Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 968 Happy again?

Chapter 968 Happy again? (3)
"Well, my elder brother has news that the epidemic in Yunzhou is basically all right. He thinks he can come back. Let me ask what you mean."

Mu Liunian pondered for a while, "Then come back, since there is nothing to do, there is no need for him, a genius doctor, to stay there. Next, ordinary doctors can do it."

"Also, the eldest brother said that Sanqiu Lie's typhoid fever had been cured long ago, but he was accidentally assassinated. This matter is still being kept secret at the moment. I heard that San Qiulie has not reported it. The soldier who assassinated , committed suicide on the spot.”

"Assassinated? Do you know when this happened?"

"Just a few days ago."

Mu Liunian nodded, "Is there nothing important about others?"

"No! He was slightly injured, and there was poison on the dagger. Fortunately, my elder brother was in the barracks at that time, and he detoxified him in time. For this reason, Sanqiuli wanted to give my elder brother a box of jewelry, but my elder brother replied, 'Is our Yun family short of money?'”

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows, this answer is good!

Then let San Qiulie owe Yun Changan a favor first.

"Why didn't Sancholie report this matter?"

"The eldest brother said in the letter that the man seemed to be an old acquaintance with General Sanqiu Lie. Sanqiu Lie also hated himself for knowing people well. He thought he was a reliable person who could be promoted, but unexpectedly, he was mixed with Cangming people. It's the secret work of our army."

If so, it makes sense.

With Sanqiulie's arrogant temper, it is indeed unlikely that he would be willing to say such a thing.

"Okay, Qingmei just got pregnant now, you have to take good care of her, if anything goes wrong, I can't forgive you!"

"Understood, what can be the matter? My backyard is clean, and she is the only hostess, what could be wrong?"

"By the way, Qingmei asked me to ask, will the marriage between Xu Wuji and Princess Qianxue be held in the capital or in Huai'an?"

"Of course it's in Huai'an. Why would she ask such a question?"

"Xu Shi heard people say that Xu Wuji won the title of Marquis of Chang'an before, so he probably got married in the capital."

Mu Liunian frowned, nodded, and said nothing.

At night, Mu Liunian was in the study, discussing with Lu Minghao, Xuanwu and the others about the defense of Liaocheng and Yangzhou, which places are the weakest, and where the troops should be strengthened. This discussion is almost at midnight.

When Mu Liunian felt a little tired, when he looked at Lu Minghao again, he could hardly keep his eyes open.Then he asked, "What time is it?"

"Back to son, it's time."

"Well, that's all right, you guys go back too, there's still things to do tomorrow."

As soon as Lu Minghao heard that he was going to leave, he regained his energy, and said angrily, "It's so sad to be with a master like you! You have to train soldiers during the day, and don't let people live at night. One person is used as two."

Mu Liunian ignored him, waved his hand, and they all dispersed.

Walking on the corridor under the faint moonlight, Mu Liunian was in good spirits.

Now it is almost the Mid-Autumn Festival, and his son is also two years old.

Time really flies. When he was holding that newborn son in his arms, he thought that without his mother's care, he would not be able to survive. Unexpectedly, now he has grown into such a little boy who can make trouble and run. scoundrel.

However, in general, this son is still very good, at least, he is very smart.

Mu Liunian looked up at the starry sky. Tonight's moon is very bright, and the moonlight shining on the ground gives people a soft and warm feeling.

The corners of his lips curled into a nice curve, thinking that the heavens treated him well, at least, he now has a wife and son, and compared to that fellow Sangqiu Zirui, he is simply the happiest man in the world.

Whenever Mu Liunian thinks about Qian Xia's physical condition, he can't help but compare himself with Sangqiu Zirui.

Perhaps because of this, he can get a perverted sense of satisfaction, at least, he will no longer feel how helpless and sad his powerlessness to Qian Xia is.

When he was alone, he allowed himself to have such a negative attitude, but now, when he was about to see his wife, he would never allow himself to show this annoying attitude in front of his beautiful wife. of negative thoughts.

When he returned to the dormitory, he unexpectedly found that his wife was not in the room.

He looked around, even searched the wing room, but he never saw Qian Xia.

Mu Liunian's brows furrowed slightly, this feeling really made him a little uncomfortable!

Where would my wife go if she wasn't waiting for her husband in the dormitory in the middle of the night?Of course, he wouldn't doubt her loyalty. Looking at the situation now, he wasn't worried about her safety either. He was just thinking about what more important things he wanted her to do if he didn't sleep in the middle of the night.

Mu Liunian quickly walked to Xiaoshu Pavilion.

Mu Liunian moved almost all the books in Changping Palace.

From a distance, it seemed that there were candles burning there, and his wife should be there.

As Mu Liunian was walking, he was thinking that fate is really an arrangement in Mimi, which is unpredictable and cannot be deliberately pursued.

Pretty girls are easy to attract people's attention, but they are not worth bothering and guarding much.And for him, in this life, there is only such a treasure as Yun Qianxia.

Many men say that living with only one woman is really boring, as if there is no fun in this life.

But Mu Liunian doesn't think so. In his opinion, ordinary life is indeed a kind of life.What's more, with a wife like Qianxia, ​​he doesn't think his life will be too ordinary.

Mu Liunian walked unhurriedly towards the small book pavilion, seeing that it was getting closer and closer, and the light there was becoming clearer and clearer.

Standing under the attic, looking at the shadow reflected on the second floor, it was too tall.

There was a smile on Mu Liunian's lips, it turned out that just looking at her shadow here was such a happy thing.

(End of this chapter)

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