Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 901 To Cangming!

Chapter 901 To Cangming! (2)
"I'm just saying it's possible. I can only ask people to ask. I'm not sure if it's useful or not. But at least we have more connections, don't we? Even if it can help her extend her life by three to five years, yes It is also extremely valuable to us.”

Mu Liunian nodded, and now, there is no other good way.

"Sangqiu Zirui, you and I know about this matter. I don't think Qianqian will let too many people worry about her."

Sangqiu Zirui's eyes darkened, "Don't worry, I understand."

"I don't know what decree Xiao Yunfang will have in the future, whether he rewards me or not, I don't mind, and I don't care. But if he dares to think badly again, I won't let him go."

The conversation suddenly changed, and without warning, Mu Liunian brought the topic to Xiao Yunfang.

Sangqiu Zirui was taken aback for a moment, but soon understood that the last time Qian Xia was involved in witchcraft, Mu Liunian might have put the blame on Xiao Yunfang.

At this time, he was just reminding himself that if Xiao Yunfang's hand was under control, if he extended it to Liao City again, he would really be rude.

In fact, the witchcraft in Qianxia back then was really too powerful.

Sangqiu Zirui was not sure whether that witchcraft was a good thing or a bad thing for Qian Xia.

Seeing Mu Liunian's cold face again, Sangqiu Zirui understood that he was worried that the witchcraft incident last time would bring sequelae to Qian Xia's body, making her not-so-good body even worse. weak.

"Don't worry, I will write a letter to warn Xiao Yunfang. This time, since Qian Xia is involved, it is impossible for me to make concessions to him."

Mu Liunian was a little surprised to express his attitude and position so clearly.

Before, he always knew that Qian Xia held an extremely important position in Sangqiu Zirui's heart.

Listening to what he said now, it is obvious that Qian Xia is above everything else in his heart, including the future of his clan and Sancho's family.

Mu Liunian's heart was a little sore and bitter, knowing that there was a man who cared about his wife all the time, this feeling must be uncomfortable.

But the problem is, when he knew that this man was willing to give everything for his wife, the feelings in his heart were quite complicated.

"Mu Liunian, take good care of her. I believe that man can conquer nature!"

Sangqiu Zirui finally calmed down completely, as long as Qian Xia didn't show any signs of exhaustion, then everything still had a chance.

It was supposed to be a happy New Year's Eve, but neither of these two people could be happy.

When Mu Liunian returned to the courtyard, he saw the lights still on inside the house, and remembered that tonight was to watch the New Year for his relatives.

You can't sleep when you are not in the child's time, otherwise, your relatives will be less blessed and younger.

Mu Liunian shook his head hastily, and didn't enter the room in a hurry, but went to the bathroom next door to wash himself off, changed into clean clothes, and after reconfirming that the smell of alcohol on his body was not strong, he entered the bedroom.

"Are you willing to come back? Thought you guys were going to drink until dawn?" Qian Xia only thought that these men were still drinking, so she didn't take it seriously.

The female relatives left early, and when they left, almost all the men were drinking happily.

"How could it be? How could I be willing to let my Qianqian stay alone in the empty room?"

Qian Xiabai glanced at him and said with a smile, "You, that's the mouth that's easy to use. But, rare, you're very kind to Sangqiu Zirui today."

Mu Liunian froze for a moment, then smiled uncomfortably, threw the handkerchief in his hand, and sat on the edge of the bed with her.

"You are also very kind today. I can't tear down my wife's platform, right? Besides, it's quite a pleasure for everyone to cooperate. There's no need to hurt your friendship over trivial matters."

"You can figure it out, that's the best. I can see that the way he looks at me now is quite different from before. Perhaps he has let go of his heart and figured it out. Even if he can't become something Best friends, at least we won't be too embarrassed when we meet in the future."

"Well, it makes sense. When I have time later, I have to find a wife for him."

Qian Xia smiled lightly, her eyes suddenly lit up, "By the way, did you see the way Qing Mei looked at my third brother today?"

"Huh? The two of them?"

"This time, the third brother has made a great contribution. In addition, in Liaocheng, the position in the army is originally up to you. Otherwise, you can give him a false title or something. You can't let him go." Will Qingmei marry a commoner?"

Mu Liunian hasn't woken up from what she said just now!
Yun Ruoqi and Xu Qingmei?
He really didn't notice that they became a couple?

"Are you listening to me?"

Seeing that Mu Liunian was alone in a daze, Qian Xia became a little unhappy, and stretched out her hand to push him.

Mu Liunian came back to his senses, "Well, cough, Qianqian, Xu Qingmei's marriage probably needs the consent of uncle and aunt. Besides, at this moment, I'm afraid that uncle and the others don't have the heart to hold a wedding. ?”

When he reminded Qian Xia Jing, he remembered something.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Huai'an was basically not affected this time, right?"

"It's okay. Although there were mobs before, Fang Liang handled it very well and had little impact on Huai'an. Now, my uncle has already started to intervene in Huai'an's military affairs. At this time, I'm afraid Xiao Yunfang doesn't have the heart to pay attention to it." .”

"Why does uncle intervene in Huai'an's military affairs?" Qian Xia didn't understand, now that the war is over, why bother to find something for herself?
"You don't understand. Although we have repelled Cang Ming this time, it doesn't mean that the relationship between Cang Ming and Zi Ye will ease. I'm afraid that the big trouble we will face is still to come."

Qian Xia froze for a moment, "You mean, Cang Ming will send an army to continue attacking Zi Ye?"

"It's hard to say!" Mu Liunian shook his head, "At least, I can't see it now. Cang Ming has suffered such a big loss this time, and he definitely won't stop here, but he probably won't be in a hurry to make a move in the short term. I I think they might still have to contact Qianxue."

(End of this chapter)

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