reborn idle wife

Chapter 209 Conspiracy

Chapter 209 Conspiracy
Wang Yueniang didn't care about Dongli's jokes at all, she felt her pulse carefully as usual, felt it for a while, then raised her head, only to see old doctor Wang looking at her with a smile on her face.

Yueniang got up and pondered for a while: "The pulse condition is not very obvious, but it already feels a little slippery, but it's not confirmed yet, maybe the time is still short."

After finishing speaking, he went to see his grandfather. The old man stroked his beard and nodded slightly in satisfaction. It can be seen that he was very satisfied with his granddaughter's performance. The beautiful eyes seemed to be crushed and the moonlight poured in, so bright and eye-catching.

In this way, there are nine out of ten chances, just wait for a few days to confirm the diagnosis. Xu suddenly burst into joy, and thanked the gods and Buddhas with his hands clasped together. As for the man who is about to be promoted to his father, he has already been stupid , although I was looking forward to it in my heart, but I was worried about this and that, and regretted that the medicine I drank was for nothing, and then I started wandering around my daughter-in-law, scratching my hands and not knowing what to do, as if his As soon as you hold it up with your hand, you will be surprised by that little life.

Dongli looked at his stupid look silently, touched his forehead, and almost wanted to kick this embarrassment away, but the people around him were all smiling. It's a good thing, Dongli is happy This is a happy event. The son of the world is so nervous because he cares about it, and it is a good thing for the young couple to be harmonious.

Master Mo was so happy that he couldn't find the north. After laughing happily for a while, he suddenly realized and slapped himself on the head: "Oh, such a big event needs to be notified to the in-laws. The capital is too far away from here. Just write a letter and send it back, as for Lord Hou, you still need to send someone to talk about it."

Nangong Xiao Rumeng woke up and ran away in a hurry: "I'm going to write a letter right away."

The group of people behind couldn't help laughing, and Dongli became more and more embarrassed. He couldn't bear so many hot eyes, so he stood up with the back of his chair: "I'm tired after walking for so long, so I'll go back to the house first." rested."

"That's right, I didn't know you had a body, otherwise I wouldn't have asked you to go out." Xu's face suddenly became ugly, her daughter was also careless, and she didn't care if there was any difference in her body. You know, pay attention, at least you can always find something in this small day, right?Running around with the unsettled fetus, the mother's heart beats wildly just thinking about it.

Dongli was like fleeing from a disaster, and was carefully supported by her two personal maids, Cai Weiqingran, and went back to the house carefully, as if her body suddenly became extraordinarily fragile, and even a few steps would affect the child Similarly, a group of people wished they could just carry her into the room and put her on the bed.

The news of Mrs. Shizi's happiness spread like wildfire. Some people are happy and some are sad. Those who have been favored by the Mo family and Zhenbeihou are naturally really happy for them. No matter how difficult the situation is, the arrival of a new life is very important. It's something worth celebrating. Of course, there are also those people with ulterior motives who tore off many handkerchiefs and beat up many pillows. For a while, the atmosphere became extraordinarily weird. Even Dongli, who was devoted to raising a baby at home, felt it. , It seems to be the calm before the storm, I don't know what kind of fate will befall next.

However, she couldn't help touching her still flat belly. Even for this child, she had to be strong and resolutely drive away all those ghosts and monsters!

There is a big happy event in the family, and all the servants are walking with wind, but there are also those who are eager to move forward with their thoughts in their hearts. This lady is pregnant, so it stands to reason that she can no longer have sex with the eldest son Now, the son of the world is young, strong and full of vigor, how can he succeed without someone around him to serve him?Although there are two beautiful maidservants Cai Wei Qingran serving, but those two are Madam's confidantes, and just looking at the way they used to be, I'm afraid those two are high-minded and don't want to be petty to others. Don't you have a chance?

However, all the maids will always miss their high-status and good-natured men in all likelihood. Before, because Nangong Xiao and Dongli were in harmony, the maids couldn't get in the way. Zuo Zhan and Mo Youran were the one because of the same thing as before. The heart is like an ancient well, he can't see anything, and the other one is busy opening up wasteland and farming, like a spinning top, how can there be that free time to see if the woman who brings tea and water to him every day is round or flat?So this time, when they heard that Mrs. Shizi had good news, these people's minds came alive, and the lion was also said to be a romantic, so naturally he would not be as puzzled as Mr. Zuo and the uncle.

As for the second master, Bi Shu, who is not his own son after all, and does not know if he will be able to get the family property at that time, but the maids are not willing to follow a good-looking man who will not even have enough to eat in a few years, so this man It's very relaxing around me.

Who is Mrs. Xu?Although Master Mo was devoted to her at the beginning, after all, it was the matter of Mo Yunxiao's biological mother. She had also experienced the dirty thoughts of the maids below. When her daughter was pregnant, she immediately thought that there might be something wrong with her when she was happy. The restless maid took the opportunity to seduce the uncle, and she planned to do it in her heart, and called her confidant Bai Cen, and after the master and servant discussed it, Bai Cen took the order out with a serious face.

Hong Xing and Qing Lian have calmed down a lot since Luo Shi used her hair to do it. Hong Xing is especially displeased with Qing Lian who has made trouble, but these two live in the same room , I can't hide, whenever Hongxing sees Qinglian, she will be ridiculed. Qinglian only regards herself as a mouthless gourd, turning a blind eye to Hongxing's provocation, but it makes Hongxing even more angry and intensified. Go against her.

After Qinglian heard about Mrs. Shizi's pregnancy, she was stunned for a while, and looked down at her slender fingers. She had never done any rough work, and the busyness these days made her white and tender hands rough. Quite a lot, seeing that the fingers seem to be getting thicker, although I secretly do the remedy by myself at night, after all, it is not as good-looking as before.

The wife is pregnant, and according to the rules of the rich family, it is necessary to arrange a housemaid for the son of the world. The most suitable candidates are naturally Caiwei and Qingran. Although I and Hong Xing are the housemaids who were sent over , but it was sent by my wife. There has always been a disagreement between my wife and my wife. I am afraid that the two of us will not be allowed the slightest chance to get close at that time. If we want to successfully grasp the opportunity, we need to think long-term.

After thinking for a while, Qinglian took the key and opened her small box, opened the neatly folded clothes inside, and found a small wooden box the size of an adult's fist from the bottom, with rich and noble peonies carved on it, although it is not special Exquisite and gorgeous, it is not a cheap item.

Opening the box, there are neatly stacked pieces of spices inside. The colorful ones are very beautiful, and you can tell that they are worth a lot of money just by looking at them.

Qinglian bit her lip and thought about it for a while, closed the box and took it, and went to Caiwei and Qingran. These two big maids are also in the same room. Dongli is pregnant, and both of them are busy. No one was in the room, so Qinglian walked over, only to see a little girl sitting under the eaves nearby, earnestly learning embroidery.

"What do you mean? It's getting cold today, why do you work outside?" Qinglian walked over and glanced at the embroidery in the little girl's hand. She saw that it was a beginner's work, and the simple flower on it The embroidery is crooked, and the color matching changes are also very inappropriate, and a little disdain can't help but appear in the eyes.

The little girl lived a life of looking at people's eyes every day, how could she not see the disdain in Qinglian's eyes, she blushed immediately, quickly put away the things in her hand, stood up and said with a smile: "So it is Sister Qinglian is here, Sister Caiwei and Sister Qingran have both gone to serve Mrs. Shizi, it is unfortunate that Sister came here."

"Forget it, I'm just here to deliver something, and it's the same if they're not here for you to hand them over." Qinglian waved her hand indifferently, and took out the box in her hand: "These are still my masters when I was in the Zhenbeihou Mansion. The rewards are all high-quality spices. Everyone is happy when the lady of the world has good news. I don’t have any other good things, and I am afraid that appearing in front of the lady rashly will make the master feel uncomfortable. Isn’t Kung Fu the most taboo of emotional fluctuations? I’ll leave it to Caiwei and Qingran, and I’ll just ask them to send it up for me.”

The little girl took the box: "Sister, don't worry, I will definitely explain the matter to the two sisters."

Qinglian nodded: "Then you keep busy, I'll go back first."

Until her figure disappeared, the little maid looked at the box in her hand, and said, "What kind of dirty things, who doesn't know what kind of idea you have in mind, and you want to give something to our aunt, who knows if it's right?" It's clean! Let's cool down!"

Hong Xing was sitting by the window combing her hair lazily. When she saw Qinglian coming in, she snorted: "Hey, the climber is back? Could it be that he found out that Mrs. Shizi was pregnant? His thoughts came alive again, thinking Take the opportunity to squeeze to Mrs. Shizi's side?"

Qinglian didn't make a sound, she sat on the bed and found out the half-finished embroidery work, she took it in her hand and started to work without saying a word, Hongxing became more and more uncomfortable, and the wooden comb in her hand snapped into place. On the table, turned around and walked out, muttering as he walked: "The good room is just filled with smog by some people with ulterior motives. If I stay here any longer, I will be poisoned to death!"

When going out, she slammed the door back heavily, making a loud noise, but the needle and thread in Qinglian's hands didn't stop for a moment, and she didn't take Hong Xing seriously at all, and her heart was still in a state of confusion. Thinking hard about whether his plan is feasible, the box of spices probably won’t come to Mrs. Shizi, pregnant women are special, and those incense and the like are generally not used anymore, and I am like this With their special identities, Caiwei and Qingran are so shrewd that they would never allow their belongings to be in front of the Shi Ziye and his wife.

But those spices are indeed good things. Even if the two big maids look down on them, can the little maids under their hands be as reticent as they are?
As long as one of them can't be controlled, the plan will be half done.

(End of this chapter)

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