Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 872: The prince goes to war!

Chapter 872: The prince goes to war! (4)
Here, a concubine of the former emperor lived. After the emperor died, he ordered her to be buried directly.

"What's going on in the palace recently?"

"Returning to your son, Concubine Liu Gui gave birth to a prince. At this time, the favor is in full swing. Because of the dragon body, the emperor seldom stays in the harem. There are already some rumors in the palace."

"Well, anyone who finds someone who is spreading rumors will find a way to silence them. Also, can you find out who is behind the manipulation?"

"Master Hui, at present, it seems that it has something to do with Liu Xiang. However, there is no evidence, so we can't be sure."

"Well, since that's the case, let's wait and see what happens. If there's anything wrong, just go directly to Duke Jing's mansion."

"Yes, son."

Sangqiu Zirui looked up at the drowsy sky, it seemed that the palace was also a little bit unbalanced.

For Xiao Yunfang, this is the real internal and external troubles, right?

It's just that I don't know, what is this for the Jingguo Mansion?
Time flies, in a flash, it is the end of the year.

Mu Liunian was ordered to defend against foreign enemies, and after several battles, he had forced all of Cangming's army into Qiyang County.

The entire Qiyang County was surrounded by Mu Liunian.

Huangfu Dingtao was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

Although the foreign enemies have not been cleared out of the country, at least they have been pushed to a dead end.

In just a few short months, Zi Ye seemed to have experienced a purgatory on earth, riddled with holes.

During this period, civil uprisings broke out repeatedly inside Ziye.

Fortunately, the scale was not large, and Xiao Yun dealt with it in a timely manner, and soon, they were all suppressed.

At the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, Concubine Liu Gui was disrespectful to the Empress Dowager when she was in Fushou Palace, which aroused the emperor's fury. In a fit of anger, she demoted her to the position of concubine. She was originally the highest-ranking woman in the palace. The other concubines have the same status.

Not only that, the emperor even issued an order, claiming that Concubine Liu's inappropriate words and deeds might affect the prince's future morality, so he ordered that Concubine Hua in the palace should take care of her on her behalf.

After the queen mother recovers, it is not a big deal to keep her by her side.

The seemingly inadvertent change revealed a message to everyone, the Liu family seemed to have begun to be blamed by the emperor.

Originally there were some gossip in the palace, saying that the emperor would not be happy, but now the only flesh and blood of the emperor is the little prince, but unexpectedly, the emperor's complexion is getting better and better, and the number of times he enters and exits the harem is also increasing day by day. In addition to Concubine Zhao, there are two young masters again, and good news came out.

This is naturally a happy event for the entire royal family.

When the news spread to the palace, the subjects of Liangcheng were also very happy.

Because of this, the Empress Dowager's complexion became better. It was originally a minor injury. After several months of recuperation, her body is already much better than before.

It was the emperor who really worried the queen mother.

That night, the Empress Dowager arrived at Chengqian Palace with the support of the palace servants.

Xiao Yunfang hadn't rested yet, he was looking at the memorial, when he heard that the Empress Dowager was coming, he quickly got up to greet her.

"Okay, sit down quickly. The Ai family heard that you have not been cured of the poison?"

Xiao Yunfang nodded, there was no outsider in the palace, and naturally he had nothing to hide from his biological mother.

"If it wasn't because my cousin gave me a bottle of elixir, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to survive now."

"Don't talk nonsense! Isn't your cousin also proficient in medical skills? Or, give him another order and ask him to come back?"

"No need. My cousin checked my pulse before, and a few days ago, someone sent me a bottle of medicine. After taking it, I feel much better."

Hearing what he said, the Queen Mother was still not relieved, and stretched out her hand to caress his face. Although his complexion improved, he lost a lot of weight.

"In front of the Ai family, you don't have to hold on. The Ai family is here tonight, just to tell you that your dragon body is the most important thing in everything. You are still young, you know, although Zi Ye has quelled some civil disturbances now , but the errands after the incident are more complicated and difficult to deal with than the chaos. At this time, you must not fall down."

"Yes, Queen Mother. I know."

"The Ai family heard that you ordered Duke Jing to take care of the pacification of the area on the west side, and hand over the east side to Zirui?"

"After returning to my mother, that's right. Now, Liu Xiang's people are obviously not very reliable, and there are only a few people I can rely on. Fortunately, Mu Liunian lived up to my expectations and drove the Cangming army here. In Qiyang County, it can be considered that I did not trust him in vain."

"Well, this time, it was also your cousin who made the recommendation. The Ai family heard that Zhao Ziqi is also a good person. If the emperor is inconvenient to do some things, you can let him try to experience it. At this moment, you are suppressing the Liu family. , you have to flatter others."

"Yes, I understand. In addition, I also plan to reuse the Fang family. I think Fang Hua, the son of the Fang family, is also a good one and worthy of a heavy responsibility."

The queen mother was overjoyed when she heard the words, since the last time the emperor was poisoned, she seemed to know how to use people more and more.This is an excellent start.

"The emperor has worked hard these days. There are some things that you should ask them to share with you, so you can't let them rest. You are the master, and they are your subjects, so they should share your worries."

"Yes, mother."

"Okay, it's getting late, and you should rest earlier. Don't watch these anymore. The Ai family will be domineering once today, and I will see you go to bed, and the Ai family will leave."

"Yes, let the queen mother worry about it."

During the few months when Mu Liunian was away fighting, Qian Xia naturally lived in the Mu Mansion in Liao City.

Although she also wanted to go with Mu Liunian, she also knew that it would be inconvenient for her to go in and out of the military camp as a girl.Moreover, once someone takes advantage of this to make trouble, I'm afraid it will bring some unnecessary troubles to Mu Liunian.

When Mu Liunian went this time, he mobilized 25 soldiers from Qilin Mountain, and another [-] soldiers from Liao City, plus the [-] that Lin Shaokang brought earlier, for a total of [-] soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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