Chapter 107
Chen Xiaofan's brows twitched at Jin Guanghua's small words.

He read it once, and he was sure that it was a poem, and it was a good poem. Even if he, who doesn't understand poetry, could feel the unsatisfactory beauty in it after reading it...

The point is that this is a song I have never heard of before.

what's the situation?
This year, Lian Zhong can compose lyrics?

This Golden Bell is too demonic!

"Brother Chen, what's the matter, does this first question stump you?"

On the opposite side, seeing Chen Xiaofan's worried face and winking his eyebrows, the eight evil spirits felt happy in their hearts, and said: "Brother Chen, you need to work harder, otherwise it will be ugly if you lose."

They inquired clearly and knew about Chen Xiaofan's past, so they thought of such a way to embarrass Chen Xiaofan.

Seeing that Chen Xiaofan was in the trap and was about to fall into their schemes, they were full of pride and complacent.


Looking up at the audience, Chen Xiaofan saw that everyone in the room was staring at him, as if they were waiting to see his jokes.


Wu can't change the text, if you want to see me joke so much, then don't blame the young master for not giving me face.

He picked up a pen and sneered: "Everyone is interested, you know that I like poetry, I'm flattered, okay, let's fight poetry today."

As he spoke, his pen and ink fell.

After a while, he copied all the lyrics that Jin Zhong revealed in his sea of ​​consciousness.


The eight evildoers looked at each other suspiciously when they saw his serious writing.

"This guy doesn't really have ink in his belly, does he?"

"How is it possible? It's not like you don't know his past. You can't even eat enough to eat. How can you have the time to study poetry?"

"I think he just slaps his face swollen to pretend to be fat. When he writes a joke, the result will be even worse, hehe."

In a world where martial arts is the venerable, the poor care about food and clothing, and the talented care about cultivation. Only the sons and daughters of high-ranking officials and noble families are qualified to take care of everything and still have time to study poetry.

To put it simply, poetry belongs to high-end tones, and it is really not something that ordinary people can study.

After everyone stops writing.

Among the eight evildoers, Zhao Qingliu, the arrogance of Waterside City who came up with this trick, stood up happily and said, "If everyone can solve the first question, I will invite our referee."

After the words fell, the three old men came to the field with smiles on their faces.

"These three are the teachers of the imperial court. They are extremely accomplished in poetry. It is most fair for them to judge whether it is good or bad. Now, please show your works."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Qingliu bowed to the three of them and said, "Please, three teachers."

The three old men nodded and browsed through everyone's works. They scanned one by one, sometimes frowning, sometimes nodding, pointing while watching: "This person's work is not satisfactory, inferior."

"This person's work is neat and error-free. It's not bad, but it's also inferior."

"This...wait a minute."




"Huh? What is this? The rhyme is uneven and the shit doesn't make sense. Whose is this?"

A look up.

When everyone found the evildoer in Tai'an City, Shi Haoran's face turned black, and he stared at Zhao Qingliu with trembling hands.

Zhao Qingliu smiled awkwardly, implying that Shi Haoran should not be impatient.

"It's not easy to hire a Wendou referee, and the fairness is guaranteed, so it's normal for something to go wrong."

"Brother Shi, don't worry, the most exciting part is Chen Xiaofan, don't worry."

After all, Shi Haoran is a child of a family in Tai'an City. Under the influence of a big family, no matter how bad he is, he is definitely better than a mud-legged child, right?
"Hmph." Shi Haoran snorted dissatisfied, feeling dissatisfied.

Although he has been nurtured and prepared in advance, it is still too embarrassing for him to write poetry for a rough person.

At this moment.

The referee looked around halfway.

Almost all inferior.

Their faces were full of disappointment. They turned their gazes and landed on Zhao Qingliu's work, then smiled with satisfaction: "This is a good piece, a small piece of new style, and the meaning is still unsatisfactory. It can be regarded as mediocre."

"Haha, thank you for the compliment." Zhao Qingliu glanced at everyone triumphantly.

As the instigator of this move, he himself is somewhat accomplished in poetry, so although this move is used to deal with Chen Xiaofan, it is also a means for him to show himself.

"I have a sea,

Thousands of hectares of clear water flow into the roof,
beautiful as nature,

Not as good as you Fen Dai.

I have a cloud

Floating me wandering in the world,
Three years and five years,

Just waiting for you to come..."

"Sure enough."

"Young Master Zhao is truly an outstanding man, capable of both civil and military skills!"

Following the referee's voice, everyone's eyes fell on Zhao Qingliu's work.


Zhao Qingliu became more and more flustered.



The referee's eyes stopped on Chen Xiaofan, to be precise, it was Chen Xiaofan's work.

"This song...seconds!"

"The whole poem is full of gathering and parting, intertwined with sorrow and joy, with deep and beautiful emotions, especially the last two sentences directly sublimated the realm to a higher level!"

"It's even more rare that this poem is easy to understand, and it is very likely to become a masterpiece handed down in the future!"

Uncharacteristically, the three referees became completely excited, and ran to Chen Xiaofan's lyrics, praising them again and again, they couldn't stop talking, and even forgot their comments.


The eight evildoers moved their throats, and their expressions became unnatural.

what happened?

The situation is different from what I imagined.

They couldn't help but set their eyes on Chen Xiaofan's works.

"Magpie Bridge Immortal.

Xianyun is clever, Feixing spreads hatred, and Yinhan looms dark.

As soon as Jinfeng Yulu met, they won but countless on earth.

The tenderness is like water, and the good times are like dreams.

If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening. "

Read it at a glance.

Everyone's expressions are unsatisfactory.

"If the relationship lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night... This sentence is really well written..."

"It's really good!"

Although the level of everyone in the field is not good, they can still tell the difference between good and bad.

After a comparison, the blind can see who is good and who is bad.

The expressions of the eight evildoers completely changed.

And beside Chen Xiaofan.

Shen Ni, Ye Chen and the others raised their brows in surprise.

He stared at Chen Xiaofan in disbelief.

Old Chen, this monster, also has such a talent in poetry? !
This is... just kidding.

After the fat man let out a strange cry of disbelief, he turned his head and looked at the three referees: "Teacher referee, here, how do you rate his song?"


The three old men suddenly raised their heads, looked at each other, and soon sweated on their foreheads: "Rating...hard, difficult, such a masterpiece must be the best! But it is not simply the best!"

"Uh, then, what is that?"

"This poem of Magpie Bridge Fairy has a profound artistic conception and deep affection... If it is spread widely, it can be passed down to the next generation!"

"This is a masterpiece handed down far beyond the best!"

"Handed down!"

The audience immediately boiled over.

next to.

The eight evildoers only felt a ringing in their ears, and they all stood there dumbfounded.

Handed down? !
What the hell, are you kidding me...

(End of this chapter)

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