Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 902 To Cangming!

Chapter 902 To Cangming! (3)
Qian Xia was really scared at this moment. She thought that the war was over, and then they would be able to live a peaceful and happy life. At least, the common people could slowly resume production. It was normal for men to farm and women to weave. up.

But hearing what he said, I suddenly lost my mind.

Not only is there no end, but even Zi Ye's future is really bleak.

"Qianqian, after the Chinese New Year, Sangqiu Zirui and I may both leave Liaocheng. I will go to Qianxue, and Sangqiu Zirui will go to Cangming. You also know that Huangfu Dingtao is his younger brother. There are some things between the two of us. There must be a break."

"Stop it? I thought you meant that Sangqiu Zirui was going to persuade Huangfu Dingtao to call a truce."

"Since this is the case, whoever says a truce can make a truce?"

What Mu Liunian said was actually the truth, but he happened to say the opposite of where the two of them were going.

In fact, it was Sangqiu Zirui who was going to Qianxue, because he still had some friendship with the Southern Xinjiang wizard there, and wanted to find out if there was any way to prolong Qianxia's life.

As for him, he had received a letter from Suzaku, and it seemed that the Cangming National Master really had some knowledge.

However, he needs to go there in person to confirm.

"Qianqian, we don't think we'll leave until after the fifteenth day. At that time, Liaocheng will have to trouble Yun Ruogu and the others again. Besides, I'm not worried about military affairs. Anyway, my father is here too. And my cousin is also there, but I'm a little worried about you here."

Qian Xia froze for a moment, understood what he was talking about, and twitched the corners of her lips slightly, "Don't worry, since I promised you, I will definitely do it. I won't use secret techniques anymore. At least, I won't hide it from you." up to you to use."

"Okay! Qianqian, if Ziye is completely unaffected by war and riots, we are the only one here. I'm just worried that it will become a thorn in Xiao Yunfang's side."

"What do you want me to do?"

Mu Liunian smiled, "My wife is too smart, sometimes it makes my husband feel a little bit frustrated."

Qian Xia took a gouged look at him, knowing that he was joking, "Are you going on a secret trip?"

"Yes! So, once people from the imperial court come, or Xiao Yunfang's spies come, you must deal with it carefully. Xiao Yunfang still trusts Sangqiu Zirui. It's just not so good for me."

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, families began to visit each other to pay New Year's greetings.

Xu Qingmei sat and talked with Princess Changping and the others in the small hall, and soon mentioned her marriage.

"Qing Mei, why did you come back with your father this time? Why is Auntie so relieved?"

"My mother didn't agree at first. But then my father said that it's good to follow my uncle to Liaocheng, Huai'an, it may not be absolutely safe, but Liaocheng can make them feel more at ease."

Mrs. Cheng looked her up and down, "Miss Xu's family is handsome and has good manners. Most importantly, she has a good temper, is straightforward and doesn't make people feel too rude. The princess is so lucky to have such a Good niece."

Xu Qingmei's face turned red when she heard Cheng's praise, she lowered her head and secretly looked at Cheng's, she is Yun Ruoqi's nominal aunt.

In a blink of an eye, she met the eyes of Qian Xia who was opposite, and accepted the smile in Qian Xia's eyes together.

Xu Qingmei's face turned red all of a sudden, the feeling of being seen through her heart really made her feel ashamed and anxious.

Wait until the two walk together in the garden.

Qian Xia watched Sanqi and Lixing happily playing with Xiao Yunhua in front, and whispered, "Your sister has someone she likes?"

Xu Qingmei originally wanted to deny it, but when she thought of the look in her eyes in the hall earlier, she knew what she was thinking, maybe she couldn't hide it from her.

"Good cousin, I don't know what to do now? Just help me."

The corners of Qian Xia's lips were smiling, and the beauty of the moon and stars between her brows and eyes made Xu Qingmei lose her mind for a moment.

"No wonder my cousin said that this life is only for you to live alone. Look at your eyebrows, your bearing, who in the world can match it? Uh, no, no. It should be said that there is no one in the world who can match you." You can take your soul away like this."

Qian Xia glared at her, "Are you praising me, or are you hurting me? Why does it sound like you're belittling me?"

"Where is it? Didn't I praise my cousin sister-in-law for her beauty?"

"Desperation? Why do I sound like you are talking about a goblin?"

Xu Qingmei covered her lips and smiled, "Isn't my cousin a little fairy? She's also a fairy who fascinates my cousin."

Qian Xia made a gesture to hit her, which caused Xu Qingmei to raise her hand to beg for mercy, "I was wrong, I was wrong about my cousin sister-in-law. It was just a joke. Besides, today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, so you can't hit her." I'm unlucky."

Qian Xia withdrew her hand and snickered, "Okay! I won't hit you, but, years ago, I heard my aunt said that she wanted to find a sensible wife for my third brother, and I don't know if it was settled or not. "

Xu Qingmei became anxious when she heard it, and called out, "Biao sister-in-law!"

There was a coquettish, soft tone in that tone, and there was a hint of asking for help.

As soon as she heard this voice, Qian Xia felt comfortable all over.

It seems that I guessed it right, this cousin really saw eye-to-eye with the third brother.

After a long circle, unexpectedly, these two people came back again.

As early as when she was in Liangcheng, she could tell that something was wrong between the two of them.

But at that time, Yun Ruoqi was not very obvious.At that time, Xu Qingmei's temperament was relatively wild, so she was a little uncertain for a while.

Looking at the two of them now, an occasional glance or an extremely subtle movement all indicated that there was a problem between the two of them.

"Didn't you just say that you need my help? What is it?"

Xu Qingmei's face was as red as that of Hongmei next to her, biting her lip lightly, she didn't know what to say for a while.

Qian Xia saw that she had teased her to an extent, she turned her eyes away, and then looked at her precious son.

(End of this chapter)

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