Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 874 Get sick on purpose?

Chapter 874 Get sick on purpose? (1)
Just like Qian Xia, occasionally when she was free, she would think about Mu Liunian and accompany her mother to the Buddhist hall to pray for them.

Mu Liunian's reason for keeping the two brothers behind was very simple, that was to let the two of them watch over Qian Xia for him.She is not allowed to meet with Sangqiu Zirui alone.

Although he didn't want to admit his narrow-mindedness, what he actually did was extremely narrow-minded.

Qian Xia also seemed to understand what he was worried about, and didn't say anything, but in the past few months when he left Liaocheng, he never left home, even sometimes Xiao Yunhua made a fuss and wanted to Even going out to play was stopped by Qian Xia.

Not only that, but before he left, Mu Liunian also specially ordered someone to bring Yun Shi to the Mu Mansion in Liao City to accompany him.Now, even if Qian Xia intends to go out, the thought of facing her mother's nagging will dispel her thoughts.

Sangqiu Zirui stayed in Liaocheng, and he was very busy every day. He was also a little strange, why was Yun Ruogu not so busy when he was handling these government affairs before?
Why did it get into my own hands? There are things everywhere, and after looking at it carefully, it is true that they all have to be dealt with by him.

Yun Ruogu's explanation for this was that he was just an agent before, so he did not have the right to make decisions about many things.Now that Sangqiu Zirui is the governor of Liao City under the emperor's order, then, all these previous affairs are naturally piled up in front of his eyes, which is nothing more than normal.

Sangqiu Zirui didn't say a word, and after thinking about it, he could guess that Mu Liunian was deliberately tripping him up.

This is because I am worried that I am too free, so I have time to talk to Qian Xia, right?

This person is really careful!

However, having said that, Mu Liunian naturally did not believe that this alone would be able to stop him, Sangqiu Zirui.

In fact, it's not that Sangqiu Zirui didn't try to visit the Mu Mansion at night, but he sensed that the hidden guards here were no less than the previous Changping Palace.

With his own strength, he really couldn't get in!

Until this time, Sangqiu Zirui had no choice but to really accept Mu Liunian.

Not only is he a good player on the battlefield, but he is also a good player in other matters!
He refused to even give him a chance to meet Qian Xia alone.

After so long, I have been busy, and Qian Xia has been staying at home, and now that Mrs. Lin has been deliberately picked up by him, it is really difficult for me to see Qian Xia.

Sangqiu Zirui raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly, he didn't believe that if he stayed in Liao City, would he still have a chance!

Even if Qian Xia can't be abducted, it shouldn't be so difficult to meet her, right?

After thinking about it, I'm afraid I have to go to the Mu Mansion openly and aboveboard.

But with the two Yun brothers around, he still had to suffer if he wanted to see Qian Xia.

Sangqiu Zirui gave a wry smile, Mu Liunian, you are cruel!
Mu Liunian, who is far away in Qiyang, naturally knows that when he is not around, Sang Qiu Zirui will definitely try every means to get close to Qian Xia.

He knew Sangqiu Zirui too well.

The two of them can reach a consensus on the issue of unanimity, that is because both of them are stable and calm men.

But this doesn't mean that Sangqiu Zirui gave up those thoughts about Qian Xia that made him unhappy.

But Mu Liunian couldn't bring her with him directly, and Qian Xia was unwilling to leave Liaocheng because he was worried about Mu Liunian, so he came up with these tricks.

Fortunately, Qian Xia has always been quite well-behaved. Since he left, Qian Xia has never left the house, and even the second door has seldom stepped out, which reassures Mu Liunian a lot.

However, what Sangqiu Zirui didn't know was that the reason why Mu Liunian had arranged so many people beside Qian Xia, there must have been dozens of people, both openly and secretly, was not just to guard against one Sangqiu Zirui.

Mu Liunian is quite at ease with Qian Xia, he is not at ease, it has always been Sangqiu Zirui, worried that he will use some shady tricks.

Of course, Mu Liunian was more concerned about whether Qian Xia would secretly use secret techniques when he was not around.

You know, the frequency of Qian Xia's use of secret techniques before was still very high.

It wasn't until after the two had a quarrel that Qian Xia really stopped using any secret techniques.

But Mu Liunian was worried that if Qian Xia couldn't help it for a while, and then thought about spying on something, using divination, etc., it would not work.

That's why so many people were secretly arranged for the purpose of preventing her from using secret techniques.

Qian Xia also knew what Mu Liunian was worried about. In fact, although she felt that her life span had nothing to do with whether she used secret techniques or not, since he didn't know where to find out such a statement, it didn't hurt to believe him once.

Therefore, Qian Xia has always been obedient. After getting used to not using secret techniques anymore, Qian Xia really regarded herself as an ordinary person, an ordinary wife, and an ordinary mother.

Qian Xia didn't think about Mu Liunian's defense against Sangqiu Zirui.

In her heart, Sangqiu Zirui is just an outsider, not even a friend.

It's not that Qian Xia has a cool nature, it's that her heart is too small, and she can't hold anyone else except Mu Liunian.Even if they are friends, there is no place for the opposite sex.

However, after such a long time of contact, at least in Qian Xia's view, Sangqiu Zirui is Mu Liunian's friend, so Qian Xia has no special feelings towards him.

I don't know if Sangqiu Zirui would be so angry that he vomited blood if he learned about Qian Xia's thoughts?

Although Qian Xia was grateful to Sangqiu Zirui for giving her a chance to be reborn, she thought that this was their old grudge.

Be it love or hate, everything came to an end with her rebirth.

Qian Xia doesn't want to let herself live in the entanglement and pain of the past, of course, he doesn't want Sangqiu Zirui to be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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