Taikoo Sword Sovereign

Chapter 108 Invitation to Battle

Chapter 108 Invitation to Battle

The achievements of the handed down works in this world are all unattainable, and they are the works of strange talents, which are almost rare in a hundred years.

And today it was so abrupt, they saw a mud leg write an article handed down? !

Just crazy!
How is this possible!
The eight evildoers all fell into chaos.

who am I?
where am I?
What am I going to do?
Why is the world full of hostility towards me...

This was originally a game they set up, whether it was used to humiliate or suppress, it was to embarrass Chen Xiaofan anyway.

As a result, his own work was scolded as bullshit, but Chen Xiaofan wrote an article handed down!
Why does my face feel so painful?

What should I do next?
"Old Chen, are you still the old Chen we know?!" The fat man stared at Chen Xiaofan.

I really want to cut Chen Xiaofan's head open to have a look.

It doesn't matter if you are an all-rounder in martial arts, why is your literary talent so sharp!

"A masterpiece handed down from generation to generation."

Ye Chen and Xu Shisan scratched their heads, feeling so unreal.

Regardless of what Chen Xiaofan was like in the past, just looking at this handed down article, even if it was written by a generation of writers, it is enough to make people amazed...

"If the two feelings last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening, that's great."

The two women, Shen Ni and Feng Yaoyao, were not only amazed, they were more of admiration, when they looked at Chen Xiaofan, they were different.

It turns out that Chen Xiaofan, a layman, still has such talent...

All of a sudden, they felt that Chen Xiaofan's whole body became plump from the inside to the outside, and even vaguely thinking about it made them a little ashamed.

"Okay, it's really wonderful."

"It's a pity that the old man wasted his whole life, and he couldn't write such a masterpiece in his whole life."


"Young Xia is truly a generation of astounding talent and beauty!"

The three referees were still feeling over there.

Witnessing the emergence of a piece of handed down, shocking and joyful at the same time.


Although Chen Xiaofan was full of spirits.

After all, this thing was copied from Admiralty, so I would still get flustered after hearing too much praise.

He looked at the eight evildoers and said, "Everyone, what's the next topic, do you want to compare it?"

The face of the eight evildoers shuddered.

These words sounded so harsh to my ears.

It's like slapping them in the face.

The eyes of everyone around were focused on the eight people, and immediately, the eight people felt their skins tingle even more.

It seems that the eyes of these people have changed their tastes.

It seems to be saying, compare, set up a bureau, spend all your time, and invite three teachers from a long distance, just to embarrass Chen Xiaofan.

As a result, Chen Xiaofan wrote the handed down, the eight of you, the tallest is no more than one medium, and the low ones are even nonsense...


Shi Haoran from Tai'an City couldn't bear the shame and anger any longer, threw his pen on the table, and strode away.


The remaining seven evildoers changed their faces one after another.

Especially Zhao Qingliu's face turned black, and after taking a deep look at Chen Xiaofan, he said: "You, brother Chen, are amazingly talented, I won't bring myself to be humiliated, so I will leave now!"


Lu Panpan immediately burst out laughing: "Why are you leaving? You have been busy for a long time, why did you leave early? Keep drinking!"


All the evildoers looked embarrassed.

In a flash of effort.

All ran away halfway.


Ye Chen chased him out and said with a smile: "Everyone come again next time, Ye will invite you to another banquet! Go slowly!"

"Hehehehe." The two daughters, Shen Ni and Feng Yaoyao, laughed lightly.

The eight people escaped in such a panic that it made people laugh.

"Oh, come here."

Ye Chen is back, and as the host, he can't ignore the other people in the field: "They're gone, you can't go, you must have a good drink today... Also, congratulations to Lao Chen for writing an article handed down to the world, presumably, in the future The first ci work will definitely spread all over the world.”

Everyone raised their glasses together.

They didn't go away until late at night.

the next few days.

This matter spread like an uproar.

Chen Xiaofan's masterpieces have been handed down throughout the Shifang City.

And the reason and banquet of this handed down are also detailed, which adds a lot of color to this poem.

Chen Xiaofan's reputation is even worse.

And the reputation of the Eight Great Evildoers in Shifang City is almost rotten.

Until the third day.

The Longwei Palace Grand Competition is finally over.

Ten people who will go to the imperial city to participate in the Wushuang competition have also been selected.

Apart from Shifang City and Chen Xiaofan, Ye Chen, Shen Yi, and Lu Panpan were all selected without any accidents, and Wu Xi from Shifang City also unexpectedly won the competition.

In other words, there are a total of five people competing in Shifang City, accounting for half of the entire team!
The remaining five people are Shi Haoran from Tai'an City, Zhao Qingliu from Shuixie City, Qingzhu from Tianmen City, Shajiu from Liejian City, and Qian Wei from Qingyun City...

After the candidate was confirmed, Xu Shan arranged for everyone to gather together.

See you again.

When these five evildoers looked at Chen Xiaofan, their faces were extremely unnatural, but they were more angry.

Now that their reputation has been discredited, although they are taking their own humiliation, it is also thanks to Chen Xiaofan, and they have always held their breath in their hearts.

"Meet Brother Chen!"

Shi Haoran took a step forward, staring at Chen Xiaofan, his eyes were full of fighting spirit: "Brother Chen's talent is admirable, but this is a world where martial arts are respected after all, if you want to be our team leader, your force must be stronger than Shi's." Okay, so today Shi dares to challenge Brother Chen!"

Very unconvinced.

Chen Xiaofan glanced at Shi Haoran and the others.

After Shi Haoran came out, Zhao Qingliu and others also stepped forward one after another, clasped their fists at Chen Xiaofan and said, "We also mean the same thing."

Even though he was overwhelmed by literary talents, if he wanted to become their team leader without even having a competition based on this alone, it would be absolutely impossible.

So, we have to play a game today.

Chen Xiaofan looked at them calmly, knowing very well that this battle was inevitable.

He smiled, glanced at the five of them one by one, and then nodded: "Yes, let's do it."

No nonsense.

Anyway, to fight.

And to convince this group of people, so just come here directly.

"I'll come first!"

Shi Haoran was the first to stand up.

Zhao Qingliu was also not slow, stepped forward and said: "Then I will be second."

"I'm third!"

"I am fourth."

"Then I'll be fifth."

Several evildoers are vying for the order.

Ye Chen and the others next to him frowned slightly.

Is this a wheel war?
In the battle of wheels, even if Chen Xiaofan is stronger than ordinary evildoers, he still can't survive five evildoers taking turns fighting...

Thinking about it, Ye Chen stepped forward and said, "Old Chen, do you want us to share a little?"

Chen Xiaofan glanced at them, then shook his head: "No need."

As he said that, he turned his head and waved his hands at Shi Haoran and the other five, and said in a calm tone: "You guys, don't be so troublesome."

"Only five people."

"You guys, let's go together."



(Ps: Today's update is late.

Immediately received the editor's notice, pk lost, and it will be released on Friday...

So I was in a bad mood all of a sudden, and I was in a trance. I couldn't calm down to code all day, and I finally finished writing two chapters until now.

As for the book Dao Zun, it has been three months since it was uploaded on June 6th. After waiting for three months, there are only more than 30 favorites. Yes, the number of subscribers on the shelf may only be one hundred?

Not even a hundred?
After all, there are quite a few 10,000+ books on the shelves in other people's houses, and the result is only about [-] subscribers...

With grades like mine, apart from full attendance, I might not even be able to earn 500 yuan a month...

So, get ready, everyone.

Although I really like this book.

Some of the holes dug are also eager to fill him...

I also really miss some of the characters in the book.

However, in order to have a full meal, Xiao Honghong is likely to brandish a knife and leave the palace!
After all, the probability of miracles is very small...

Unless we have 10,000 favorite subscribers, we can reach tens of thousands or even 23333+ subscribers, [-]
Though it feels impossible.

But it's still a gamble.

If there is a miracle in the listing results, Xiaohonghong will update five chapters for a week in a row...

If not...


Three months of hard work can only be wasted.

Don't rush to scold me...

My heart will only be more bitter than yours...

Who the hell knows how hard I put my heart into writing this book! ! !
Slightly slightly slightly...)
(End of this chapter)

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