reborn idle wife

Chapter 228 The Rascal Chu Liangchen

Chapter 228 The Rascal Chu Liangchen

After Ruchu went up the mountain, he didn't reconcile with those who were going to rescue people. He went directly into the deep mountain. You can still see messy traces along the way. After those wild beasts attacked humans, they seemed to be There was internal strife, and if you look carefully, you can still see the traces of the fierce battle of the large group of wild beasts.

As before, she didn't stop, she seemed to have identified her target as soon as she came up, some beasts that wandered out during the day were intimidated by her fierce aura, they just poked their heads out for a look, and immediately avoided them with their tails between their legs. Evil star, evil star, don't get close, the danger level is very high!

The fallen leaves in the woods are already very thick, and some evergreen pine trees are still tall and straight. You can see squirrels jumping around on the trees, busy storing food for the winter, and pine cones are thrown from the trees from time to time. Come down, take a look at the tree, and you will see the big fluffy tail flashing by.

The further you went, the deeper the forest became. The speed was as fast as before, and it passed by like a gust of wind. Many beasts who were not sensitive enough didn't even know that a terrible person ran past beside them just now. There is already a golden symbol floating faintly on the body, and the more she goes in, the more obvious and brilliant it becomes.

Zuo Zhan and Nangong Xiao found another village that was under attack today. The small village was full of miserable cries. Speaking of which, this village is not the most miserable. Even so, some people still lost their lives in this catastrophe.

Zuo Zhan was helping a wounded man to treat the wound, but his hand suddenly trembled involuntarily, and the sword at his waist automatically made a slight tremor, as if he also felt something.

On that mountain, something is calling them.

Is it the same as before?It doesn't seem like much, so what is calling them?Could it be the reason why the beasts on the mountain went mad again and again?
Nangong Xiao seemed to feel it too, his deep eyes glanced at the deep forest where it was, it was like the mouth of an incomparably huge monster, waiting to devour the people who entered it.Immediately, he let go of the weird feeling in his head and continued to help the injured, but his mind had already flown there. If it was in the past, maybe he would have gone up the mountain to check what happened , but it is different now, he is going to be a father soon, he has his own wife and children, his own family, his own responsibilities, they still need him to take care of them, he is no longer qualified to act willfully and recklessly, he must guarantee himself Go home safely.

There are many people and strength, and they quickly helped to resettle the place. After asking, after experiencing this catastrophe, most people are willing to move to the safe enclosure, only a small number of old people who are deeply attached to the mountains and forests , I am willing to live here for the rest of my life, but I am also willing to send my children and grandchildren away.

This is how people's nostalgia for their homeland is. Nangong Xiao and Zuo Zhan have been persuading them for a long time, but they can't find a way. It's common sense that the old people don't want to leave their hometown, but how can the children and grandchildren leave their relatives alone and run for their own lives?So in this way, many people began to be in a dilemma, wondering whether they should leave with the nobles.

Zuo Zhan clenched his fists, feeling that the calling voice in his heart seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and the idea that it might be the same as before had been stored in his heart. Can't help it: "I'll go to the mountain to have a look. If it's not very dangerous, you can stay here for another day and discuss it. If it's dangerous, then everyone must leave quickly."

Nangong Xiao frowned tightly. He could vaguely guess what Zuo Zhan was thinking. Although it was understandable, he was really too reckless: "Wait a minute! Come with me!"

His tone was unprecedentedly serious. Zuo Zhan was stunned for a moment, his eyes were a little dodged, but he didn't say anything, and followed him obediently, but his movements were a bit slow, and Nangong Xiao pulled him aside to whisper. Fortunately, Dong Li, a guy with a bit of a rotten heart, was not there, otherwise it would be strange if the two handsome men whispered so intimately and didn't want to be crooked.

"Are you determined to go and have a look?" Nangong Xiao's expression was very serious. None of them knew what the mountain looked like. Even if Zuo Zhan was very skilled in martial arts, could he still be able to resist a group of wild beasts? "You want to understand a little bit. If Ruchu came, how could you not contact us and run to the mountain? I know what you are thinking. If you go up rashly, if you encounter any accidents, Ruchu will really come. Where will I find you after that? You are a real person, not a powerful existence like Ruchu and Chu Liangchen!"

Zuo Zhan lowered his eyes slightly, and he also understood this, but the call became more and more intense, and he didn't want to give up just like that: "Even if it's not the same as before, it has something to do with the weirdness of the beast, it's good to go up and check it out. "

"You want to go up the mountain alone without knowing anything? It's not that you don't know what's going on right now!" Nangong Xiao had been in a bad mood for the past few days, but he had been suppressing it all the time, and now he was completely detonated: " Why don't you think about what to do if you can't come out? How can you tell your ancestors that you cut off the incense of the Zuo family? How can you tell Ruchu that you buried yourself without waiting for her to come back? ?”

Zuo Zhan clenched his teeth tightly and refused to speak. The two good brothers suddenly fell into a tense atmosphere.

At this moment, a tiger howled suddenly from the mountain, and the voice of the king of the jungle was extremely penetrating, as if the entire forest was accompaniment to the sound.

Nangong Xiao's expression changed: "Why does it sound like a blast?"

"Don't think too much, there are too many tigers on the mountain, if any tiger barks, you will think it is Gale." At this time, Zuo Zhan turned around and began to comfort him, "Gaofeng is very spiritual, even if it is roaring , and it will not be in any danger." That big tiger is the king of the jungle.

The villagers were so frightened that they hid in the house and closed the door. The locals respected and feared the tiger. They not only praised this powerful and beautiful creature as the god of the jungle, but also were extremely afraid of this beast that could easily tear them to pieces. , as soon as you hear the sound of a tiger, you will immediately find a place to hide.

Nangong Xiao and Zuo Zhan did not hide. Those who followed them, except for the loyal guards who had followed to Liaodong, all others also hid. The guards also unsheathed their weapons one after another, and stood on guard vigilantly.

There was another roar of a tiger. Maybe after getting along with Dongli for a long time, he also got a little bit of her special ability. He actually heard the meaning of anger from it, and he became more and more sure that this was the beautiful tiger of Haifeng, and his eyes widened. Looking at the direction from which the voice came from, he was worried that Gai Feng might be in some trouble, so he would be so angry.

Soon, a swiftly running figure appeared in their eyes. Obviously, that fast creature was a tiger, and every flight was a long distance, showing strength and elegance in the process of running, But what is more surprising is that the tiger actually carried a man on its back.

The guards opened their mouths wide, almost thinking that they had misread it. Nangong Xiao and Zuo Zhan had seen Blast carry Dongli up the mountain before, so they were not that surprised, but they were more interested in the man on the back of the tiger. What kind of person has such a great ability?Can actually control the beast.

It's getting closer, getting closer, and gradually Nangong Xiao is 100% sure that the tiger king Gaifeng came from, and he can't help but become more curious. You must know that this tiger is very proud, and no one is allowed to approach it except Dongli. , and now someone is riding on his back!But when he saw clearly who the man on the tiger's back was, he was even more surprised than those guards who had never seen the world before. on the instep.

"Xiao Xiao, Xiao Zuo, long time no see!" The man grabbed Blast's fluffy fur and greeted with a smile: "Do you miss me?"

"Chu Liangchen!" Nangong Xiao rubbed his eyes in disbelief. The innocent smile in front of him, but his eyes are full of cheap looks, isn't it the Chu Liangchen who should be buried in Yudai Lake?
"Xiao Xiao, you still remember me, so happy." Chu Liangchen pretended to wipe his eyes: "It's not in vain that I wholeheartedly want to ask you to be my wife."

As soon as these words came out, Nangong Xiao's handsome face suddenly darkened, and a group of guards behind him were still in a daze because they suddenly saw the appearance of the national teacher, but they were shocked by these words, and suddenly things like demon knives fell down , A cry of pain came suddenly.

Chu Liangchen blinked, pulled out his sleeves, and his face collapsed: "My fan is gone!"

Zuo Zhan recovered from his astonishment, full of excitement, couldn't help but take a step forward, only to be met with a vigilant tiger roar, and stood still: "Did Ru Chu come with you?"

"You mean her?" Chu Liangchen touched himself left and right in frustration, trying desperately to find his small sandalwood fan: "I don't know, I'm not that thousand-year-old monster Chu Liangchen, You should ask him."

Nangong Xiao Wenyan was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered that this Chu Liangchen was actually a soul consciousness attached to the real Chu Liangchen a thousand years ago. Could it be that this person is no longer bound by the consciousness of a thousand years ago: "The relationship between you and him Is it completely irrelevant? Will he come out after a while? "

"It's really lost, and it's all because of you, a dead tiger!" Chu Liangchen finally found out with great pain that his fan was really gone, and he pinched Biefeng's ears bitterly. If it was carrying him instead of making him spend a lot of money, maybe the fan would not be lost.

 There is only one update today, I am going to the hospital to visit patients
(End of this chapter)

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