Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 865 Team up to guard!

Chapter 865 Team up to guard! (2)
Lu Minghao was really angry. These people really don't know what it means to be under pressure from an army?

One hundred thousand troops!
What is it in their eyes?Are they all scarecrows?

"Mr. Lu, as long as you intercede with Mr. Sanqiu and release the general, we will naturally fight against the enemy with all our strength." One of them said a little arrogantly.

Yo ho!

Lu Minghao was immediately overjoyed!

At this time, are you still thinking of threatening yourself with this?

What are you thinking?

Are these people's brains squeezed by the door?

"You mean to say that if you don't let people go, you won't be prepared to defend against the enemy, right?"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously shocked by Lu Minghao's sudden sullen smile.

However, after a few people thought about it again, he was just a brat with yellow hair, what real ability could he have?Now, it's just a bluff, it's probably Sangqiu Zirui's power.snort!Mr. Sancho may be well-known all over the world, but in this military camp, he still has the final say.

"That's what I mean. I ask Mr. Lu to think about it carefully."

One of them took a step forward, with his head held high, with a fearless aura.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing and location, Lu Minghao really wanted to applaud this brave lieutenant.

Do you really treat yourself like a green onion?
Do you think that such a large military camp would not be able to fight without a few of them?

Tsk tsk, Lu Minghao sneered, "I really don't know what to say about you? Should I say that you are too self-righteous, or that you take your position here too seriously?"

The lieutenant's face darkened, "Mr. Lu, what do you mean? If you agree, say yes, and if you don't agree, say no. Why bother to humiliate us here?"

"Humiliation? Hehe, you really think highly of me. Generally speaking, I really don't have that kind of leisure and leisure."

Before the words fell, a white light flashed by. Before everyone could understand what happened, they saw the lieutenant general who had just taken a step, his eyes were wide open, and the expression on his face remained at that moment, which was inconceivable and panicked.

Then, with a bang, the person fell to the ground, with a bright red mark on his neck, which was particularly obvious.

"You? Mr. Lu, you actually killed the general before the battle. This, this is simply a taboo before the battle!"

"Yes, Mr. Lu, if you act so willfully and recklessly, aren't you afraid that the soldiers of the whole army will fight against you?"

"Sure enough, you are young and energetic, hum! Mr. Lu, what you killed today was a lieutenant general in the army, not some cat or dog outside. You should think about it carefully, how will you explain to the soldiers in the army?"

"Come here!" Lu Minghao obviously didn't have the intention to talk to them any more. This kind of people can open a dyeing workshop by giving them some color.Therefore, when you can't give them face, you must not give it.Not only can't you give it, but you have to step on their faces hard, that's a pleasure.

"Pull this corpse out, and inform the whole army, saying that he is collaborating with the enemy and treason, intending to do something wrong to the general."

"Yes, General."

The others were dumbfounded when they heard it.

what's the situation?
Obviously he was the one who took the initiative to kill people, so why is it now that he is defending himself, or even eliminating evil?
"As for the few of them, I will keep them in custody for the time being. I will just let them take a good look at them. Without them, my soldiers at the Phoenix Pass will not be able to guard the pass and resist the enemy!"

"Yes, General."

Everything that followed was obviously beyond their expectations. Who would have thought that a young general who had just taken charge of the military power at Fenghuang Pass would kill one and imprison a few more as soon as he came up?The battle is imminent, so if he does this, is he really not afraid that the soldiers will not obey orders?

After changing his armor, Lu Minghao climbed onto the city wall with a heroic appearance, which really gave people a new look all at once.

It seemed that the entire Fenghuang Pass, and because of the injection of his young blood, the entire barracks became more enthusiastic, and following his next proclamation, the entire Fenghuang Pass was almost invigorated.

"Soldiers, we are now only a few tens of miles away, and there is an army of [-]. They are all mobs from the southern border, a large army composed of many small countries. Although their numbers are greater than ours, we are well-trained. Su Ziye Warriors, they are nothing more than some improvised mob! Now, tell me, they have an army of [-], are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!" Accompanied by the shouts of the soldiers, there was also the sound of the iron gun hitting the ground.

"Okay!" Lu Minghao's face was bright, "This is my Ziye's good man! He is my Ziye's invincible warrior! Although we don't have many soldiers and horses in Phoenix Pass, we have a city wall and our bowmen , we still have a large number of reinforcements!"

Having said that, I saw the look of expectation and doubt on the faces of many soldiers.

"Young Master Sanqiu and Marshal Mu have already discovered the changes in these small countries, so they have been paying close attention to their movements. Finally, they locked on the Phoenix Pass yesterday. It is the general before you who is a traitor. Surrendering to the enemy is really disgraceful to our soldiers! And the lieutenant general who was stabbed to death in the general's camp just now is also a nest of snakes and rats with him. You say, there is such a person as your commander-in-chief, Is it your disgrace?"

No one spoke for a long time, and the scene was extremely quiet.

Suddenly, someone who didn't know raised the iron gun in his hand, and shouted, "Kill him! Traitor, what's the use of keeping it?"

"Yes, kill him! Kill him!"

Soon, there was a neat shout from below, "Kill him! Kill him!"

"Traitors, what's the use of keeping them?"

Lu Minghao nodded slightly, and then stretched out his hand to stop everyone, "Everyone, listen to me, now, he has been captured and will be sent to Liangcheng for trial. What we have to do now is how to guard our Phoenix Pass. How to protect our homeland from foreign enemies, how to protect our parents, brothers, wives and children! Once the foreign enemies enter Fenghuang Pass, think about how once they arrive in Qing County, they will be attacked by the Cangming army on both sides. My Ziye 30 army , it is at stake!"

(End of this chapter)

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