Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 843 Introducing the wolf into the room

Chapter 843 Introducing the wolf into the room (5)
"I do not go."

Mu Liunian was taken aback, then frowned again, "Didn't it be agreed before?"

"As I said, I will be where you are. If you are going to Huai'an, I will naturally not go with you, but here, I will definitely not be separated from you."

Mu Liunian knew that once her temper came up, no one would say anything.

"Okay, okay, if you don't leave, you won't leave. Then I will let people send my concubine and mother-in-law to Phoenix Mountain first, and then invite my father-in-law down. Our manpower is not enough. Since there is a general like my father-in-law, if Wouldn't it be a waste not to let him display his talents?"

Qian Xia glared at him, this guy obviously had a plan planned from the beginning.

"Where do you want him to guard?"

"It's just on the south side of Phoenix Mountain. If you go out there, you'll be at the border. I'm worried that there will be foreign enemies coming. I can't go wrong with asking my father-in-law to guard there."

"But where are you going to draw troops and horses? Didn't all the previous arrangements be made?"

"Don't worry, isn't there still 5 new recruits training? After the training of these people, they will be replaced by Mu's army, and then I will transfer the [-] troops to the southernmost part of Phoenix Mountain. In this way, we Here, it can be regarded as truly foolproof."

"There should be no problem with our food, right?"

"Don't worry, I've secretly ordered someone to buy a large amount of grain and grass from Liangcheng, and it will arrive in Liaocheng soon. Even if there is no such grain and grass, our grain will be fine when the new grain arrives. I do These are just for precautionary measures."

Qian Xia understands that before the war in Liangcheng, the grain and grass there are still the most abundant, and therefore, the price is actually cheaper.

Because in many counties and counties below, food prices have skyrocketed due to continuous mob incidents, it can be said that it is most appropriate to buy a large amount of rice at this time.

If it is later, I am afraid that the money in their hands will be even tighter.

At this time, Qian Xia once again admired Mu Liunian's thoughtfulness.

The so-called war is fighting for a piece of money, a piece of rice, and then a person.

This money is nothing more than used for military pay, stockpiling weapons, etc. Of course, there is another part that is used to purchase food.

As for rice grains, if you don't start early, if it is too late, no matter how much money you have, you may not be able to buy them.

Most of those who made war fortunes did so in this way.

Qian Xia asked how the situation in Huai'an was going.

Mu Liunian smiled slightly, "Don't worry, the Xu family is a big family there, even if it can't be said that everyone responds to it, at least no one dares to say no to the Xu family. This is also the main reason why the royal family has been jealous of the Xu family for many years. Otherwise, why do you think that uncle gave up his military power early on, and the royal family has never made any major moves against the Xu family?"

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows, "It seems that your preparations are very thorough. I heard that Sangqiu Zirui was sent to the vicinity of Anyang City. Because of the mob incident there, I heard that there was a lot of trouble there. What do you think, Xiao Yun Why did Fang let him out of Beijing at this time?"

Mu Liunian hugged Qian Xia, and smiled strangely, "The key is not what Xiao Yunfang thinks, but what Sangqiu Zirui thinks."

"What does this mean?"

"Near Anyang City, let Sangqiu Zirui come out at this time, and he didn't even object. Don't forget, although Sangqiu Zirui has returned to the capital, he has never been an official in the court. Xiao Yunfang, why let him go ? And Sangqiu Zirui naturally had too many reasons to refuse, but he didn't."

Qian Xia realized that this problem seemed to be a bit serious.

"It's impossible for Sangqiu Zirui to have no power. Even if he has never fought a war before, it doesn't mean that he doesn't know anything about war. I'm afraid the mob incident this time is not that simple. .”

Mu Liunian curled his lips, obviously a little unhappy that Qian Xia praised Sangqiu Zirui in such a disguised form.

"Qianqian, the people in these two counties killed almost all the local officials, and those who were not killed also joined them. Now they all add up, and there are tens of thousands of people, Sangqiu Zirui They only brought 1 people out of Beijing, even with the help of Anyang City, at most, it would only be [-] troops."

Qian Xia turned to look at him, [-] troops, still can't put down these mobs?
"Qianqian, I'm not doubting Sangqiu Zirui's ability, I'm just thinking, according to Sangqiu Zirui's intelligence, he won't kill these mobs."

Qian Xia was taken aback, since she came to settle this matter, how could she not kill them?

"You mean, he will choose Zhaoan?"

"Well, Sang Qiu Zirui is very good at guessing people's hearts, plus he already has a very high reputation, and with his sharp tongue, do you think he will succeed?"

"You mean, he will choose to take all these people under his command? But what does he want these people to do? Is it to be combined with the previous [-] troops?"

"He is a smart man. Perhaps, he has already seen that Ziye will soon be attacked by powerful enemies. Therefore, at this time, as long as Ziye's people can be wooed, they are considered murderers. It will not be pursued."

Qian Xia was silent. Yesterday they received news that the fourth prince had fled to Qiyang County. Moreover, there was also news that General Song, who was stationed at Qiyang Pass, had reached a consensus with the fourth prince. Some of the troops at the border were transferred to Qiyang County.

The meaning of protecting the fourth prince is quite obvious.

"It seems that we are not the only ones who suspect, even Sanqiu Zirui also suspects that the person behind the fourth prince is most likely not from Ziye."

"That's right. But obviously, he probably didn't explain this to Xiao Yunfang, otherwise, he wouldn't have acted like this himself."

"Xiao Yunfang doesn't trust him?" Soon, Qian Xia uttered her guess. Apart from this, she really couldn't think of any other reason.

However, Sangqiu Zirui is his cousin, why does he not trust him?

(End of this chapter)

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