Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 864 Team up to guard!

Chapter 864 Team up to guard! (1)
Sangqiu Zirui finally judged that the opponent had at least [-] troops.

However, at the same time, I also got a piece of news, that is, the strength of the other party does not seem to be owned by just one country.

It was united by several small countries in the southern border.

It is really embarrassing for them to make a detour from the southern border to Fenghuang Pass.

After confirming the strength of these troops, Sangqiu Zirui hurried to Fenghuangguan. Without further ado, he first took the main guard who guarded the pass, and then sent his own people to quickly and thoroughly investigate the situation inside and outside of Fenghuangguan. All soldiers.

It is impossible for a small country in the southern border to get entangled here and detour hundreds of miles for no reason.

Therefore, the greatest possibility is that there are internal thieves in Phoenix Gate.

After Sangqiu Zirui arrived at the Phoenix Pass, he really felt some suspense in his heart.

If it wasn't for Mu Liunian's insistence, if it wasn't for Xiao Yunfang's poisonous body, and he had no time to worry about the situation here, then the military power of Fenghuang Pass would probably not fall into his own hands.

If Mu Liunian hadn't made these seemingly insignificant preparations back then, I'm afraid his own soldiers would have died here, not to mention whether they could have wiped out the [-] mob.

He could even foresee that if he hadn't come, as soon as the soldiers of Fenghuangguan saw the appearance of the Mu family army, the lord would immediately pass on a false order, saying that the Mu family army rebelled, and the troops from the southern border were here to help They wiped out the rebels.

Sangqiu Zirui is sitting in the chief general's room at the moment, thinking about it, he feels a bit terrified. If this happens, then all of them, for the sake of these loyal and brave soldiers, will have a hard time sleeping peacefully for the rest of their lives .

Therefore, he is not a handsome general, and he is far inferior to Mu Liunian in terms of fighting.

The gap between the two of them seems to be far more than that.

He could feel that Mu Liunian's military training method seemed to be different from that of ordinary military camps, but the effect he received was better than other people's, and it was much better.

Unexpectedly, Sangqiu Zirui thought of the astrology that night. Is all this related to Mu Liunian?
Judging from the current signs, it seems that he is inseparable from it, but the current somewhat weird and complicated situation makes it really hard to predict what Zi Ye's future will be like.

Sangqiu Zirui moved very quickly, and the abilities of his subordinates were all highlighted at this moment.

"Young Master Qi, we found it. It was found on the main general's mansion, and it was hidden in the dowry of a woman in the backyard."

Sangqiu Zirui read the secret letters one by one, "Put him into the prison van and send him back to Liangcheng for strict interrogation."

"Yes, son."

"Changfeng, go tell Lu Minghao who has been waiting for my news, and say that he will be the guard of Phoenix Pass for the time being."

Chang Feng was slightly startled, "My lord, are you not afraid?"

Sangqiu Zirui shook his head, "Even if I have the talents of the world, I can't be close to everything. Besides, this Lu Minghao was born in a family of generals, so it is natural for him to be the chief general."

"The subordinates are only worried that the soldiers at Fenghuangguan may not be convinced."

"Conquer them if they don't agree. At this critical moment, we don't have so much time to buy people's hearts. Anyone who refuses to accept it can go to Lu Minghao to reason. I believe that he has been with General Lu for many years, so it is impossible for him to be useless of."

"Yes, son."

"Sir Sanqiu, I just got the news that there are a large number of troops approaching from outside the pass. The current strength of the troops cannot be determined, but what is certain is that they are not from Ziye."

Sangqiu Zirui responded lightly, "I have already counted the opponent's troops, so pass the order and everyone is ready to meet the enemy."

"Yes, my lord."

Because of the arrival of Sangqiu Zirui and the sudden capture of the general at Fenghuangguan, the reason was treason?
At this time, the morale of the army is naturally a little unstable.

Among them, several lieutenant generals who were loyal to the original chief general came to Lu Minghao's place.

As soon as Lu Minghao saw them coming, he secretly scolded Sangqiu Zirui, just taking this opportunity to see how capable he was.It's really annoying.

Lu Minghao naturally knew that the army outside was pressing the situation. At this time, he didn't have the heart to talk nonsense with them, so he directly threw one of the secret letters he found in their faces, and let them decide for themselves, which is more important, and which is right. Who is wrong?

Just a letter is naturally impossible to convince people.

Lu Minghao took a contemptuous look at these noisy people. He was really convinced by this kind of people. He would actually do such a thing when the war was about to come. How did he get promoted in the first place?

People who disregard the overall situation, no matter how great their abilities are, they cannot be wanted!
Of course, he didn't have this kind of awareness before, and he learned it from Mu Liunian.

"Huh! You guys are really brave. You came here to argue with me for a traitorous general? Don't you know that there are now a large army outside? There are tens of thousands of people in Phoenix Pass? Hmm? I am not afraid to tell you the truth. Young Master Sanqiu and Marshal Mu have already inquired about the strength of the army. One hundred thousand people!"

Looking at them all silent, he sneered, "Now that the army is overwhelming, you don't think about how to come up with a good strategy to deal with the enemy, but you still come here to complain about something? Is this how you serve the country? In your heart , the reputation of a general is far more important than the safety of Fenghuangguan, isn’t it? In your hearts, the people of Ziye are nothing but bullshit, right? You simply took the court’s money for nothing!”

One of the lieutenants, feeling dissatisfied, bravely said, "Mr. Lu, it's not that the subordinates are indiscriminate. It's just that this happened too suddenly. Let's wait."

"Sudden shit!" Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Lu Minghao kicked over the stool in front of him, and said angrily, "Isn't the army outside suddenly? What were you doing before? All of you are eating dry food? Don't want to How to deal with the enemy, come to me to make trouble, all of them get out of here!"

(End of this chapter)

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