Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 835 Mysterious son!

Chapter 835 Mysterious son! (2)
The queen mother was shocked at first, then frowned slightly, "Does the emperor know about this?"


The empress dowager's heart immediately mentioned it, seeing Sangqiu Zirui's reaction, she probably also guessed what stupid idea Xiao Yunfang would have.

"The emperor is worried that Huai'an's strength is too strong, and he intends to weaken Huai'an's resistance on purpose. Queen Mother, I really don't know what to say. At such a critical juncture, the governor of Huai'an suppressed the rebels, but still After being scolded by the emperor, if there is any turmoil in Huai'an in the future, how does he want Fang Liang to deal with it?"

The Empress Dowager's face was gloomy, and the emperor's affairs became more and more irrelevant.

At this time, did he still have the heart to reprimand Fang Liang?

It's fine if you don't praise it, but you don't have to issue an order to reprimand it, right?What do the rich gentry and nobles in Huai'an think?How would Fang Liang deal with himself?Also, Huai'an still has Xu Yan, the fierce general of the year.

Now, King Changping is also there, and the emperor's decree is obviously for them to listen to.

"The emperor has become more and more unreliable in his work recently. The Ai family also doesn't understand, he was not such a person before, why is he sitting on the dragon chair, and the whole person becomes unpredictable?"

"Back to the queen mother, the dragon chair, once you sit on it, it doesn't mean the end, it's just the beginning. If you don't sit in that position, you will never experience the anxiety and entanglement of sitting there. Being an emperor is a pain. , but to be an emperor, you have to rack your brains, if the emperor still can't focus on the big picture, then Liangcheng will belong to the fourth prince sooner or later."

The last sentence was too heavy, and the queen mother was stunned for a moment.

In recent days, sometimes even when she summoned the emperor, the emperor would often shirk his busy government affairs and would not come over.What exactly is the emperor bewitched by?
"Come here, go and check. Where does the emperor often rest recently? Also, check who are the people who are close to the emperor and serve the emperor. From the general manager to the little eunuch who sent the message, let the Ai family check carefully gone."

"Yes, Queen Mother."

Sangqiu Zirui didn't seem to have the slightest interest in how the Queen Mother would handle this matter.

All of these things today are moving towards the results of his divination.

Although he is a mystic, he would not be stupid to do things like changing his fate against the sky.After all, he still has the deepest concern in this world, and he didn't want to leave early.

Of course, it is still unknown who will win the game in the end.

The fourth prince should have borrowed external force, but once his situation is brought to the fore, it is naturally impossible for Mu Liunian to sit still and wait for death.

The person he hates the most is the person who betrayed his country and relatives.

No matter how great the reasons and the intelligence of the fourth prince, Mu Liunian would never tolerate a person who betrayed his own country and ascended the throne.

Sangqiu Zirui is just waiting now, waiting for the fourth prince to make a move, because if the people behind him don't come out, then it is impossible for Mu Liunian to take action against him.In this way, the fourth prince may still have the upper hand for a while.

In Jingguo's mansion, Sang Qiuhong is already in a hurry. The third brother has been on the expedition for so long, so far there is no hope of regaining Yunzhou. At this juncture, Wucheng is lost again. I don't know. Will the emperor blame him? Sancholie will not lead troops to fight.

Although some people in the court clearly analyzed the pros and cons, there are still many people who hold different views on this.

Nothing more than, that is to say, without He Shaobai, Sanqiu Lie couldn't even hold a Wucheng.

But the problem is that Wucheng was not guarded by Sang Qiulie in the first place, it was clearly the Liu family who served as the governor there, why no one blamed the governor Liu who lost the city and abandoned the people and ran back alone ?
Sang Qiulie also knew that Liu Xiang's power in the court is growing day by day. The problem is that the emperor has always valued him very much.

Now, the situation outside is unclear, and the situation in Liangcheng is also a little unclear.

"Zi Rui, are you back? Did the Queen Mother ask anything?"

Sangqiu Zirui shook his head, "Father, at this moment, the queen mother summoned my son into the palace, what could be the matter? It's nothing more than wanting my son to find a way to guard Zi Ye, er, no, it's Xiao Yunfang's country."

Sang Qiuhong frowned slightly, and curled up his hand slightly, "Zirui, how can you say that? Anyway, he is also your cousin! You can't just ignore him, can you?"

"Father, I am not a military commander. At this time, I can at most recommend talents, but do you think the emperor will listen to me? Lin Shaokang is such a brave general that he forced him to leave. Huaian Fang Liang calmed down caused civil unrest, but attracted a reprimand for himself. How long do you think Xiao Yunfang's country can last?"

Sang Qiuhong's face changed suddenly, and he muttered, "Impossible. It's just some young people, how can it be done?"

"Yes, come to think of it, Xiao Yunfang also has the same idea as his father."

"I still have many generals in Ziye, but which one does Xiao Yunfang dare to use?"

Sangqiu Zirui mocked, "Xu Yan from Huai'an, does he dare to use it? That is King Changping's brother-in-law. Mu Liunian, does he dare to use it? That is the eldest son of the Changping Palace. Lin Shaokang, does he dare to use it?" Do you think he can be ashamed and call Lin Shaokang back to the capital in a hurry? And in the capital, there is still a son of Prince Li who is brave and good at fighting, but at this moment, Prince Li is seriously ill, how can he have the heart to go out? "

Sang Qiuhong was a little speechless.

He was right, how many generals did Zi Ye have?But why are there only a few of them now?
The generals stationed at the border naturally cannot move. At this time, civil strife has already begun, and they are worried that foreign enemies will invade and take advantage of the fire.

There are also some veterans, either Xiao Yun is worried and dare not use them, or they are old and frail.

Of course, there are also some young generals who are eager to try, but they are all young masters who have never experienced a war. Can they be trusted?

"He Shaobai's place should be about the same, right? There are so many people, if we go to calm down some rioters, we should be able to evacuate to Fenghe."

(End of this chapter)

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