Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 847 Who will move first?

Chapter 847 Who will move first? (4)
"it is good."

Mu Liunian got up and walked away, Judi turned around and came back, and without warning, he smacked Qian Xia's forehead, "Don't think about that demon. Let me handle his affairs." , you just take care of the children at home."

Qian Xia wanted to laugh but didn't dare to, looked at his serious face, suppressed a smile, and nodded.

Only when he was far away did he dare to laugh out loud.

This person is obviously jealous and naive, but he can be so solemn and serious by him, I really don't know, what is he thinking?

After Mu Liunian arrived at the barracks, he read the reports of the lieutenants, generals, etc. as usual.

After getting a general understanding of the affairs of each barracks, he sent the white tiger beside him to Anyang City.He was accompanied by twenty soldiers and ten people from Baihumen.

"Marshal, but is there any bad omen in Anyang City?" General Lu is older and has more worries than young people.

"General Lu, please don't worry, there is no problem for the time being. Mr. Sanqiu has sent people to investigate. I am afraid that there will be changes in Songyuan Pass, which is the closest to it. However, it is hard to say now, so we are just going to find out what is going on. situation."

"Because Anyang City is an inner city, it is not far from the border, so there is no garrison in the city. As for Songyuan Pass, it has been relatively stable for many years, and there are some small countries and clans outside the pass, so it has never caused Zi Ye attention."

Lu Minghao thought while talking, could it be that those small countries saw the civil strife in Zi Ye, and wanted to take the opportunity to get a share of the pie?

"It is precisely because he has never paid attention to it that Sangqiu Zirui returned to Anyang this time. He was worried about what he had neglected before. This time, he will give Ziye a big gift."

"Marshal, what do you mean, once the Songyuan Pass is breached, our people will also have to be dispatched?"

Mu Liunian glared at Lu Minghao, "Can you speak? If you can't speak, just keep your mouth shut! What do you mean Songyuan Pass has been breached? What do you think Sangqiu Zirui appeared in Anyang for?"

When Lu Minghao was being trained, Song Tianhe forced a smile, but he didn't dare to show too happy.

Yun Ruogu was relatively calm, "Since Mr. Sangqiu has returned to Anyang, which is less than a hundred miles away from Songyuan Pass, he must first find a way to prevent it. It is impossible to watch Songyuan Pass being breached." .”

Lu Minghao cleared his throat in embarrassment, "Well, I just said it in passing."

"The important place of the military camp, can you just say it?" General Lu glanced back at his son, why is he always so unreliable?

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows and said, "Now Songyuan Pass, we just pay attention first. If we need help, we will naturally send troops. After all, we are still closer to Anyang City than other places. He Shaobai and It is impossible for Sang Qiulie to withdraw now, so they can only force their 20 troops to Qiyang. Their strength can only be increased, not decreased."

General Lu's complexion also darkened. He had also considered this point before. Once the gate of Qiyang Pass is opened, the consequences will be too troublesome.

There is a flat river there. Once foreign enemies enter, whether they want to move their troops to approach Liangcheng or to their Liaocheng area, it will be relatively easy.

"So, General Lu, now our soldiers must not let up in the slightest. Whether it is the usual training or patrolling, we must have the spirit of 12 points. We must not lose the morale of my soldiers Ziye."

"Yes, Marshal, don't worry, your subordinates understand."

"Lu Minghao, be prepared. Once Songyuan can't stand it and needs to send people, you will be the chief general we send there to cooperate with Sangqiu Zirui. At that time, I will decide how many people to send depending on the severity of the situation." Certainly."

"Yes, Marshal."

Song Tianhe saw that Mu Liunian had arranged everything in an orderly manner. He had even thought about how to deal with Songyuanguan. As for this handsome young man, he had to be said that he was almost born to fight.

After these days of contact, he really has a big difference from his original cognition about this Mu Shizi.

When he was in the capital before, he just thought that Mu Liunian was just a sick and weak son, but now he discovered that Mu Liunian not only has an extremely sophisticated understanding of strategy and tactics, but even, he also discovered that this The Mu Shizi's skill seems to be very high.

The reason why it seems to be used is because he didn't see him make a move accurately, and Song Tianhe himself is just a frail scholar, and he really doesn't understand the word martial arts.

However, he believed that Mu Liunian was able to command so many soldiers and horses, and all of his subordinates had extraordinary martial arts skills. Therefore, Mu Liunian's skills must not be far behind?

"Song Tianhe!"

I was in a daze, when I heard my name being called, I immediately stood up, "Yes, I am here."

Mu Liunian set up a Protectorate Mansion between Liaocheng and Yangzhou. Although this Protectorate Mansion has not yet been approved by the court, at this time, it seems that no one cares whether it has the permission of the court.

The clothes of the Duhu Mansion are basically the same as those of other people in the barracks, except that the word Duhu is added on the belt to separate them from other soldiers.

As for Song Tianhe, he is now serving as the Chief History Officer in the Duhu Mansion.

The Chief Protector of the Protectorate Mansion is temporarily held by Chu Xing.

"The duty of your Duhufu is to appease the counties and tribes, and to punish the foreign bandits in Ning. All matters concerning comfort, conquest, meritorious service, and punishment for the surrounding ethnic groups are under the control of the Duhufu. If there is a war at Songyuanguan, you In the Duhufu, are there people who are proficient in the languages ​​of those small countries outside the pass?"

"Return to the marshal, and the subordinates will make arrangements immediately."

"Also, people who are proficient in the customs of those small clans and small countries outside the pass should also be prepared. Maybe they can be used."

"Marshal, do you need these for this war?" Song Tianhe is a literati, so he naturally doesn't understand these things.

Mu Liu smiled young, "Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles. Don't you think so?"

(End of this chapter)

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