Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 967 Happy again?

Chapter 967 Happy again? (2)
On the way, Qianxia was actually still a little bit worried.

She was worried about Sangqiu Zirui. She didn't know how important Liaocheng and Yangzhou were in Sangqiu Zirui's heart.

She knew that Sangqiu Zirui would leave Liaocheng sooner or later.

The reason why he is still the governor here is because Xiao Yunfang also knows that apart from Sangqiu Zirui, if another person comes, there is only one dead end.

Another point, he also knew very well that there was only one Sangqiu Zirui in this world who could compete with Mu Liunian.

Although Sangqiu Zirui has no treasure under his command, it will happen sooner or later.

Qian Xia could even foresee that in the future, Sanqiu Zirui would wear a white shirt and fight among thousands of armies. What an amazing sight it would be.

Xiao Yunfang is his cousin, no matter how ignorant or bastard he is, he is also the current emperor of Ziye. It is impossible for Sangqiu Zirui to abandon his family and choose to follow Mu Liunian.

In fact, even if he had no family to restrain him, it was impossible for Sangqiu Zirui to follow Mu Liunian.

In fact, she didn't really look forward to seeing the atmosphere of the king seeing the king.

"What are you thinking about?"

Qian Xia shook her head and leaned gently into his arms, "Zi Ye is now riddled with holes, the people are displaced and their lives are difficult. I hope all of this will get better soon."

"Well, in fact, we should be lucky. Fortunately, this time, we here, Anyang City and Huai'an City have not lost much. Basically, the lives of the people are still very stable. It's just that Yunzhou and Luanhe suffered a lot. of the people."

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, if Xiao Yunfang wanted to put you to death, what would you do?"

This question has actually been hidden in Qian Xia's heart for a long time.

There is no doubt that the Mu family is very loyal.

Even though the first emperor did such a disgusting thing back then, King Changping still endured it and never rebelled against it.

Perhaps, it was precisely because of this that the first emperor thought that he was smart and everyone else was stupid, and then he would do so many things that hurt the Mu family.

Among them, Mu Liunian was the one who was hurt the most.

Qian Xia still remembers the pain when he was poisoned back then, his whole face lost half of the color, and only a pair of eyes could still see a little bit of hope.

Every time she thinks about this, she feels an indescribable pain in her heart. Mu Liunian like that really makes her feel bad.

She knew that if Sangqiu Zirui's heart was always on Zi Ye's big plan, then they could reach an agreement and have a consensus.

But what if there is civil strife?

The first thing Sangqiu Zirui had to think about was that Xiao Yunfang, or Ziye's future?
Taking a step back, even if he thought of Zi Ye's future first, who can guarantee that Mu Liunian is Zi Ye's future?
Qian Xia suddenly felt some pain.

In fact, she shouldn't be the one to worry about this kind of thing all the time, but she clearly understands that the somewhat subtle relationship between her and Sangqiu Zirui may directly affect his judgment .

For the first time, Qian Xia hesitated.

Does she want to meet Sangqiu Zirui?

Even if they met, how would she say it?Take advantage of his special affection for him, and then use him again?Wouldn't it be too despicable to do so?
Qian Xia closed her eyes tightly, thinking about letting herself relax, and not thinking about these things for the time being, as Mu Liunian said, even if Xiao Yunfang wanted to deal with him, it would not be this year.

They should still be able to have a safe year this year.

Of course, this is on the premise that Cang Ming does not send troops against Zi Ye.

Qian Xia bit her lip lightly, everything in the future is unknown.

She suddenly thought of the strange astrology she saw on Phoenix Mountain that night, perhaps, in the dark, everything has its own destiny.

Back in the Mu Mansion, Xiao Yunhua was learning how to use a sword in a decent manner, and it was Yun Ruoqi who taught him swordsmanship.

"The third brother is here?"

"Well, why did you go and why did you come back? Leaving Xiao Yunhua alone in the mansion, you parents are really cruel."

Qian Xia smiled slightly, seeing Yun Hua throwing down the sword in his hand, and quickly ran to her, still yelling, "Mother, mother."

But before he touched his dress, he was hugged by Mu Liunian, "You bastard, how many times have I told you? Your mother is weak, and you are two years old. How dare you let her hug you? "

Qian Xia reminded in a low voice, "It's less than two years old, and it's still more than a month away."

"You know how to protect him. He is the eldest son of my Mu family, and the responsibility on his shoulders will be heavy in the future. Yunhua, listen, the more wealth and power you enjoy now, the heavier the responsibility will be on you. It's always proportional, you know?"

How could Yunhua understand this?

She just tilted her head and looked at him inexplicably.

Yun Ruoqi also smiled and said, "Your Majesty, don't make things difficult for him. Children's families just want to make him play happily. Besides, have you ever seen a child who is less than two years old and can How can you handle the sword well? With such a smart son, you should go and have fun."

Mu Liunian glanced at him, then turned his head and said softly to Qian Xia, "Qingmei is happy. You don't have time to look back, remember to go and see her more."

Qian Xia was taken aback, yes, it has been nearly three months since the two of them got married, and it is normal to have good news now.

"How did you know?"

"The servants of Yunfu said so."

Mu Liunian's answer was a bit dishonest.

But Qian Xia didn't have the heart to argue with him right now, so she called Sanqi over, and then carefully prepared some excuses, and sent them to her.

Qian Xia knew that the two of them had something serious to talk about, so she didn't want to hinder them here, so she took Yun Hua's little hand and went to the backyard.

"Is there something wrong?" Mu Liunian didn't have the heart to lead him to the study, and just sat down in the front hall.

(End of this chapter)

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