Chapter 210

The people below were thinking about it, but Dongli, who was in the eye of the storm, didn't notice at all. At this moment, a group of people were helping him back to the house and sitting on the bed, surrounded by them like visiting rare animals.

In the end, Caiwei couldn't stand it anymore: "Madam is pregnant, it's not easy to get tired, so let's take a rest quickly, everyone here is my own family, can you blame Madam?"

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized that they were too excited, and Xu squeezed Caiwei's face with a smile: "Good girl, you still know that you love your master, okay, okay, let's all go out and tell Dongli to rest well After a while, if you don't leave, Cai Weiqingran and the two girls will pick up a feather duster and drive them away."

Everyone laughed, but they left the bedroom with great sense of humor. The masters were very satisfied with the fact that the girl was able to confront the masters for Dongli's consideration, and they couldn't complain that Dongli had to rely on the two big maids for everything. It is indeed effective, it seems that the style is a bit more bold and witty than that of Danzhu back then, and it is more mature and stable than ink and wash, which is really rare.

Dongli finally breathed a sigh of relief, the two servant girls waited on the clothes except for the outside, loosened their hair, and Dongli lay down comfortably: "I'll just sleep for a while, you two don't have to wait all the time, just go and rest for a while , just ask a little servant girl to guard it, and I will call you over when I wake up."

Qing Ran tucked up the quilt: "Since the madam loves the slaves, the slaves must not be ungrateful, so they just go lazy with Caiwei, envious of those little maids."

The other two couldn't stop laughing when they heard the words, and Caiwei gave her a push: "As long as your mouth likes to make up pies, Madam still has a body. It's not good to laugh too much."

For a while, the three masters and servants said a few words, Dongli yawned and closed his eyes, the two maids retreated quietly knowingly, and called a usually steady little maid to guard, the little maid saw that she could Having the opportunity to stand out, serving the master close by, I was so happy, I hurriedly agreed, and moved a small house to sit outside to watch energetically.

As soon as the two of them went back, the little maid who was guarding the outside came and told about Qinglian's visit, and finally handed over the box: "Here, this is it, two sisters, let's have a look."

Caiwei frowned immediately when she heard that it was something from Qinglian. The two maids, Mo's family, didn't like her very much. The arrogant Zhu'er is also poor in thinking and means. Anyone can see through her, but it can't cause any troubles. On the contrary, this Qinglian seems to be silent on weekdays. Some of the nuns in charge deliberately Making things difficult for them to assign some menial work, Hong Xing complained in every possible way, but this girl did all her own work without saying a word, which made those little maids and rough-in-laws feel good about her. .

Caiwei knew that these two were housemaids prepared by the Huang family for her aunt, and they were definitely treated as half-lady before. How could she have done such rough work, but Qinglian was able to do it herself without any complaints. This kind of perseverance is admirable at first. If this kind of person has some thoughts in his heart, it is much more difficult to deal with than the bluffing Hongxing.A dog that bites doesn't bark, but it bites you three points to the bone.

"What's so good about the thing she sent?" Qing Ran took it over and opened it to have a look. It was really a good thing, but Huang was generous to her own people: "However, after all, he is not a person who knows everything. Madam's current body is very important, this thing can't be sent in, I'd rather kill the wrong person than let it go."

Madame herself doesn't like incense very much, at most, it's enough to put potted flowers and plants in the house. These spices are not useful at all, and they are free if they are sent.

"Tell me, can't she figure it out, it's impossible for this thing to be sent to the wife's house?" Caiwei frowned suspiciously, and she always felt that there was something about Qinglian that people couldn't see through: "Don't tell me It's spices, and it's because she sent them here, so the people below can't hand them over. That girl doesn't look stupid, how could she do such a stupid thing? I always feel that she seems to have something else As pictured."

"Two sisters, could it be that Qinglian deliberately used such an excuse to bribe the two of you?" The little maid grumbled and said, "The two sisters are the powerful maids of the prince and his wife. The most talkable thing is, now that Madam is pregnant, could it be that she thinks this is a rare opportunity and wants to bribe you to say something nice for her?" As he spoke, he saw that the two big maids looked as if they were smiling. The way he was thinking, he felt that he seemed to be thinking in the right direction: "The two of them only want to be aunts, but they are the ones rewarded by the wife of the Hou family. , these villains haven't moved their minds yet?"

Qing Ran angrily threw the box in her hand on the ground: "Bah! You are a shameless thing, and you don't even know who you are! According to me, my wife is too soft-hearted, and I should think of a way to deal with such a disaster. Now that I've lost my job, can Mrs. Hou's house still make trouble because of the two maidservants traveling thousands of miles away?"

Caiwei glanced at the scattered spices on the ground, and waved her hands: "Pick up and dispose of these things, no matter what it is for, let's just ignore her, it's not worth getting angry with that kind of person."

The little maid packed up her things and left. Caiwei and Qingran entered the room. Qingran was still aggrieved, muttering why the madam didn't get rid of these two restless hair quickly. Caiwei pinched her. He said angrily: "Have you been busy with your brain recently? You don't think too much about things, we are far away from the Hou's mansion now, so what if these two maids were sent by the wife of the Hou's mansion? Can you still go to plead for mercy? Besides Well, even if it wasn't sent over from the Hou's mansion, do you think other maids don't have such thoughts? Thinking that there are many maids climbing high branches, there are not a few maids from our Mo family who are thoughtful, besides , Shi Ziye looks like that again, this kind of thing is always unavoidable."

Qing Ran also understood in her heart that she felt uncomfortable after all: "I found some restless little hooves, let's see how I deal with them!"

"What are you worrying about? Aunt Bai Cen is still there. If anyone dares to act recklessly, he will definitely not be able to please him." Caiwei found out her own needlework: "Let's not talk about that, we will have a little master next year Now, do you want to make some small clothes first? Oh, I get excited when I think of the fat and white doll, and I wish I could hug it right away."

"Like it? Hurry up and tell the master, find you a husband, and give birth to yourself!" Qing Ran couldn't help laughing, Caiwei threw down her needle and thread and rushed forward to tear her mouth, the two of them quarreled.

After a while, a little maid came to say that the madam was awake, and told them to come over, the two hurriedly tidied up their clothes and hair, and rushed over in a hurry.

After taking a nap for a while, Dongli felt much more comfortable. She didn't sleep all night last night, but she felt a little uncomfortable this morning, and she was diagnosed with a happy pulse. Rao, she herself was in a cold sweat. Running around with a steamed stuffed bun and staying up all night, this kid is considered strong, yet nothing happened.

Mrs. Xu has already sent a message. Although the eldest young master Mo Youran is not married yet, seeing that she is about to become a grandmother, she has to be called a different name in this generation, so she no longer refers to Mrs. Xu in general, the son of Dongli The madam is messy, so I will directly call Mrs. Xu's old lady in the future, and Dongli will be the madam. If I talk about the madam in the future, it will refer to Dongli.

While combing Dongli's hair gently and massaging his scalp, Caiwei told about Qinglian, and told Dongli without hesitation that the spices would be handed over to the little maid. I couldn't help but persuade Dongli to get rid of these restless people quickly, so as to avoid trouble in the future.Wouldn't it be even more lawless if someone backed them up in the capital?
"It's useful for me to keep these two people." Dongli closed her eyes slightly, Caiwei's strength was just right, and she was extremely comfortable when pressed: "Don't just stare at them, these two are just on the surface. I don't know how many maids have the same idea, but those people are all hidden in the dark, so it's hard to deal with them. I plan to arrange an errand for these two bright people, so that they have a certain amount of money. It will be convenient for me to find out those restless ones at that time."

"Those people are enemies with the two of them." Qing Ran's eyes lit up immediately. According to the temperament of the two maids, they have not yet been favored by the prince after all their hard work. How can it be cheaper? other people?Once it is found that anyone with the same thoughts is broken, I will definitely spare no effort to suppress it. Madam is not easy to get tired now, and she just sits on the sidelines and watches the tigers fight.

With the doubts resolved in my heart, the two maids cheered up, and helped them put on their clothes, shoes and socks quickly. Dongli held Caiwei's hand and went out for a walk. Although she was pregnant, she was delicate, but she always stayed in the room and didn't move. It's not good, besides, it's just walking two steps slowly in her own garden, taking a breath of fresh air, it's not a big problem, but it makes the people below extremely nervous. She just takes a walk, and those people are like facing an enemy , Someone in front carefully picked up all the small stones on the ground, and a group of people around them stared nervously, ready to pounce on them at any time as a human mat or something, making Dongli dumbfounded, as for it?
Mo Youran went straight to the ground after getting the manpower from Dongli. She just came back covered in dust, when she saw a group of people around her sister walking this way with helpless faces, she immediately ran excitedly In the past: "Sister, I tell you some good news today!"

Before he could get close, he was stopped by the maids, what are you kidding, Madam is precious now, if the uncle is so reckless and bumps into him, who can afford it?Besides, the uncle's body is full of dirt. I don't know why a person who loved cleanliness before changing clothes is so informal now?

Mo Youran looked dumbfounded at the sudden appearance of a large number of maidservants in front of her, separating herself from her sister like a human wall, as if she had some infectious disease on her body, and immediately became unhappy: "What are you doing?" What? Get out of the way!"

Caiwei was courageous, and saluted Mo Youran with a smile on her face: "Don't blame me, Mrs. Madam is so delicate now that she can't bear the impact, even for my unborn nephew, I can't be angry with my slaves, right?" ?”

 It is said that we can resume normal working hours starting next week, oh yeah!In addition to not less than [-] words per day during the big seal push period, double updates can also be resumed at other times!

(End of this chapter)

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