reborn idle wife

Chapter 227 The Discovery of the Red Apricot

Chapter 227 The Discovery of the Red Apricot

Just when a large number of refugees began to flock to Liaodong, Liaodong, which was regarded as the last piece of paradise, was also facing a disaster.

Nangong Xiao ate breakfast in a hurry, and didn't bother to wipe his mouth. As he walked out, he discussed the current situation with Zuo Zhan, who had the same serious expression. Frightened, no one made a sound, busy with their own affairs nervously and numbly.

A few days ago in Liaodong, wild beasts in the deep mountains and old forests had a riot. The wild beasts took advantage of the night to attack the villages. Those small villages that did not follow the advice and moved inside the high walls suffered heavy losses. Almost every village suffered casualties. Fortunately, the Zhenbei Army helped to build a lot of high walls to defend against wild beasts in their spare time. Otherwise, the situation would have been even more serious.

"Winter is coming back soon, and we already feel the cold here." Zuo Zhan was worried: "In winter, those beasts will lack food. I am worried that such riots will happen again."

They are now wantonly absorbing refugees into Liaodong. If the wild beasts on the mountain cannot be curbed by then, and those ordinary people feed the wild animals when they arrive here, then they are not doing good deeds, but doing harm to the common people.

"I know that too, but we haven't found the reason for those wild beasts to go crazy." Nangong Xiao had a headache. The wild beasts would not come down the mountain to attack humans unless they had to. That's even more impossible to happen: "It's a pity that bastard Chu Liangchen doesn't know whether he is dead or alive. Otherwise, he caused such a big mess, and he should be found and thrown on the mountain to be with the wild beasts."

As soon as Chu Liangchen was mentioned, he couldn't help but think of Ruchu, Zuo Zhan was silent for a moment, he didn't know what happened recently, he always felt that that person was by his side, but there was no trace of him at all, which only made him suspicious , I can't sleep well at night, I clearly feel that she has appeared, why didn't I come to them?

Dongli watched Nangong Xiao and the others leave with nearly half of the people inside the high wall. They have been busy saving people recently. Many villages under attack are short of food and medicine. Where else is there a missing village, and many people have been rescued. Seeing that the high wall can no longer hold it, Master Mo and his wife are discussing to build another high wall in another place recently, which can be guaranteed. With enough people, it can be developed into another city in the future. Recently, it seems that a place has been selected and bricks are being fired to start construction.

"Since you are worried, why don't you go and have a look?" Ru Chu appeared behind her, looking indifferently at the sky that hadn't fully lit up: "It's better to help than to worry here."

"I'm still pregnant with one, how can I do whatever I want like before?" Dong Li wanted to go, but everyone was unanimously opposed, and she couldn't let her be willful. Besides, her stomach had already swollen with a small ball, and she acted. It's so inconvenient, even if it's for the sake of the child, you can't be as casual as before: "It's you, I can see that you still have feelings for Big Brother Zuo. It's been so many days, what on earth are you thinking?"

Ru Chu was at a loss: "I don't know either, maybe I haven't thought about it yet, forget about him, don't you think this so-called beast chaos is actually very strange? Why did those beasts run out without lack of food?" Attacking people?"
Dongli has been suspicious for a long time. Her pet Haifeng was left on the mountain, and she doesn't know if she was swept into this chaos. She thinks that Haifeng is very human, and she shouldn't lose her mind and run out to attack humans. But this matter is not sure, those beasts who usually live and die can come out to attack humans together, and it is not uncommon for spiritual animals to lose their minds.

"I think I should go to the mountain to have a look." Ru Chu said suddenly, her eyebrows frowned: "I always feel that there seems to be something inappropriate there."

"Is it suitable for you to go here?" Dong Li hesitated, not because he didn't believe in Ru Chu's ability: "You are not a sword soul now, but a living person, and you can no longer care about everything like before. Although many methods hurt It doesn’t cost a soul, but it is fatal to a person, among other things, if you are injured now, you will definitely feel pain and bleed, which is different from before.”

"I understand all of this." Ru Chu smiled, so what's wrong with the pain?It is also a good thing to be able to feel the pain, at least it proves that she is still alive and a real person: "Don't worry, those beasts will never hurt me, you know, even the snow inscription on your body , I will call you senior when I see you."

Dongli had nothing to say, so she got up and left at the beginning, she stood in her room for a while and had a haircut, then sat down carefully holding her belly, and said in a low voice: "Baby, you actually want to help daddy, right? Alas, it's a pity, you are too young to go, let's pray for Dad and them together, okay?"

"Ma'am, what are you doing?" Caiwei came in with a tray with a smile on it, and a small bowl on it was emitting a tempting fragrance.

Dong Li wrinkled his face immediately when he saw it: "Why is it coming again? You don't have to worry about making up too much and the child will be too big to have a baby. I'm not a pig."

"Bah bah bah! Madam, what are you talking about?" Caiwei immediately rolled her eyes at her master, and put down the thing she was holding in her hand: "If you really don't want to eat, at least give two bites to your mouth, this is what the old lady told you It’s specially made, if you don’t eat it, you won’t give the old lady face, so let’s have a taste!”

Since Dongli almost slipped a tire last time, the Mo family has strengthened the protection of Dongli from top to bottom. Qinglian is dead, and the remaining Hongxing is also affected. It is impossible to get close to Dongli at all. Every night, there were maids staring at her every move. Angrily, Hongxing scolded the culprit, Qinglian. She didn't know how her brain grew up, but she dared to murder Mrs. Shizi. It's a good thing that Mrs. is pregnant. It just so happened that people like myself could take the opportunity to take the position, but that stupid woman did such a thing, even if the wife found out, she would never be spared!What's even more hateful is that this dead woman not only failed and lost her life, but also implicated her. Now let alone being close to the son of the world, those people are staring at her like thieves every day, and they are not free to do anything!

What's even more frustrating is that the wild beasts on the mountain don't know what kind of madness they have recently, but they dare to run down the mountain to hurt people. There will be a terrible beast, Hong Xing, who was so frightened that she jumped out and bit her—in the heart of this little girl who has never seen the world, the beast is probably as scary as a big dog raised by a rich family, right?

After Qinglian died, people sent by Nangong Xiao searched her things carefully several times. She didn't know what they were looking for, but it looked like she didn't find anything in the end. It was cheaper for Hongxing, and she lived in a room by herself Not to mention, Qinglian's few jewelry and clothes belonged to her.

Hong Xing glanced at the two little girls who were chatting and laughing outside the door, and spat hard. The two little hooves refused to leave for a while!He opened the dressing box angrily, took out a comb, brushed his hair, and picked out a gold-plated hairpin. Although it was not pure gold, it was better in shape. It was a budding lotus flower. The things that came down, before her accident was discovered, Hongxing saw that she was not there, so she took the opportunity to steal a lot of small things from the other party, such as hairpin earrings and the like, and came here worried that the little bitch would find out, I felt ashamed when I made a fuss, thinking how to remove the suspicion for myself, but I didn't expect that bitch's life would be bad, so he would stop coming immediately.

Looking in the mirror, no matter how long she waited, her face was as beautiful as a flower, but it was a pity that she was so beautiful but no one took pity on her. Forget about getting his blue eyes, thinking about it, I can't help feeling displeased with that chic hairpin on my head, I took it off and threw it hard on the ground: "Bitch!"

The hairpin was originally made of copper, but it was plated with a layer of gold on the outside. When it was dropped like this, several parts were immediately exposed to the brass inside, and a slight "crack" was heard beside the ear. La", it seems that something has been broken.

Hong Xing was slightly startled, the hairpin is made of copper, so it shouldn't be so fragile, right?
Confused, Hong Xing squatted down and picked up the hairpin, and saw a small gap at the joint between the lotus flower and the hairpin on the hairpin that was originally tightly stitched, and something exposed a small corner.

Hong Xing's heart was pounding. Although she didn't know what was inside, she was sensitively aware that this was an opportunity. She discovered Qinglian's secret. The Shizi attached so much importance to what Qinglian left behind. , sent people to search carefully, maybe they were looking for this thing.

With a nervous and excited mood, Hong Xing panted heavily, glanced vigilantly at the two little maids outside, sat on the bed by herself, lowered the curtain, and then carefully unscrewed the lotus from the hairpin, revealing It was a hollow copper tube, and there was indeed a small scroll of paper inside.

Hong Xing carefully took out the things, opened it and looked at it, she was a little confused, although these maids were not illiterate, they hadn't read books seriously, and couldn't read a few words, she carefully deciphered the words on the paper She only knew a few of them, and didn't know the others. With such a little information, she didn't even know what was written on it.

Do you want to give the things directly to Shi Ziye?Hong Xing couldn't help thinking about it, would Shizi look at her favorably because of her meritorious service?

That Qinglian is a maid sent by his wife just like himself, and I should be very clear about her details, but without my knowledge, that bitch has such a big secret, and even implicated her !Hong Xing gritted her teeth secretly, and at the same time felt puzzled, who is connected with Qinglian?How could she recognize the handwriting on this scroll?
Hong Xing held the small scroll in a daze, unaware that a huge danger was quietly approaching her, she was complacent, thinking that she had found a chance to get close to the son.

 Thank you for the pink tickets!Alas, my boyfriend was hit by a car and needs to visit the hospital. I'm afraid there will only be one update tomorrow.
(End of this chapter)

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