Stars Sect who sent to find Mrs. Xu's mother and son came back to report that the person was dead, and the body had already started to rot, but it was still possible to judge that it was their mother and son.

"What a cruel heart! Even women and children are not spared."

When Mu Liunian heard the news, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly, "Fortunately, the old couple didn't leave. If they left, they must have been murdered too."

Yun Ruoqi was awakened by these words, "You mean, that person didn't want to, or didn't dare to do anything inside Liao City, but chose outside the city instead?"

"It's very possible. Otherwise, Mrs. Xu's mother and son left the next day. Why didn't that person send killers that night? Since there are his chess pieces here, he must have sent people to guard them closely, and they are not in Liaocheng. Do it, there is only one possibility."


"They are worried that their identities will be revealed." Mu Liunian said, and immediately asked, "How about the bodies of those people?"

"Young master, I have been in the bath for a few days, and I can only barely recognize people. As for when they died, I can't experience it. Originally, they all had knife wounds on their bodies, but now, because they were Soaked in water, it is already impossible to tell what kind of knife caused the wound."

Mrs. Xu's mother and son died, and all clues were cut off.

In addition to being able to judge that the opponent is most likely not from Ziye, the weapons they use may be easily recognized by others.That is to say, the weapons they use are not used by ordinary people.

Because it involved contacts other than Zi Ye, and it was very likely that he had something to do with the world, so Yun Ruoqi personally investigated this matter.

He has traveled the rivers and lakes for many years, and he is also very good at weapons.

In the area of ​​Liaocheng and Yangzhou, both towns and villages are very peaceful. People still work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

Nothing is different.

Although the construction of the city wall was not fast, but because of this, it did not give the people here a sense of tension.

But the outside world is now turned upside down.

In addition to Yunzhou being occupied by the four princes, there were civil uprisings in five counties elsewhere.

Although the scale is small, which place does not need Xiao Yunfang to send troops to suppress?
In this way, the fourth prince soon occupied Wucheng, the nearest city in Yunzhou.

Not only that, the fourth prince also issued a notice to let everyone in the world know that his fourth prince is recruiting talents, and, don't forget, spread the words that Xiao Yunfang killed his father and seized the throne. In two months, the people in Yunzhou and Wucheng were all brainwashed by him.

After all, one was an emperor far away in Liangcheng, whom they had never seen before.

One is a young master who is hiding in Yunzhou, and often haunts the public, and his words and deeds are quite elegant and generous.

People are always willing to believe what they see, so the fourth prince's friendly behavior was quickly rewarded.

The support of the people soon gave the fourth prince a taste of the sweetness.

The collection of military rations by the subordinates, including their large-scale conscription, etc., went very smoothly.

The fourth prince was very happy, so he naturally wanted to comfort the advisors and warriors around him.

When Xiao Yunfang heard the news, he was so angry that he scolded the Fourth Prince for being shameless.

But the most important thing right now is that Zi Ye has already ignited wars in many places.Whether it's the fourth prince or the civil uprising, it's all trouble for Xiao Yunfang at this time.

He Shaobai was transferred to suppress the civil uprising, while Sang Qiulie was stationed in Fenghe, northeast of Yunzhou, so as to prevent the fourth prince from suddenly advancing towards Liangcheng.

On the surface, it seems that Sang Qiulie and He Shaobai did not play a role in stopping the fourth prince.

But in fact, if it wasn't for the two of them cooperating with each other, I'm afraid that this would be occupied by the fourth prince, and it wouldn't just be Wucheng.

"Zi Rui, you should think of a way. The Fourth Prince's forces have already been pushed to this point. If they can't be eradicated, what's the matter?"

"Queen Mother, it's not that Zirui doesn't want to do anything. It's that Zirui is good at strategy, but not good at war. And because the emperor doesn't trust the Mu family, he has been reluctant to let the Mu family's army go out, and the humble minister has no choice. "

"Zi Rui, are you still blaming him?"

Sangqiu Zirui shook his head, "This is the end, what's the use of blaming him? Empress Dowager, if the Mu family's army can't come out now, then we have to find a way to increase the number of troops."

"Zi Rui, I understand what you mean. The Ai family doesn't understand the war, but the Ai family knows that in this war, once who wins the hearts of the people, the chances of winning will increase."

"The Queen Mother is wise."

"Zi Rui, you don't have to always say these things in front of me, I know you have a way. There must be."

"Queen, the key now is not whether I have a solution, but the emperor's attitude."

The Queen Mother's mind tightened, "What do you mean?"

"He has been reluctant to use some veterans. Mu's army is just one of them. He is also worried about some veterans who were once very loyal to the late emperor. At this time, his actions will undoubtedly only make things worse. A while ago I wonder if the Queen Mother has heard about the accident in Huai'an City?"

"Huai'an? There was also a civil uprising in Huai'an?"

"Back to the queen mother, that's right. There was also a civil uprising in Huai'an, but Huai'an didn't report to the court and asked the court to send troops to rescue it. Instead, he worked with the local people to find a way to solve it. It's not just that he didn't use the soldiers sent by the court. One pawn, even, directly captured the leader."

(End of this chapter)

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