Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 848 Who will move first?

Chapter 848 Who will move first? (5)
Song Tianhe was stunned for a moment, and when he realized it, he just smiled lightly, stepped back in response, and went to prepare as quickly as possible.

The Duhu Mansion has not been established for a long time, Song Tianhe is a long history, and is also a civil servant there, and now the Duhu Mansion basically has all kinds of officials.

For example, the recorder, deputy guard, Sima, etc. It can be said that the efficiency of Mu Liunian's staff is quite amazing.

With this Protectorate, the law and order in Liaocheng and Yangzhou became more stable.After all, they are different from ordinary city patrol envoys. When they came out, they all had a bit of evil spirit on their faces.

Not to mention anything else, anyway, after the establishment of the Duhufu, several small gangs in Yangzhou and Liaocheng were wiped out immediately!
This move is a good thing for the civil servants and common people in the two cities!
"My lord, do you think Songyuan Pass is faster or Qiyang Pass is faster?"

General Lu had some nonsensical questions, but Mu Liunian understood.

Glancing at the bewildered people, Mu Liunian looked solemn, "It's hard to say. If it's Songyuan Guankuai, then we, Ziye, may be in big trouble. This shows that they are already in trouble. We joined forces in secret, no matter how strong our Ziye army is, we cannot support the alliance of several of their countries. Even though it is a small country, its combat power cannot be underestimated."

Yun Ruogu nodded in agreement, "Especially some tribes and small countries on the Songyuan Pass side, most of them are good at riding and fighting. I heard that even their women and children are good at riding and shooting. Their fighting power, I'm afraid it will be stronger than my ordinary soldiers and horses in Ziye."

"Your Majesty Yun is right. Songyuan Pass has always been stable before, and it is also because of the constant wars between these small countries, like a mess of scattered sand. Now, if only these small countries unite, it may be enough to make Ziye chaos for a while. That's it. What if it's added?"

General Lu didn't dare to say any more, some words, now that he said it, I'm afraid it would affect the morale of the army.

"Don't worry, at least the tribes at Songyuan Pass have not yet been fully united. There is no danger. Even if we fight against them, it will only take two months at most. The main event will still be in the area around Qiyang Pass."

Lu Minghao suddenly said, "What if someone uses Songyuan Pass?"

When he said someone, he naturally meant the soldiers and horses of those big countries.

Yun Ruogu pursed his lips and smiled, "No! If they make an excuse, first of all, it is not impossible for them to pass through such a long front without making a sound. Our border can't be all blind, right?"

General Lu looked at his son with a look of disgust, "Do you think everyone is like you? You don't have a brain!"

Lu Minghao curled his lips, "Am I just talking about my own opinion? Why are you so anxious? The marshal didn't even mention me."

Mu Liunian smiled slightly, "Actually, I have considered what Lu Minghao said before, it's not impossible."

When the words fell, everyone was shocked, and their eyes all fell on Mu Liunian.

"It's just that their so-called excuse cannot be a large number of people. Otherwise, it will easily alarm our border. But what about three to five hundred people? For example, pretending to be a caravan? This is very possible."

Yun Ruogu still doesn't agree with this statement, "If there are three to five hundred people, what can they do when they arrive at Songyuan Pass? Also, the largest caravan so far has only a hundred people. If there are three to five hundred people, what can they do?" Is it necessary to divide into three or four caravans?"


Mu Liunian said with a serious expression, "There are three to five hundred of them, and it is very likely that they will be an elite group, or people who are good at assassination and assassination. If this kind of person fights alone, among thousands of troops, It may not show the advantage. What if they are concentrated together?"

"What does the marshal mean? They are very likely to be composed of some very powerful killers?"

"I'm afraid it's not just a killer!"

The answer given by Mu Liunian made everyone's hearts tremble, "Marshal, what do you mean, these people are likely to take advantage of the chaos and appear together to form a striker to directly attack the vital points of our Songyuan Pass?" figure?"

"That's right! If people like them gather together and deal with ordinary soldiers, they can defeat a hundred with one enemy."

General Lu said with a worried face, "Marshal, but our defense line is not outside the border, so we can't find these things?"

"We can't, but someone can. Do you think Sangqiu Zirui has nothing to do with food? I have ordered someone to deliver the letter. Naturally, he will find a way to use his own contacts."

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay, it's okay."

"Once I find out that there are indeed people haunting like this, before they attack, I will join hands with Sang Qiu Zirui to select a group of masters from their own hands and destroy them first!"

After Mu Liunian said this, he actually smiled softly, "I'd like to see, without such a powerful general, will these small countries dare to obey their master's orders and give us Ziye more money?" Are you in trouble?"

The corner of Yun Ruogu's mouth twitched, and he lowered his head slightly. It seemed that his sister's worries were unnecessary.

Without his sister's divination, Mu Liunian was still able to predict things like a god on the battlefield.

The most important thing is that he has a delicate mind, which is naturally the most suitable for this.

What Mu Liunian said was right, a real war cannot be settled with just a few mystics.The most important thing is to fight tactics and soldiers!
"Let's go here first today, Ruogu, Minghao, you two follow me to inspect the barracks everywhere."

"Yes, Marshal."

Yun Ruogu is not good at fighting, and he doesn't understand it, but he always feels that many of Mu Liunian's ideas are excellent, and once they are really used in warfare, they may have unexpected effects.

After the three of them moved to two barracks, they arrived at a barracks that looked quieter.

When I came in and took a look, it was all empty.

"Marshal, where are you?"

Lu Minghao was impatient. When he saw no one was there, he wondered if he should arrest the lieutenant of the barracks and ask him carefully.

"There's no need to look for them. The people in their barracks were all thrown into the mountains by me for training."

"Eh? Not in the barracks?"

"Xuanwu is responsible for training them, and I personally ordered the subjects for training them. I calculated that I should come back today. I brought you here today just to let you see that I am the most powerful and the most powerful. Proud soldier!"

The three of them sat here and began to wait for nothing. Since there was no one here, naturally there was no one to bring tea and water.

However, fortunately, Qinglong was by his side, and soon, the three of them drank hot tea.

Hearing the sound of orderly and powerful footsteps, the corners of Mu Liunian's lips rose slightly, "Very well, his warriors are back.

"See the Marshal!"

Good guy, this voice is simply thunderous!
Lu Minghao took a closer look, and there were only a few hundred people. How could they be so imposing?
"Xuanwu, tell me, how is your training these days?"

"Back to Marshal, the performance of these five elders is very good. Their riding, shooting, attacking, crossbow, defending, and cooperation have all been greatly improved."

"Very good. Today, the commander-in-chief is here to inspect the results."

With that said, he got up and walked around in front of them.The one in the middle is a little darker, Mu Huanran, looking at his eyes, there is only that kind of burning and worship.

Mu Liunian's eyes didn't linger on him for long, instead he turned to look at Lu Minghao, "How is it?"

Lu Minghao folded his arms around his chest, and said in a sly way, "The momentum is pretty good. As for the real ability, I dare not say it. Anyway, I think it is still difficult for these people to catch me."

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows, Yun Ruogu chuckled.

In fact, it wasn't Lu Minghao's bragging. When he got into trouble in the barracks, General Lu jumped his feet in anger. He sent more than 1000 people to catch him in the woods but they didn't catch him. It shows that he is really capable.

"Really? Why don't you try?"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Minghao felt that someone kicked him in the back, and he fell directly into the team in front of him.

"Mu Liunian, what are you doing? Do you want to die?"

Mu Liunian ignored him, and said to Xuanwu, "Let's get started."

"Yes, son."

"All Mu Huanran's subordinates stay behind, and the others stand aside to watch the battle!"


Lu Minghao saw that they had evacuated 400 people instead, leaving only 100 people, and immediately changed his face, "Die Xuanwu, you are bullying me when I lost to Qinglong, right? Let me tell you, 100 people just want to take Live with me? You are dreaming!"

Just as he was talking, he saw a soldier quickly drawing a mark on the ground with a stick.

Look closely, not one, but four.

Soon, they were surrounded in a rectangular position.


As soon as Xuanwu's voice fell, the people under Mu Huanran's hands automatically dispersed, quickly surrounding Lu Minghao in the middle.

"Now, Lu Minghao, within a stick of incense, as long as you are not caught by them, you will win."

"Damn, do you really think that Lao Tzu's kung fu was practiced for nothing?"

Lu Minghao was really angry!

Such a hundred people want to capture themselves?

Just looking at their skills, they are particularly good, isn't that too much contempt for me?Want to escape by yourself?Isn't that a wink thing?
(End of this chapter)

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