Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 925 37 is a concubine?

Chapter 925 Sanqi is a concubine? (1)
After the poor Xu Wuji arrived in Qianxue's territory, he realized that something was wrong.

But by the time he reacted, it was already too late.

Mu Liunian kept his promise, and really created all kinds of opportunities for him. No matter who saw it, it was Qianxue's little princess who was chasing Xu Wuji closely.

Finally, under the tough wrist of the little princess, and the people sent by Mu Liunian to deliberately release the water, Xu Wuji finally fell into the hands of the little princess.

Seeing Xu Wuji who was dazed by herself, the little princess stretched out her hand to wipe his face. Sure enough, the ordinary-looking skin outside was not his at all.

A face indistinguishable between male and female was revealed, which caught the eyes of the little princess.

Looking at the long eyelashes, it seems that she is sending an extremely earnest invitation like a little princess, kiss me quickly, kiss me quickly!
The little princess pursed her lips, rolled her eyes, slowly lowered her head, and pressed a kiss directly on his smooth forehead.

And this scene was caught by the prince who just came in.

The prince covered his eyes and thought, what crime did I do, that I was sent to find such a little ghostly sister.

Now that's all right, how do you explain to your father, queen and queen when you go back?
Seeing her brother coming, the little princess immediately put away her nympho mentality and waved her hand, "Go back to the palace."

Along the way, the prince could see that his sister was really in a good mood.

In fact, he was also a little strange, he was obviously such an ordinary person, he didn't see any flaws, but how did his younger sister decide that he was the savior back then?

The prince thought about it, can't he be so confused all the time?

"Sister, how are you sure it's him? What I mean is, the face at that time was far from what it is now."

"Superficial!" The little princess replied coldly.

The prince was choked by her words, and his face was a little ugly, "Come here, leave this thing alone."


Where is the little princess willing?But seeing his elder brother's appearance, he also knew that he must be satisfied.

"Brother Huang, when looking at a person, you can't just look at the surface. What you pay attention to is his face, but what makes me most sensitive is his smell. Although he changed his face, but he The smell on my body has not changed. I still remember that when he rescued me, he also smelled the same way, not like the scent of incense on ordinary rich and noble men. The scent on his body is a bit cold. "

The corner of the prince's mouth twitched, is the scent still cold?
It was the first time he had heard of this.In addition, why did he feel that his younger sister was different when she met this person?

Ever since my sister was taken out of the palace privately and almost cheated a few years ago, they have taken her very seriously inside and outside the palace.

However, his younger sister has also practiced martial arts since she was a child. Although she is not very good, she is not bad among women.

In addition, I don't know where she came up with so many weird ways, it's really not particularly difficult to get out of the palace.

In the end, there was no other way, so her father had no choice but to agree to her. By the way, let her bring dozens of guards with her.

Thinking about the past two years, because my sister is getting older, but she has never been married.

It's not that the emperor didn't choose her a son-in-law, it's that she herself didn't want to.

What are you talking about in this life, you just look for the savior, other people, whoever comes, don't marry!
But the problem is, they were only worried about the safety of the little princess at the beginning, and after she was sent back, no one thought of asking the young master's surname first, and just like that, people slipped away.

But one thing is certain, that person is not Qian Snowman.

But this is not easy to find.

Over the past few years, as the crown prince of a country, the prince has often visited various countries, but he has never seen him again.

The prince was very sure that the man had an extraordinary temperament, and he was definitely not the son of an ordinary family.If it wasn't for an extremely wealthy family, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to raise such a luxurious son.

This time, it was my sister who met me.

It's just a pity that he still wants to escape again and again, and he doesn't know what his sister is thinking. He is so frightened, why should he not marry?
If I am wronged in the future, who can I talk to?

The little princess was worried that the person would run away, so the drug was a little heavy.

The one who came with Wuji was a member of Ye Fu sent by Mu Liunian.

After the carriage traveled for several hours, in a relatively remote place, the guard finally appeared.

"Who are you? Let my young master go quickly."

The prince took a look, the other party's skill is not bad, to have such a person as a guard, it can be seen that his guess at the beginning was not bad.

"I'm afraid this son has misunderstood. We took him away not to harm him. It's just that he saved my sister a few years ago. My father was very excited at that time, so he betrothed my sister to him. We have been looking for him for several years, so we want to bring him back to Kyoto."

"I don't know who you are? I only know that you have arrested my young master. If you don't release my young master, then you will never be able to live in peace."

"Presumptuous!" The guards around the prince couldn't bear it long ago, who is this person?Isn't it a little too arrogant to say that?

"Hmph! Why? In broad daylight, you kidnapped someone, so it's justified?"

This is the key word.

The prince also knew that what they did was not kind, but there was no way, he couldn't let his sister go on forever, right?

My sister is seventeen this year, how many more years can I wait?

Most of her age have become relatives, and some have even given birth to children.If it drags on, I'm afraid his sister's life will be ruined.

(End of this chapter)

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