Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 949 The situation is grim!

Chapter 949 The situation is grim! (4)
Sanqi was taken aback, and reluctantly twitched the corners of his mouth, "What's the matter? Miss, the servant is in good health."

"I heard that Mr. Lu hasn't come for some days."

"Well, yes, it's been five or six days."

When Sanqi realized what he said, he glanced through the bronze mirror and saw that the young lady was looking at her.

"Miss, servant girl, servant girl, go and see if the carriage is ready."

"Wait! Sanqi, tell me the truth, are you really interested in that Mr. Lu?"

Sanqi bit her lip, lowered her head, not daring to say anything.

"What are you afraid to say! If you really like him, just say it. But there is one thing, you have to think about it, do you really want to marry him as a concubine?"

As soon as she heard the word concubine, Sanqi's body trembled. She followed Madam and Miss since childhood. What's the matter that she didn't know?
The concubine's room in a high-ranking family sounds nice, and they feel that they are living a wealthy life, but in fact, they have no status at all in the mansion.

Even if a child is born, if it is not approved by the elders, it is naturally impossible for the child to be raised by the concubine's side.

"Miss, I don't have this servant, I don't have this idea."

"No? Sanqi, how many years have you been with me? I don't know what kind of person you are? Do you think I'm blind or deaf?"

"Miss, I don't dare to serve you." Sanqi panicked, her expression was not right, and her eyes began to flicker.

"Sanqi, I know Mr. Lu is a good man, both civil and military, and handsome, but you have to understand what kind of background he is, even if Mr. Lu treats the prince and me a little bit, and allows you to enter the door, do you think he is a good man?" , can you become the main wife?"

Sanqi's face was as white as a piece of paper for an instant.

"I know you are a smart girl. Now we are in Liaocheng, but what about the future? Sanqi, have you thought about your future? If you marry someone, but you can't be the main wife, you can only be the side room. With us It's better now, what if we left Liaocheng? Or if Mr. Lu was sent to another place? Without a woman to rely on, do you think we can still have a good life?"

"Miss, maybe, maybe Mr. Lu's future wife will not be an unreasonable person."

Hearing what Sanqi said, Qianxia was a little disappointed.

However, at the same time, Qian Xia was also a little bit happy. At least, San Qi was willing to tell her the truth, admitting that she fell in love with Lu Minghao.

"Yes, this may happen. Then, let me ask you again, is it possible that with Lu Minghao's status, he will only marry one regular wife? You have to understand that he is not Mu Liunian. He and most other Like a man like yours, it is impossible for him to treat you wholeheartedly. If there are other concubines coming in in the future, who are born better than you, born more beautiful than you, and have better cooking skills than you, how will you deal with yourself?"

These words hit Sanqi's sore spot!
In fact, she herself was not sure whether it was her cooking skills or her appearance that Lu Minghao took a fancy to her.

Although Sanqi was not ugly, she was definitely not a stunning beauty.

If she fell in love with her only because of her good cooking skills, then how sad would her life be?

"Miss, what you said makes sense. Can you let the slaves think about it?"

Qian Xia knew that she had to figure it out for some things, so that others could continue to persuade her, otherwise, it would be useless to say anything!

"Don't go out these few days, think about it carefully. When you figure it out, when will you come here to serve me again. These few days, just let Yaoyue and Lixing follow me."

Seeing her surprised face, Qian Xia sighed again, "Look at your face, it's really scary! Go back and tell the dining room to make up for it."

"Yes, thank you miss."

"Okay, let's go down and rest first."

Looking at Sanqi's back as he left, he seemed a little panicked.

Yaoyue came in and shook her head pitifully, "Consort Shi, Sanqi's thoughts are too naive. As you said, how many princes and generals are there in this world?"

"Yes, most men in the world are unlucky. Even if it is a temporary favor, how long can it last? Forget it, if she insists on marrying Lu Minghao, there is nothing I can do. Even if I help her, I can't go with Lu Minghao. Madam said, let my girl marry into their house as the main wife?"

Yaoyue curled her lips. Although the status of the concubine is noble, she can't interfere in other people's housework, and she can't force her to marry a maid as her regular wife. Isn't this slapping Lu's family in the face?
Although Sanqi's etiquette and behavior are very decent, but no matter how decent it is, it is impossible to marry into a noble family as a regular wife.

If Sanqi is just an ordinary girl in the village with a free identity, at worst she can get her a godly relative with an identity, but there is still some possibility.But she happened to be the son of the Yun family, so it was really impossible for the Lu family to accept such a background.

There are some things that Qianxia doesn't want to say too directly and too cruelly, because she really can't be cruel.

She saw all this clearly, but because she had to face Sanqi, the closest person around her, it was naturally impossible to open her mouth.

She couldn't say it, but Yaoyue had nothing to shy away from.

Although they have been together for a long time, from the bottom of her heart, there are only a few people who she really approves of.

Seeing the concubine Shizi worrying about her now, her heart moved, and when she came back at night, she went to Sanqi's room.

The Mu Mansion has a large place and few masters, so naturally there are fewer servants to serve.

Therefore, Sanqi and the others lived directly in the main courtyard with the master. When they were on duty at night, they went to sleep in the wing room of the main courtyard. When they were not on duty, they lived in the back and lived alone in a room .

When Sanqi heard someone knock on the door, she wiped away her tears, "Who is it? What's the matter?"

"It's me. Seeing that you didn't eat much for dinner, I specially brought you some food."

(End of this chapter)

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