Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 969 Happy again?

Chapter 969 Happy again? (4)
Some people you look at all your life but ignore them all your life, and some people you only look at once but they affect your life. There is no doubt that for Mu Liunian, Qian Xia is the one who has influenced his life.

Not to mention that she had saved him many times, her disposition and her way of doing things are enough to affect his various decisions.

Thinking about how many men and women in this world feel resentment and sorrow because they can't get love or ask for it, how lucky he and Qian Xia are to overcome many obstacles and come together.

How difficult is it for them to become husband and wife?

How lucky are they to be able to live such a peaceful life here?
Mu Liunian was filled with emotions for a moment, thinking of too many idiotic men and women in this world, no matter who is right or who is wrong, there is always laughter and sadness.

Some people put aside everything, just to get a smile on one's face, but they were left out in the cold.

Some people get endless misery in order to have short-term happiness, and even become sinners in this world, who no longer have the face to enjoy love.

Some people have been wishing each other for several years but have been rejected for several years. For some people, a careless expression or a careless word has become an eternal longing for some infatuated people. This is life.

And now, he is the one who walked into the Happy Manor, Sangqiu Zirui, obviously, the one who was isolated.

However, what Mu Liunian is not reconciled to is that it is difficult for him to feel a trace of sadness and sorrow in Sangqiu Zirui. It seems that he can't get Qian Xia, as long as he looks at Qian Xia from a distance and is happy, for him, It is also a joy.

This feeling is very complicated and difficult for people to understand.

For Mu Liunian, it made him feel uncomfortable and unhappy!
Gently pushed open the door, Mu Liunian frowned again, there are not many people in this small bookstore, and Yaoyue and others brought her to the dormitory if Qian Xia wanted to read any books. , and although there is no smell here, it gives people a feeling of emptiness.


He called softly, but as expected, he didn't get any response.

Mu Liunian shook his head and went up to the second floor.

He knew that when Qian Qian read the book, his eyes could no longer see anything else, and his ears could no longer hear any external sounds.

Going up to the second floor, bypassing the layers of bookshelves, I finally saw Qian Xia sitting at the table and flipping through something.


Hearing Mu Liunian's voice, Qian Xia's face changed slightly, her hands shook, and she immediately stuffed the things in her hands into a large pile of books beside her.

When she got up, Mu Liunian was already in front of her.

"How did you come?"

There was a smile in the corner of Mu Liunian's eyes. Seeing her panicked look, he couldn't help being a little surprised. Of course, it was more of a kind of curiosity.

His wife has always been relatively calm and calm, and it really surprised him to have such an expression on her face.

"What are you looking at? It's so late and I don't know how to go back to rest? Fortunately, the weather is not very cold at the moment. What if I catch the wind again?"

Hearing his obvious doting accusations, Qian Xia just smiled slightly, caught a book out of the corner of her eyes, blushed slightly, and quickly stretched out her hand to push it away, fearing that he would see it again.

It's a pity that Mu Liunian didn't notice the action of her collecting books just now, but he can clearly see the action of pushing the book now.

"looking at what?"

Seeing his gaze looking there, Qian Xia immediately said, "No, nothing. Didn't you say it's late at night? Let's go, let's go back to the room."

"What's the rush? Since I'm here, I'll take a good look at your small bookstore. There are so many books piled up. I don't know how you can remember them?"

Qian Xia reached out to block it, but it was too late.

Mu Liunian's big hand had already brought out the book, and there were a few large characters written on it, "36 Styles of Erotic Palace"!
At this moment, Mu Liunian's eyes widened, and Qian Xia's face turned even redder.

Mu Liunian's eyes were stunned, and then he said with some joy, "Qianqian? You don't sleep in the middle of the night, and you are hiding here to read this kind of book?"

Qian Xia is really speechless right now!
This book was originally regarded as her dowry, it was the book in the bottom of the box at the time, but she had never read it at all. Today, because she was looking for some books she needed, she dug out everything, and it turned out that , Naturally, I turned over this book.

"No! I didn't see it."

Seeing his wife's flushed face, Mu Liunian finally couldn't hold back, and laughed softly, "Qianqian, but my husband has never been able to satisfy you? Or, is my husband's performance too poor?"

Qian Xia cursed in her heart, come on!You are so tough, so bad?If she was more powerful, she might lose her little life soon.

"You put it down first, let's go back."

Where is Mu Liunian willing to follow?
After finally finding an opportunity to promote his wife, how could he just give up like this?
Besides, looking at his wife's charming appearance now, he really thought, how about giving it a try here?
Mu Liunian thought this way, and said so, and slowly put the bracelet around her waist, "Qianqian, it seems that we have never done it in the study room before, right? How about we try?"

"No! Let's go back." Qian Xia said eagerly.

"Why? It's fine here." Mu Liunian began to undress her while talking.

Qian Xia's face was so red that it could bleed!
Now facing Mu Liunian's tenderness offensive, she has no strength left to resist.

Mu Liunian kissed her face lightly, there was no heavy smell of makeup, and looking at her loose clothes, it was obvious that she had taken a bath and had taken off her makeup.

Qian Xia struggled a few times, knowing that she had no way to break free, she could only beg for mercy, "Don't do this, Yuan Chu, let's go back to the room, okay? After I go back, I will listen to you and let you decide."

(End of this chapter)

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