Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 903 To Cangming!

Chapter 903 To Cangming! (4)
"Qingmei, have you ever thought that the person you like now is actually not as warm and delicate as he appears on the surface? In fact, he may be darker and more cruel than you imagined? You Not afraid?"

Xu Qingmei was obviously stunned for a moment, she didn't understand Qian Xia's intentions for a while, and she answered casually, "But I don't think the third son is that kind of person. Besides, even if he is sometimes cruel , but as long as he is not cruel to him, wouldn't it be fine?"

After finishing speaking, he saw the corner of Qian Xia's smiling eyes, and realized that he had been tricked by her again.

"Cousin, you lied to me again!"

"What is cheating? What I said is the truth. Qingmei, you only saw Yun Ruoqi, who looks good and acts freely, but you have never seen the real him. Are you sure, you want to marry someone like you?" A man who doesn't know his roots?"

A shyness appeared on Xu Qingmei's face, she shook her head lightly, "Cousin, I don't care what kind of person he is. As long as he treats me well."

Qian Xia suddenly feels black lines all over her head, she is a typical white girl who has been dazzled by love.

Shaking his head, he couldn't help cursing, "This third brother is really harmful."

"What did you say, cousin?"

Xu Qingmei, who was thinking about the person she liked, didn't pay attention for a while, so naturally she didn't hear what she just said clearly.

"It's nothing, it's just a complaint. Okay, since you have identified him, but have you ever thought about whether his background can be compared to you? How could your parents agree?"

Xu Qingmei's face was slightly pale, she twisted the handkerchief in her hands, she always disdained to do such a little daughter's behavior, but today she showed the shyness and entanglement of a girl's family to the fullest.

"To tell the truth from my cousin, my father has no objection. He said that the Yun family is also a famous family. It's just that they have been keeping a low profile over the years, and they don't even want to join the court. Therefore, he has no objection."

Qian Xia was slightly surprised, "You actually showed your heart to them?"

Seeing Xu Qingmei nod her head, Qian Xia really didn't know whether to say she was too sincere, or that she was too naive!
Marriage is such an important matter, and she is the only daughter of the Xu family's direct line, so her marriage is naturally the top priority.

She was nice, she just told Xu Yan and his wife about her having a crush, isn't this girl too straightforward?

"Cousin, will you look down on me because of this?"

Xu Qingmei's expression was a little fearful.

Obviously, she was also worried that her words and deeds would make her gentle and generous cousin feel that she had lost the reserve that a daughter should have.

But she doesn't regret it. In her mind, what is the difference between a woman and a man?

Men can fight on the battlefield, so can women!

In Cangming, didn't there have been a few female generals?There has also been an empress!

"Qing Mei, tell me yourself, what do you really think?"

"Sister-in-law, in fact, what I think is very simple. Marriage is my own business. In the future, I will spend the rest of my life with my husband, not your parents. Therefore, I have to choose my husband. Only them It won't work if you fancy it."

Qian Xia was really surprised by these remarks.

However, when I think about Xu Qingmei being born into a family of military generals, and being favored since childhood, she will have such scary thoughts, and it is no exception.

Of course, the more reason is that Qian Xia Xu was influenced by Mu Liunian, so it was not so hard to accept such absurd remarks to Xu Qingmei.

"However, it doesn't matter if you like it. If your father and mother don't agree, how can your marriage be done?"

Only then did Xu Qingmei look a little worried.

"Biao sister-in-law, that's why I asked you to find a way. Don't you know how the third son of Yun is? Cousin sister-in-law, don't you know? Just ask cousin to say something nice in front of aunt, will it work?"

"You, don't even think about it. Can I say good things about the third brother in front of the mother and concubine? What happened? If the mother and the concubine really like the third brother, I don't need to say a good word, but if the mother and the concubine don't agree What I say is useless.”

"Then, what to do then?"

"Silly girl, the most I can do is to help you find out what the mother and concubine have to say about such things. As for how the concubine mother views this marriage, I don't know."

When they returned to their yard, Sanqi was puzzled and said, "Miss, don't you intend to help them?"

"That can't tell her. Once she has hope, but she can't make her wish when she arrives, wouldn't she be harmed?"

"Miss, what do you mean, it's hard to talk about this?"

"Of course it's hard to say. I haven't seen that Uncle Xu since we got married."

Sanqi couldn't help smacking his mouth, it really is.How can I be sure that I can convince others if I have never even met them in person?How can I know the criteria for choosing a son-in-law?
Qianxia is busy here because of Xu Qingmei and Yun Ruoqi's affairs, and Mu Liunian and Sangqiu Zirui also took this opportunity to learn more about secret arts and witchcraft through their own contacts and channels.

Suzaku lived up to Mu Liunian's expectations, and finally got on the line with Master Cangming, but her status was not enough to attract the other party's attention.

For the people in Liaocheng and Yangzhou, this new year's festival is still going smoothly, and it is no different from other times.

The shortage of supplies that has occurred elsewhere does not appear here.

Whether it's rice grains or some other popular goods, everything is available here.

Firstly, it was because they had made preparations half a year ago, and secondly, the two cities were connected together, and they were backed by Phoenix Mountain. Only relying on the local self-sufficiency, it was enough to solve the problem. Eighty-eight.

As for some goods that need to be imported from other places, there is no problem with the Yun family, Ziye's richest businessman, and the Mu family's escort.

(End of this chapter)

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