Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 873: The prince goes to war!

Chapter 873: The prince goes to war! (5)
It was these 20 horses who defeated the opponent in the first battle after arriving in Qing County.

Afterwards, Sang Qiulie retreated to Yunzhou, and Mu Liunian led these people to confront Cangming several times, causing the opponent to retreat steadily, and finally retreated to Qiyang Pass.

At this time, Mu Liunian got the news that Qianxue had also assembled hundreds of thousands of troops in the southern border. However, after seeing Cangming retreat steadily, Qianxue seemed to have remained silent for a while.

Obviously, Qianxue only wanted to pick up ready-made ones, and didn't want to risk her life.

Huangfu Dingtao lost seven or eight generals one after another, and he was so angry that he wished he could capture Mu Liunian and eat him alive.

It's a pity that he really doesn't have such skills.

Apart from Lin Shaokang, Mu Liunian also followed Chu Xing and other generals.

He Shaobai didn't participate in it at the beginning, until the Cangming army was driven back to Qiyang County, the two sides joined forces and surrounded Qiyang.

Finally, He Shaobai and Mu Liunian met again.

The night was very beautiful, but in Mu Liunian's view, there was a little bit of sadness. Sitting under such a night sky, he missed Qian Xia.And it's the kind of thing that I really want to think about.

He Shaobai sat side by side with him, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, and teased him, "Do you want to respect your wife?"

Mu Liunian glared at him, "You don't have to think about it, anyway, you don't have anyone you like."

"Women are troublesome. Especially for us military generals, we are still happy and relaxed alone. If I guessed correctly, when you set off, did your siblings cry?"

Seeing that he didn't speak, He Shaobai got even more excited, "I said, did you feel distressed when you saw it? I heard that your beautiful wife is not as beautiful as ordinary people. Are you reluctant?"

"Go away!" Mu Liunian scolded him directly, "When you have a wife, see how I laugh at you."

"Hehe, there won't be such a day."

"Hmph! It's too early to speak big. He Shaobai, let me tell you, this woman is also strange. She is obviously not as good as you in physical strength, and most of the time her mind is not as good as you, but you just leave when you see her." Don’t move anymore. Do you think it’s strange?”

As Mu Liunian said, he took another sip of wine in a depressed mood, as if this was the only way he could alleviate some of his lovesickness.

"How did I hear that your lovely wife is an extremely smart person? Mu Liunian, be careful when you speak, lest it will reach the ears of your younger siblings one day. damn."

"That's right, my Qianqian is naturally extremely smart, the smartest woman in the world. I, Mu Liunian, am so lucky to be able to marry her!"

"Okay! Don't be so sour here. You don't think it's shabby!"

The two of them were chatting one after another, looking up at the moon from time to time, and counting the stars in a funny way.

After Mu Liunian was helped back to his tent, he found sadly that he seemed to miss Qianqian even more.

Some childishly covered their heads under the quilt, what should we do?He thought about his superficiality, thinking about it was going crazy.

But before the war, it is naturally impossible to sneak back.

If I had known that I would think of her this way, I should have agreed and brought her with me.

Now like this, it seems that there is an urge to abuse myself.

I don't know if Qianqian in the distance thinks about herself?
Mu Liunian lay down again and began to fantasize. At this time, Qianqian must also be unable to sleep in front of the dressing table, reading the letter he wrote to her home over and over again, right?
That kind of scene, when I think about it, I feel very warm, very sweet, and very touching.

After thinking about it, Mu Liunian fell asleep when the spirit of wine came up.

However, if he received the letter from Yaoyue, he would know that he was greatly disappointed.

Since he left, Qian Xia really missed him, but she couldn't sleep at night like he imagined.

Qian Xia has to take care of the child by herself every day, so she is naturally a little tired, the child can already walk, and will always run around during the day, Qian Xia is afraid that the child will fall, so naturally she follows carefully.

At night, I was so tired that I could barely move.

Several times, when Qian Xia was taking a bath, she almost fell asleep.

How could such a tired Qian Xia not be able to sleep at night because of what he thought?
Whenever Yaoyue received a letter from her master asking her to report the mistress' every move truthfully, she shed tears of sympathy for her master.

What kind of thoughts does the master have, how can Yaoyue not know?

However, the mistress is obviously not as developed as the master's EQ. To paraphrase the master's words, the mistress is a shrewd and silly woman with high IQ and low EQ.

There was Lu Minghao guarding Liao City, and Mu Heng was taken to Qiyang by Mu Liunian, and even Mu Huanran followed him this time.

In Liaocheng and Yangzhou, apart from Lu Minghao, two brothers Yun Ruogu and Yun Ruoqi stayed behind.

Song Tianhe is still dealing with some trivial matters of the military camp, mainly as a civil servant in the military camp.

Mu Huanqiao had good news. Fortunately, Mu Huanrong was able to accompany her in the mansion, so she wouldn't feel too lonely.

Because of the departure of Mu Liunian and others, Song Tianhe naturally had more affairs on his body. He would often be busy until midnight, so he simply stayed in the barracks and went back in three to five days.

Mu Liunian took Qinglong and Xuanwu with him, leaving Baihu behind.

The main task of the white tiger is to protect the princess.

Therefore, Baihu has never shown his face in the barracks for so long, but he heard Lu Minghao curse from time to time, as if he was scolding Baihu for having no conscience, and he didn't know to come and see him as a brother.

However, Lu Minghao wasn't idle either, he found excuses and sneaked into Mu's residence from time to time, and he didn't know whether he was there for the dishes made by Sanqi or for Sanqi.

Everything in Liaocheng and Yangzhou is as calm as a lake without wind, which makes people feel at ease, but at the same time, it always gives rise to some melancholy.

(End of this chapter)

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