Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 948 The situation is grim!

Chapter 948 The situation is grim! (3)
Has Qian Xia ever seen him like this?
"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I, it's not that I don't want to say it. It's just that I don't know what to say."

Mu Liunian's eyes brightened slightly, "You can say whatever you think in your heart."

There are naturally too many nice love words.

But Mu Liunian didn't intend to be her husband and teach her how to talk about love.

What he wanted was her words from the bottom of her heart, her sincerity.

If the love words taught were useful, he would have taught them a long time ago, why wait until now?

"I, didn't I just say that when you were away, I missed you very much?"

Mu Liunian saw that her face turned red again, but he still didn't intend to let her go, and continued to ask, "How much do you want?"

Qian Xia's eyes began to flicker randomly, and her head moved a few times, obviously, she was a little embarrassed.

"I don't know how much I think about it, anyway, I really want it."

Mu Liunian narrowed his eyes slightly, "Qianqian, are you perfunctory?"

Qian Xia heard the dissatisfaction in his tone, immediately widened her eyes, shook her head and said, "I didn't! I just, I just don't know what to say."

She said the last three words in a very low voice.

Mu Liunian moved forward again, and at this time, the two of them were almost nose to nose.

"Qianqian, I know, I've made it difficult for you."

Seeing the flash of loneliness in his eyes, Qian Xia felt distressed for no reason.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!"

Because of her cry, Mu Liunian didn't move any more, but raised his eyelids slightly, and looked at her quietly.

"I, I don't know how to describe my own mood. That feeling is very strange, it seems very beautiful, but I feel very worried. Whenever I can't sleep, I get up and look at the moon outside. I just think, Maybe you are also busy with military affairs and can't sleep well. Maybe you are using the moonlight to lay an ambush."

Qian Xia's voice slowly began to stabilize, and the tone was no longer that strange.

"I always think that although we are not together, we are all concerned about each other and concerned about each other. I know that while I am thinking of you, you must also be thinking of me, right?"

The softness in Mu Liunian's eyes became thicker and thicker, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, and he winked at her, as if nodding in agreement.

"I remember that my uncle once told me that after practicing the secret technique for several years, my temperament became more and more cold, and I became more and more like a person who has no desires and desires. As a woman , I did that, which made him very worried."

In Qian Xia's eyes, a faint sadness began to circulate.

"Uncle always said that if it wasn't because I was the only person in this generation who was gifted, he would never have brought me into Phoenix Mountain and taught me secret techniques. I am a woman, and if I marry someone in the future , such a temperament will inevitably suffer a disadvantage. It's the unpleasant kind."

"How come? I like it very much."

Mu Liunian couldn't wait to express her heart, and only hoped that she would not miss her uncle for too long at this time.

"Yes, my uncle accidentally mentioned it once later, saying that it was lucky to have you. Fortunately, you appeared in my life, and the timing of your appearance was so perfect. If you were here before I started to practice the secret It didn't appear until after the operation, I'm afraid, my feeling for you will be very different again."

Mu Liunian reached out and brushed her hair, "Qianqian, no matter when we meet, I will pay close attention to you."

Qian Xia smiled a little embarrassedly, "Actually, there have been many times, I also feel very lucky. Really, I am glad that I met you in this life. I am glad that I can still have a man who loves me like you. "

The smile and happiness at the corner of Mu Liunian's mouth couldn't be hidden anymore, and began to spill out bit by bit.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I was lucky because I met you. Therefore, even when I was thousands of miles apart and I could only miss you silently, I felt that I was also happy. Because in this world, there is another person who can make me feel happy. The existence of a person who misses so much, is so reluctant to let go, and is so distressed.”

Mu Liunian could hardly bear it anymore.

How could his superficiality and his honest words make him so happy?
In fact, Mu Liunian didn't hold back and kissed her directly.

The lingering and tender kiss made Qian Xia dizzy very quickly, and almost forgot that they were in the yard at the moment.

"You, don't mess around. This is outside."

Mu Liunian's heart was also beating fast, it was really hard to hear such joyful words of love from her.

Soon, Mu Liunian became a little depressed again.

This time, it was really frustrating.

If he hadn't been so impulsive just now, wouldn't Qianxia have said more love words to him?

It seems that this time, the gain outweighs the loss.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that I was too reckless just now. Looking at Qian Xia now, although there is a layer of water stains on the eyes, a little damp, but the brilliance shot out is quite different from before.

Mu Liunian knew that he just missed his best chance.

At the moment, I feel a little annoyed, it is really useless to be angry, why are you so anxious?
Regardless of the moment, she carried Qian Xia and went to the nearest attic.

Sanqi and Yaoyue in the distance looked at it, but secretly pursed their lips and smiled, but they didn't dare to laugh too presumptuously.

"Okay, let's get some hot water."

One of the two went to prepare clean clothes, and the other went to prepare hot water.

For several days in a row, Mu Liunian lived a life of isolation from the world, and the two of them, Qian Xia and Qian Xia, really loved each other so much that it made people jealous.

Every time Lu Minghao came here, he couldn't help but say a few sour words, so that later, when he wanted to enter Mu's residence, he couldn't enter without Qinglong speaking.

Today, Sanqi helped the young lady comb her hair, and then put on a hairpin, "Miss is going out today, so it shouldn't be too shabby."

"Well, that's pretty good. Sanqi, these days, I think your complexion is not very good, but you are not feeling well?"

(End of this chapter)

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