Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 842 Introducing the wolf into the room

Chapter 842 Introducing the wolf into the room (4)
Once he got involved with the word Bing, he would no longer be the original him.

"Concubine Mu is now in Yun Mansion. After a while, change your clothes and go back with me. Concubine Mu is worried about you. In our generation, there are only our two brothers. Her original intention is that she doesn't want you to join me too. In the military camp, after all, on the battlefield, swords and arrows have no eyes."

Mu Huanran's eyes turned hot, "Thank you, Concubine, for your concern. Brother, I can do it. No matter what, I will stay in the barracks. Even if I am not as capable as you, at least I can go to the battlefield." Kill the enemy."

Mu Liunian saw the sincerity in the third brother's eyes, and he could understand what was going on in his heart at this moment.

"Okay, let's go, let's change clothes first. Your sister-in-law is also in Yunfu, and I will meet Xiao Yunhua in a while, remember to give a meeting gift."

Mu Huanran was stunned for a moment, and then said joyfully, "Little Yunhua? But my nephew?"

"Well, are the gifts ready? If not, I'll give you a quarter of an hour to buy them right away. Let me tell you, don't use those rags to deal with our little Yunhua."

Mu Huanran twitched the corner of his mouth all of a sudden, thinking, Big brother, I know you have money, but there is no need to be so frightened, right?Still broken gold and silver?

If you really think this is too much, why don't you give me some?I don't think it's broken, I don't think it's bad.

When they arrived at Yun Mansion, Qian Xia, who got the news in advance, ordered someone to prepare the food and wine.

When Princess Changping saw Mu Huanran, she was so shocked that she didn't speak for a long time.

The person in front of him is obviously a person with a dark complexion. Is it really that Mu Huanran?
Not only dark, but also thin.

"Greetings to concubine mother, and Aunt Yun."

The princess helped him up, "Poor child, you have suffered. If your aunt saw it, I'm afraid I'd be so distressed."

Mu Huanran smiled a little embarrassedly, "No."

"Everyone sit down first." Qian Xia greeted, "Sit down and talk slowly, we have a long day today, chatting while eating."

Mu Huanran saw Xiao Yunhua in her arms at a glance, "This is my little nephew, right? He looks so cute."

"Come on, call me uncle."

Qian Xia was just teasing like this, in fact, how could he scream, and what he can say up to now is only a few words.

Mu Huanran took out a piece of jade himself, "Come on, see if you like it? If you like it, call uncle to listen."

Xiao Yunhua took the things in his hand and touched them carefully, Sanqi who was on the side was afraid that he would drop them by mistake again, it seemed so bad.So, on one side, I stretched out my two hands and dragged it like this, just in case.


Unexpectedly, it really called out!
This time, everyone in the room was amused.

Lu Minghao and Song Tianhe had been here before, but no matter how they were taught or coaxed, they would not call him uncle. They would only call Yun Ruogu and Yun Ruoqi uncle.

At this moment, unexpectedly, Mu Huanran just took out a piece of jade, and Xiao Yunhua would call him uncle.

The whole family had a lively meal, and Mu Huanran got a little drunk, so Mu Liunian asked him to help him down to rest.

He himself was stopped by the princess.

"I look at this child, how does he look like a material for a military general? Look at how long he has been tossing the child? Otherwise, you should let him continue studying."

"Mother and concubine, don't worry, my son has talked with him today, and he insists on joining the army. This is what he means."

"Isn't he still young? If your father finds out, he probably won't agree."

"Don't worry, Concubine Mu. Don't worry. Since I am my brother, I will naturally teach him my skills. At least, I have to save his life."

Seeing that what she said was futile, the princess could only shake her head and give up.

Qian Xia watched the princess leave with some worry, and couldn't help thinking that it was really not easy for a concubine to care so much for a concubine.

If it was before, maybe she also felt that she could do this, after all, as a woman, she should be like this.

But now, Qian Xia felt that let alone being a concubine, she couldn't bear to see Mu Liunian joking with other women, so why did she feel that she was getting more and more stingy?

In the evening, after Qian Xia expressed her thoughts, Mu Liunian was extremely happy.

"Qianqian, your reaction is very normal. It shows that you care about me. Think about it, do I care about you very much and like you very much?"

Asaka nodded.

"That's right. Because I care about you, I don't want to see you talking and laughing with other men. Now you are the same, aren't you the same as me?"

Qian Xia said sullenly, "How can it be the same? You are a man and I am a woman. As a woman, you should be tolerant. But if I am so stingy, won't I be called a jealous woman?" of?"

"Let me ask you, is fame important, or the sense of happiness and satisfaction in your heart?"

Qian Xia thought for a while, but there was no answer, so she shook her head and looked at him blankly.

"Let's put it this way, if in order to fulfill your good reputation and say that you are a good wife, I recruit three or five beauties to accompany me, would you be happy?"

"Do you need to ask? Of course you are not happy!"

"Isn't that enough? Mouths grow on people, and they can say whatever they like. As long as we are happy, we don't care what they do."

This sounds like it makes sense.

People are meant to live themselves, why do you have to let others see if you are happy, virtuous, and a good woman?
Does what others say work?
The important thing is whether you are happy or not!
Since she didn't want Mu Liunian to have three wives and four concubines, then she just didn't want to.Most people say that she is not virtuous, what else can they say about her?
That's right, let them talk, if they get tired of talking, naturally they won't talk about it.

Seeing Qian Xia's brows gradually stretched, Mu Liunian also smiled, "Everything here is almost the same, I will take you to Phoenix Mountain later. Although there should be no problem here, but going to Phoenix Mountain, I think it's better." Be safe."

(End of this chapter)

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