Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 924 Rectify Wuji!

Chapter 924 Rectify Wuji! (5)

Listening to such crisp and clear words that came out of Yunhua's mouth, Mu Liunian's mood was extremely good!
"My dear son, you really are your parents' little baby!"

But overnight, everyone in the Mu family knew the seductive dancing posture of the third young master Xu.

Xu Wuji was naturally very angry, but he really didn't understand how he got his way.

Thinking about the fact that I had never drank tea, and secondly, there was no incense burner there, so it was impossible for me to be intoxicated by the incense.Could it be that there are really such powerful people in this world who can make themselves poisoned without knowing it?

It wasn't until he thought of the relevant legends about the Yun family that he suddenly realized, where is the poison?It was obvious that he had fallen for his cousin's secret technique!

When Xu Wuji thought of how powerful his cousin was, if she hadn't been merciful, he would have been even more ashamed.

Thinking about it from another angle, what if she used secret techniques to order herself to commit suicide?
Xu Wuji broke out in a cold sweat immediately.

Thinking that since she can make herself perform sexy dances unconsciously, then other things are naturally within her reach.

Xu Wuji had never regretted it as much as now.

It's not good to provoke anyone, why would you provoke this cousin who looks gentle but is actually cold-hearted?
Qian Xia ignored what he was thinking, all she wanted was silence.

As long as the Mu family can calm down and Xu Qingmei and Yun Ruoqi's marriage can proceed smoothly, then she doesn't care about the rest.

Mu Liunian sat beside her, seeing her eyes fixed on the small wooden box, "What's wrong? Can't you open it?"

Qian Xia nodded, "I can't open it. It seems that I need to carefully recall all the secret arts related to the Yun family. This small box is very likely to come from the Yun family itself. The way to open it should be At Yun's house."

"Well, don't worry. It's been so long anyway, it's not too late."

Qian Xia turned to look at him, "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I not only used illusion on Xu Wuji today, but also used a pendulum for divination."

"What did you divination?"

"Zi Ye, I'm afraid it won't be peaceful for too long. Huangfu Dingtao will not stop here. And with his identity and status in Cangming, it is not difficult to persuade Cangming Emperor to continue attacking Ziye."

Qian Xia's face darkened slightly, "Fortunately, when you left, you also set him up. He should not appear in the court for a while. However, such rumors will not arise among the nobles. It has too much effect. After all, in their view, as long as the Emperor and Prince Rui approve it, what other people say is useless."

"I understand. What are we going to do now?"

"In the southern border, I'm not worried. After all, there is Mr. Jinhua as his trump card. Perhaps, you can use your power to help Jinhua unify the small country in the southern border and help him grow up."

Mu Liunian was a little embarrassed, "There are more than ten small countries in the southern border. Ulan is not the most powerful country. Moreover, although the previous Shaze country was severely damaged by us, he still has prestige among those small countries."

"Are you worried that Shaze will unite with several other small countries to jointly confront Ulan?"

Mu Liunian nodded, "That's right. Although we are well-stocked now, as you said, once Cangming attacks again, how long can we last?"

Qian Xia pursed her lips, "What I'm worried about now is, if Cang Ming and Qian Xue have reached an agreement, what should we do?"

Mu Liunian put his hand on his chin, and began to think carefully, "If it doesn't work, I'll send Wuji to visit Qianxue. Let him find a way to meet Qianxue's little princess."


Mu Liunian coughed dryly, "You don't know, Wuji sneaked to Qianxue a few years ago. You also know that Huai'an City is near the border, so it's easy for him to go to Qianxue. But he didn't think about it. That little princess of Qianxue also sneaked out, was tied up, and was almost sold to a brothel. At that time, that little princess was only twelve or thirteen years old."

Qian Xia couldn't help laughing, "It can't be such a coincidence, was it saved by Wuji?"

"That's right! Because of this, the little princess identified Wuji and swore that he would not marry him in this life. It took Wuji a lot of effort to send him back to the palace. As a result, the little princess The princess gave him a jade pendant, and said that she would let him come to propose marriage when he and she were 15 years old. But this little princess has been waiting until now, and Wuji has not come to her door."

"How old is that little princess?"

"It's almost seventeen, right? I don't know the details. Anyway, that little princess is also a weirdo. She recognized Wuji and refused to marry anyone else no matter what. For this matter, Qian Xuehuang and the queen, It’s all in a hurry.”

"You mean, let Wuji go to Qianxue Country to marry Qianxue's little princess?"

"It's fine if he doesn't get married. It's not bad to be a door-to-door son-in-law."

"But, I heard you say that Wuji keeps a respectful distance from this little princess, is he really willing to go?"

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows and said with a smirk, "That's up to him. Since he followed, he must listen to me."

The corner of Qian Xia's mouth twitched, the real black-bellied master is here.

What is it compared to dancing a sexy dance during the day?As soon as Mu Liunian made a move, he was directly attached to him for the rest of his life.

Qian Xia shook her head, sure enough, the nemesis of the little magic star is definitely a big magic star.

The next day, Mu Liunian found Wuji alone, and told him the priorities of the matter.

Moreover, he also specifically instructed that he would make Wuji appear in front of the little princess very unexpectedly, and try to find a way to create a sign that the little princess was chasing him, so that at least Qian Xuehuang would not feel They were plotting against Qian Renxue.

Wuji wanted to refuse, but the pair fell in love with Mu Liunian's calm but sharp eyes, everything was blocked in his throat, and he couldn't utter a word at all.

"Cousin, what if I am left behind in Qianxue?"

"What can I do? I can do whatever I want! Besides, I didn't ask you to deceive the little princess. You don't need to hide your wealth and background. After all, it happened a few years ago that you saved the little princess. .”

"Then I haven't appeared in Qianxue for several years, don't you think it's strange to appear there suddenly?"

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows, and said with a dark smile, "After you meet Qian Xuehuang, you can imply to him that you were the one who robbed the other courtyard of Prince Rui's son in Cangming Liu County. You are worried about yourself. If you do such a big thing, you will be scolded by your family, so you sneak out again."

Xu Wuji was stunned, and took a long time to take a step back, "Cousin, are you too ruthless? Just like this, you directly blamed me?"

"What's the blame? Don't say it so badly! I'm not doing this for you, okay? Think about it, how strict is the other courtyard of Prince Rui's mansion? There are so many masters in it, and the result? People were killed by you Yes, the things were robbed by you, doesn't this fully demonstrate your ability?"

Mu Liunian patted him on the shoulder again, "Think about it, you made such a bad move because you were too angry to bully Cangming. Unexpectedly, as soon as you made a move, you directly took over one of Huangfu Dingtao's other courtyards. What kind of honor is this? What kind of righteousness are you doing to exalt my Ziye's national prestige? Isn't it?"

Xu Wuji was led in by him, nodded, "It seems that's what it means."

"That's right! Think about it, once you finish talking about this, what kind of impression do you give Qian Xuehuang and the little princess? For the sake of your own country, you risked your own life, did not care about your own, and finally destroyed his other courtyard. You are a hero!"

Xu Wuji hesitated, "But the problem is that I didn't do this?"

"Why not? Were you there at the time? Did you see the whole process?"

Xu Wuji nodded in a daze.

"That's it! So, you planned this matter. So, Wuji, get ready to use the image of a hero to replace your previous image of a little magic star! In addition, you are so handsome Appearance, who else can refuse you?"

Mu Liunian didn't feel at all that it was inappropriate for him to throw the blame on Xu Wuji.

As for Xu Wuji, he was immediately dumbfounded by what he said.

(End of this chapter)

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