Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 863 Ready to shoot!

Chapter 863 Ready to shoot! (5)
"I'm sorry." Qian Xia lowered her head and said three words softly.

She knew that her knowledge was still too shallow after all.

Mu Liunian has too many things to consider, and if he is a little careless, it is very likely that he will make a big mistake.

That's why he asked for an order to go to Liaocheng early, and then merged here with Yangzhou for defense, thereby enhancing the security guarantee here.

"Needless to say I'm sorry, there is no need for this between us. In fact, it is not easy for you to see this layer. At least, in my opinion, it is impossible for other women to see to these."

"You don't need to comfort me." Qian Xia buried her head in front of his chest, her voice was muffled, as if she was a little annoyed, "I always pretend to be smart, but actually I don't understand anything at all."

"How could it be? My wife is a talented mystic! If it wasn't for agreeing to me, to satisfy my selfishness, my shallowness, I'm afraid I could have foreseen more important events, right? "

Qian Xia couldn't help laughing!
It's obvious that he wants to live longer, and he is doing everything for his own good, but he just said it is to satisfy his selfishness!
How could she be so caring and good at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty?
Mu Liunian clearly felt the change in Qian Xia's mood, the corners of her lips rose slightly, and the beautiful arc seemed to be filled with deep happiness.

The two of them hugging so tightly made Yun Ruogu, who came from a distance, a little stunned.

As for Sangqiu Zirui beside Yun Ruogu, his brows and eyes were lowered immediately, his hands were tightly clenched in his wide sleeves, and his slightly long nails seemed to have been inserted into his palms.

"Sister, why don't you see my little nephew?"

The clear and slightly hasty voice made Qian Xia subconsciously take a step back, and the speed of her movements really surprised Mu Liunian.

She slightly raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "What are you doing hiding so quickly? We are husband and wife, and we haven't done anything shady."

Qian Xia glared at him, and saw a man with silver hair and white clothes from a distance, tilted his head slightly, turned his body, and went around the screen directly, and returned to the back.

Only then did Yun Ruogu laugh and said, "Master Sanqiu laughed at me. My younger sister has always been clingy."

Said, also made a gesture of please.

Sangqiu Zirui remained silent, but his forward steps seemed a little heavier.

"Why are you here?" Mu Liunian said, seeing something on his left hand, his eyes tightened, "Is it news from Liang Cheng?"

Sangqiu Zirui nodded, "As you wish, I have obtained the emperor's will. I will rush to Fenghuangguan immediately. And your people can also find a way to climb down from Phoenix Mountain and approach Fenghuangguan carefully. "

Mu Liunian folded his arms suddenly, "Although Phoenix Mountain is not too steep, those soldiers are not martial arts masters. Let them climb down, I'm afraid there will be casualties."

"Your Mu family army is still afraid of these little difficulties?"

"Small difficulty? How about Mr. Sancho finding a way to find someone to climb down? Even if Phoenix Mountain is not high, it must be more than a thousand meters. Oh, I mean, there must be forty or fifty floors. Gao, are you sure that there will be no danger for ordinary soldiers to climb over?"

Sangqiu Zirui had been a little unhappy since seeing the two of them embrace each other affectionately, but now that he was blocking him like this, his mood became even more gloomy.

"Mu Liunian, you asked me to ask for the decree. Why, now that you see the danger, you don't plan to do it anymore? You think I'm free, and I just want to have fun with you when I have nothing to do?"

Mu Liunian stared, "Why are you so angry? I didn't say no, I just thought that there would be casualties, so I wondered if I should bring a few more military doctors?"

Sangqiu Zirui snorted, went in and found a chair to sit down, "That's your arrangement, I won't interfere with the specifics. I got the news yesterday that a large number of people had already appeared about a hundred miles away from Phoenix Pass. The exact amount is unknown. I used to take over the military power there, as for you, when did you choose to leave?"

"So, is it really the Phoenix Pass? It seems that my sensitivity to this danger is getting better and better."

Sangqiu Zirui just pretended he didn't hear it, how could this person be so boring?

Yun Ruogu glanced at the two of them, "I'm not sure about the strength of the other side, so how many people do we need to go out?"

Mu Liunian glanced at Yun Ruogu admiringly. This is an excellent question.

Not sure about the opponent's strength, rashly dispatching troops to sneak attack, if one move is not careful, the whole army will be wiped out.

Sangqiu Zirui frowned and thought for a while, "Well, I have already sent someone to investigate this morning, I believe there will be news sent back later. At that time, we will decide the specific number of people. And what I mean is, It's Mu Liunian that you get your troops fully prepared first, and once you have accurate information, set off immediately."

"Crossing Phoenix Mountain is naturally the best at night. But climbing at night is more dangerous. How about this, I will let people prepare first, and all will be on standby at the top of Phoenix Mountain. Once the news from your side is confirmed, I will let you They set off at dawn, in that case, there would be no need to light torches, and moreover, my people would be able to reduce casualties as much as possible.”

"Okay! Then it's settled. I'll go back and wait for the news. You'd better not sleep tonight. As soon as I have news, someone will send it over."

"Well, that's it. Sangqiu Zirui, don't let my trust in you go wrong. No matter how many soldiers I send out and how many survive, I hope they can enter the customs smoothly."

Sangqiu Zirui looked at Mu Liunian's solemn expression and nodded, "Don't worry. I won't let you down. We are working closely together now. Not for the Xiao family, but for the people of Ziye, for us s country."

Mu Liunian nodded, "That's a good point! It's just for these reasons. Therefore, we must not abandon our principles and our country."

Sangqiu Zirui's brows tightened, he understood that Mu Liunian still chose to believe him after knowing that he was Huangfu Dingtao's senior brother.

At such a moment, he suddenly felt that it would be nice to have a friend like Mu Liunian in this lifetime.


After this thought flashed by quickly, Sangqiu Zirui's expression became a little strange.

How could he have such a strange idea?Mu Liunian has always been very cunning. He was able to use such a trick to trick Qian Xia into marrying him. How could he become friends with such a villain?I have too many things recently, and I haven't had a good rest, so my brain is a little cramped, right?
Sangqiu Zirui shook his head, and left the Mu Mansion with a depressed expression on his face.

Mu Liunian, on the other hand, stood where he was, and murmured in a low voice, "Why such an expression? I didn't provoke him, so it's obvious that he should be grateful to me, right? How much did you pay him?"

(End of this chapter)

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