Taikoo Sword Sovereign

Chapter 105 Phoenix 7

Chapter 105 Feng Qi
Seeing the strong man with the golden body who was lifted up and seriously injured, the crowd of onlookers were all dumbfounded.

These four people who besieged the monsters were all strong men of the older generation at the peak golden body level, and none of them were weak.

In the end, Chen Xiaofan easily killed the powerful monster that the four of them couldn't deal with together...

"Master Chen is getting stronger and stronger."

"It really deserves to be the number one evildoer."

The current Chen Xiaofan has long been known as the number one evildoer in Shifang City, and with his Silver Dragon status, it can be said that he is well-known throughout Gaia.

Amidst countless exclamations, Chen Xiaofan hurried back to the inn where he was temporarily staying, and when he entered the door, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Who are you, what's the matter?"

He turned his head to look at the alley next to the inn.

There is a woman in the alleyway, this woman looks a little lazy, her eyes are dull, she seems to be in a daze without focus, she is looking at Chen Xiaofan intently, as if she is in a daze.

At this moment when Chen Xiaofan spoke, the woman seemed to come back to her senses, her eyes became clearer, but her expression was still inherently dull, she nodded, and said to Chen Xiaofan: "May I ask what is your relationship with Old Man Cang?"

"Old man?"

Chen Xiaofan asked puzzled, "Who is it?"

The dull woman scratched the back of her head, then pointed to Chen Xiaofan's forehead and said, "If it's nothing to do with it, why would you have the mark he left on you?"

Chen Xiaofan touched his forehead.

When did it happen? If so, why haven’t I seen it before?

"I don't know what you're talking about." Chen Xiaofan frowned: "Who are you?"

The woman looked at Chen Xiaofan strangely: "Could it be that you can't see this mark yourself?"

In her eyes, Chen Xiaofan clearly had a golden pagoda-shaped imprint on his forehead, this imprint was exclusive to the old man, no one in the world would dare to fake it.

"God babbling."

Chen Xiaofan turned around, walked towards the woman slowly and said, "You answer me first, who are you and what are you doing here?"


The woman nodded her head: "Recently there have been some changes in the Land of Demon Sealing. It seems that the seal has weakened, so I came in to bless the seal. I am the person in charge of supervising the Land of Demon Sealing this month."


Chen Xiaofan looked bewildered.

what are you talking about?

What the hell is the land of sealing demons? Does it refer to the demon lair below?
What's the matter with the person in charge, isn't the person in charge of the Demon Lair in Shifang City Jinlong Xu Shan?When did you change to this woman again?
"Hey, it's wrong to lie."

Chen Xiaofan narrowed his eyes, and then said: "Tell me, what are your intentions in pretending to be the Golden Dragon of Dragon Guard Hall?"

He felt that since he was the Silver Dragon of the Dragon Guard Hall, it would not be good for him to ignore this matter, so after he finished speaking, he suddenly quickened his pace and rushed towards the woman.

Anyway, this woman was staring at him secretly, even pretending to be a golden dragon, which always gave him a malicious feeling, so it was always right to take it first.

"Lying, impersonating?"

The dull woman said something strange, as if she didn't understand why Chen Xiaofan said that.

The next moment the woman's eyes were serious: "Hostile?"

Chen Xiaofan, who was speeding up, could only feel a blur in front of his eyes, and the dull woman had disappeared, and then there was a sharp pain on his face, as if he had been hit by a hammer on the face, and he fell headlong to the ground.


With a sweet mouth, Chen Xiaofan stood up with difficulty, and looked at the dull woman in astonishment.

This person is so strong!
Was it really for him?

Who sent it?

The Great Elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect?Or the second prince, or the soul clan?

"who are you."

He had just spoken.


The inn windows were cracked.

Bing'er came down like a chivalrous woman with a long knife in her hand.

Chen Xiaofan's eyes lit up, and the rescuers came: "Senior Sister, take her down!"

"it is good."

Bing'er took a look at the situation, then looked at the dull woman with cold eyes, and drew out her knife with a sharp momentum.

Bing'er was as crisp and sharp as ever.



Bing'er's long knife was resisted by a tender white jade hand, and it was buckled back into the scabbard.


The dull woman lightly slapped Bing'er's chest, and the supreme Bing'er backed back again and again without any resistance, half kneeling beside Chen Xiaofan, with blood dripping from the corner of her mouth.

How can it be?

Chen Xiaofan looked like he had seen a ghost.

The supreme being as strong as Bing'er was easily defeated in front of this woman!

What is this woman from? !

"You are not my opponent, don't mess around." The dull woman said calmly.

Bing'er's eyes turned red, she stood up abruptly and said, "Master, I'll stop her, you go quickly."

"Identity, be careful to hide your identity." Chen Xiaofan reminded subconsciously, don't call him master in front of people.

Then he quickly grabbed Binger, who was still desperately trying, and said, "You wait first."

He found that the dull woman in front of them didn't intend to make another move, but just looked at him in a daze as before.

Although this woman is strange, she is so strong...it is definitely not something that his enemies can send.

To put it bluntly, how could it be possible to invite such a supreme powerhouse to be a killer with only the First Elder and the Second Prince?

Chen Xiaofan said cautiously: "Senior, is there some misunderstanding between us?"

The dull woman nodded: "Why are you hostile to me?"


Chen Xiaofan is a little confused now.

Just now he felt that this woman was lying, but such a powerful Supreme, does he need to lie?

"Misunderstanding, it must be a misunderstanding."

Chen Xiaofan quickly waved his hands, then looked at the woman and said, "Junior Chen Xiaofan, what is the name of the senior?"

The dull woman paused, and said truthfully: "Because the Phoenix called seven times when I was born, so my name is Feng Qi."

Phoenix calls Fengqi seven times?

Then if the rooster crows eight times, does it have to crow...

cough! ! !
Be serious!
Chen Xiaofan patted his face, and said with a sneer: "Feng Ba, no, senior Feng Qi, it's like this, this monster lair is guarded by our Dragon Guard Palace, so when you said you were the person in charge, I told you There was a misunderstanding."

"I am not the person in charge of this demon lair."

Feng Qi shook her head, and then said in a serious tone: "I am the person in charge of ten demon lairs, including the entire area here."

Chen Xiaofan's mind was a little confused.

Ten demon lairs, the entire region... Doesn't this add up to the whole world? !

This woman is the person in charge of the whole world!

What a joke.

This world is clearly owned by the old man, how could it be this woman's?

I'm afraid this woman is not a lunatic, is she?
What nonsense!
Forget it, I can't afford to be provoked, so I slipped away.

"Okay, what the seniors say is what they say. The roast chicken I bought is going to be cold. I have to go home and eat it while it's hot. Let's go first."

While talking, he dragged Bing'er and hurried away.

Feng Qi looked at him quietly, her eyes moved to the roast chicken in his hand, her throat moved.

"You can leave, but the roast chicken must stay."

(End of this chapter)

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