Taikoo Sword Sovereign

Chapter 104 Roast Chicken and Monster Beast

Chapter 104 Roast Chicken and Monster Beast

"What do you want to exchange?"

The middle-aged man looked at Chen Xiaofan with a smile.

Chen Xiaofan thought about it and felt that it would be a waste to use this huge sum of money.

There will be weapons in the future, and he can obtain pills and the like through the magical power of fate...

"Uncle, do you have to exchange the peerless treasure?"

In the end, Chen Xiaofan put his mind on his future [-]-story shrine. The construction of the [-]-story shrine is one of his most important things in the future. No matter how much he invests in this thing.

"Peerless treasure, your points are not enough." The middle-aged man shook his head: "The cheapest peerless treasure costs more than 8 merits, which is equivalent to [-] million gold."


Chen Xiaofan pondered.

"Do you want to change some pills or something like that? The cultivation resources you got in exchange for [-] meritorious deeds are enough to make your cultivation advance by leaps and bounds." The middle-aged man said, making gestures and said: "At least it is necessary to upgrade to the sixth floor of the golden body." No problem, maybe you can enter the late stage of the golden body in one fell swoop, and it may not be impossible to reach the seventh level of the golden body."

"never mind."

Chen Xiaofan thought for a while and shook his head.

After accumulating so many meritorious deeds, in exchange for the improvement of the third level of cultivation, I feel that it is not worth it.

Although it is very difficult to improve the cultivation base in the golden body, the third level is equivalent to more than 300 years of cultivation power, but this kind of thing can be easily exchanged with the magical power of fate...

"Keep saving."

Waving at the middle-aged man, Chen Xiaofan turned and left.

"Hey, boy Chen, remember what I said, don't believe any words of fate when you arrive in the imperial city..."

A middle-aged voice came from behind.

He looked at each other hesitantly.

This person is strange, either sick or implying something.

Fate is mentioned three times.

What do you mean?
Chen Xiaofan stopped, turned around and said, "May I ask what your name is, senior?"

"Me, my name is Sanye, and people usually call me Sanshu." The smile on the middle-aged man's face remained unchanged, and his tone was relaxed.

"It turned out to be the third uncle. The third uncle mentioned fate several times. Is there any metaphor in it?" Chen Xiaofan asked.

Sanye smiled lightly at him: "It's nothing, just to warn you young people, don't believe in these tricks, and worry about being deceived."


It's weird to believe you.

After a pause, feeling that he could not get any useful information, he waved his hand again and left.

This time, Sanye didn't speak. After he left, Sanye said to himself: "He should have died at the age of three, but he was able to live a long life. The person who changed his life against the sky, since the past has passed away, can he be a thousand years old?" Don't turn it out again..."


"Senior sister, you go back first, I'll go to Lao Feng's side to have a look."

Chen Xiaofan was thinking about the [-]th story building, and always wanted to see Feng Tianhai's progress. If Bing'er was with him all the time, Feng Tianhai would inevitably be suspicious. After all, normal senior sisters would not be so vigilant and guard their juniors...

Binger was sent away.

Chen Xiaofan went to Feng Tianhai's old house to take another look, and saw that everything was still under preparation and the progress was solid, so he returned satisfied.

On the way, he bought some roast chicken, and when he walked through South Street along the way, he found that the crowd gradually panicked, and the noise and panic screamed together.

Going forward, countless people ran for their lives in the opposite direction of him.

"what happened?"

Doubtful in his heart, he didn't need to ask any more questions. He walked forward against the crowd, and after turning around a street, a huge shadow came into view.

On the main street, a gigantic beast as tall as six feet tall and as majestic as a mountain was roaring and roaring, fighting four strong men with golden bodies.

This gigantic beast is extremely ugly, with a huge body, small nose and eyes, four limbs and sharp claws, no hair, and the whole body is covered with shiny green scales, like a deformed pangolin.


The pangolin's eyes were red, its cry was weird, its sharp claws swung like giant blades, and the surrounding high-rise buildings were cut and fell down like tofu blocks.

The four golden-bodied strong men in front of it looked stern, and they didn't dare to confront it head-on. After hastily avoiding the attack, they restrained each other in four directions.

In general, the fighting situation is not optimistic.

"Where did this thing come from?"

Chen Xiaofan was secretly surprised, this monster has penetrated into the interior of Shifang City silently, but there is no trace left by it outside, could it be that it flew in?

Look away.

I saw a huge deep pit on the collapsed street in front of me. The dark pit was bottomless...

"Dig a hole."

Chen Xiaofan suddenly realized, could it be that this monster is really a pangolin and turned into a demon?

Suddenly, a strong human race was hit by the monster's tail, and he flew backwards screaming. After hitting the ground with a bang, his limbs twisted and his blood rushed wildly. He was no longer able to fight.

"not good!"

Seeing this, the expressions of the other three strong men with golden bodies changed drastically.

The four of them are already at a disadvantage, and now there is one less person, so the next situation can be imagined, and the three of them will soon enter the end of the previous one...

"Notify the city lord quickly, this place can't hold on anymore!"

These three strong men shouted at everyone in all directions and fought hard, but they seemed more and more unbearable.

At this time, the three of them had no ability to contain the monster beast at all, instead they were forced to retreat again and again, with danger everywhere.

In other words, they can't last long at all. When other strong men arrive, Shifang City still doesn't know how it will be ruined by this monster.

"Run, hurry up and notify the city lord!"

"This monster can't stop it!"

"Escape quickly!"

The warriors and common people in the crowd were also panicked, passing Chen Xiaofan in a panic like a countercurrent.

"Don't panic."

Chen Xiaofan suddenly logged out one step at a time, and stepped up through the air.

He held the roast chicken in his left hand and the handle of the knife in his right hand, like a wandering dragon, he was in front of the monster in an instant.

"Huh? You young man doesn't know what to do. How can you be strong at this time? Run away!"

The three gold-bodied strong men who were forced to retreat in front of him saw Chen Xiaofan, they were in a hurry and urged him urgently.

Chen Xiaofan shook his head, not bothering to explain to them.


He drew his knife out of its sheath.

One-handed swing.

Dacheng Dao Yi's saber light was instantly dazzling, and the ten-foot-long golden saber was like a heavenly saber, and it slashed down with Chen Xiaofan's right hand.


The sound of the blade tearing flesh came.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiaofan's saber pierced from the top of the monster's head to the bottom of its feet, and the turbulent monster's lair gushed out like flowing water.


The next moment, the huge and unstoppable monster fell like a mountain, and the corpse split in two at the moment it fell to the ground.


The three strong men with golden bodies suddenly gasped.

One knife and two halves? !
Who is this boy!
What a strong strength!
"I'll leave the rest to you."

Chen Xiaofan flew down, patted the monster's head with his big hand, then waved his hand at several golden-bodied strong men, turned around, picked up the roast chicken, and left quickly.

After he left.

The whole place was silent.

All the people nearby were completely shocked.

"The man just now seemed to be the owner of the inn who came slowly..."

"Master Chen?"



(ps: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone~ Hi Pei Ai Rui, that's great!)
(End of this chapter)

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