Chapter 230
"The crown prince will disregard human life?" Nangong Xiao took a sip of hot tea and sneered: "It's not once or twice, but it's really not trivial to be made such a big fuss."

Chu Liangchen counted the peanuts on the plate, picked one up and threw it into his mouth, chewing it was crunchy and fragrant, and he hummed twice: "It looks like someone has tricked me, it's likely Jiu is your capable elder brother, but this man is stupid enough, he can be regarded as the prince for so many years, why is he still a little stupid, no one dares to believe it."

The relationship between Nangong Fan and the first prince is related by blood. He dared to believe that he dared to entrust such a big matter to him. Didn't he dig a hole and bury himself?

Zuo Zhan silently wiped the sword aside, saying that after Chu Liangchen appeared that day, Zuo Zhan was full of hope that Ruchu would follow, but the result was a great disappointment. It wasn't that terrible existence anymore, it became the idler that the two of them were familiar with, and lived in the Mo's house openly and refused to leave.

Bi Shu was chewing on a plate of preserved fruit. He seemed to like what these girls like to eat. As long as he had time, he would hug and eat it endlessly. His cheeks on both sides were puffed up, like a mole, especially cola , He is not very interested in other people's topics, he just stuffs food into his mouth with all his heart, and occasionally takes a few sips from the tea next to him.

"My brother?" Nangong Xiao raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He didn't forget what his wife said, that brother seemed to have been replaced by another outsider, so his way of doing things was no longer acceptable. Measured by the previous method, if the former Nangong Xiao, let alone using such vicious means to frame the prince, even if it was to make friends with the prince, he would definitely not be able to do it.

"That person may not be my elder brother for a long time. There seems to be more than one soul from another world." Nangong Xiao took a sip of hot tea and narrowed his eyes: "He has great ambitions, and I worry that dealing with the prince is just the first step." It’s just that his goal seems to be so big that we dare not even think about it.” Is the high position so good, is it really like what Madam said, that person from another world was led by some mistakes, thinking that as long as If you go to another world, you can become the leader, you can dominate the world, so his brother wants to become the leader?

"It's snowing!" A girl's joyful voice came from outside, and the people chatting in the room were stunned for a moment, Bi Shu immediately jumped up and opened the window, and the snowflakes like goose feathers fluttered down, extremely beautiful, Several little maids ran wildly in the yard, shouting with joy.

This year's first snow, Nangong Xiao stretched out his hand, a few snowflakes landed on his hand, and immediately melted, leaving a cool feeling: "Auspicious snow heralds a good year, and there will be a good harvest in the coming year."

"The little tree is here, and there will be a good harvest at any time." Chu Liangchen nestled in the wide recliner without bones, feeling like a big lazy fox: "The things in Liaodong are basically all right, the beast For them, basically I can handle it, but those who are still in the Central Plains can’t do it, once the snow falls, it will soon become colder and colder, and their situation is not optimistic.”

As soon as these words were uttered, everyone fell silent. There was no way to do this. They couldn't force those who didn't want to come here to be tied up.

Chu Liangchen took out a small fan from his bosom, although it was not made of sandalwood, it looked similar to the previous one, and he opened it to fan the wind: "Are you human beings or not gods, it is already quite remarkable to have achieved this step , if you have time, why don't you take care of your wife, Xiao Xiao, I'm sorry to say it, you are married and you are going to have a child soon, obviously I met you first, how can you love the new and dislike the old when you have a new one and forget the old one !"

Nangong Xiao's originally happy face suddenly stretched out, this guy has the ability to make people angry, but after he got used to being angry, he couldn't get angry anymore, full of helplessness.

Chu Liangchen bent his fox eyes, closed the fan in his hand, and played with it himself, as if he was playing with some rare treasure, his eyes hid the light of interest.

Dongli looked at the heavy snow falling outside the window with great interest. Liaodong was bitterly cold. In order to take care of this pregnant woman, Mo's family specially spent a lot of money to transport a lot of glass from the Central Plains, and specially made glass windows for her. It was warm and comfortable. Liangtang, just like this snow, if she wants to go out to see it, it is absolutely impossible, even if she wants to open the window, the maids can come up with countless reasons to stop her, but it is different here with glass windows Yes, you can also see it if you sit in the house and it is airtight.

"Your stomach should be almost five months old, right?" Ru Chu sat aside quietly watching the snowflakes fall, and suddenly shifted her attention to Dong Li's bulging stomach, as if suddenly interested, stretched out her hand lightly I touched it lightly, and just happened to move slightly on the bulging belly, as if there was something small sliding in it, I was so startled that my hands trembled like before, and I quickly put it back, and then I realized what was going on. What happened, I stretched out my hand again out of curiosity: "Is he moving?"

A soft and beautiful smile suddenly appeared on Dongli's face. When she was in the fourth month of pregnancy, she could already feel the fetal movement. The first time she felt like there was a small fish swimming in her stomach, That kind of feeling made people want to burst into tears. Maybe it was not until that moment that she really understood what it was like to be pregnant with a small life, and she could clearly feel his little movements. , He is so weak and delicate, connected with his own blood.

"Maybe I've had enough sleep and I want to move my body." Dongli put his hands on his lower abdomen, as if to verify her words, the child in his belly moved very face-saving, and pressed gently on her palm It seems that he understands that his mother is greeting him.

The smile on Dongli's face became more and more beautiful and dazzling.

When Ru Chu saw it, she suddenly felt envious. She was a lonely person. Although Zuo Zhan had Zuo Zhan, she never understood how Zuo Zhan felt about her. Maybe he liked her very much, but In a situation like last time, would he still give up on himself?
If I have a child who is connected with my blood and grows up little by little under my company, what kind of feeling will it be like?
Dongli noticed her expression and smiled clearly. There is probably no woman who does not want to be a mother, right?However, before becoming a mother, shouldn't the necessary other half be carefully selected? "Let's have a good talk with Zuo Zhan. It's not an option for the two of you to go on like this. If you have any problems, let's make it clear in person. To be honest, I think you two are quite suitable. What's the matter?" Say it carefully, don’t miss it, I still think that you two are so good-looking, what will it look like if you have a baby in the future, it must be very good-looking.”

Ruchu was misled by her, and she actually thought about a child who combines the characteristics of himself and Zuo Zhan, not to mention, it is really cute. Wait, where did I go, what I have to say Not this: "Have you ever wondered how you would feel if someone you knew was reincarnated as your child?"

Dongli looked at her in a daze. This question was a bit strange. What would it feel like when an acquaintance became his own child?She was holding a pink and cute baby while breastfeeding, and then the child suddenly said: "xx, the money you owe me hasn't been changed yet, don't think that I will forget about it when I become your son." Just like that Thinking about it, cold sweat broke out suddenly.

"Are you okay?" Ruchu looked at her suddenly extremely weird face with a little worry, stretched out his finger and gently poked her shoulder: "I'm just talking casually, don't worry about it."

"I didn't care too much," Dongli swallowed weakly, touched his stomach, with a strange expression: "It just feels so strange."

It's really strange, even she thinks so, but Ru Chuu insisted on her rationality: "But, I have some bad news to tell you."

A bad premonition welled up in Dongli's heart. He rubbed his stomach and looked at her nervously, feeling that this matter must have something to do with her child, like a defendant waiting to be sentenced, full of anxiety.

"Do you still remember? At the beginning, Chu Liangchen's recovery was not fully completed." Ru Chu didn't dare to look her in the eyes: "I don't know why later, he chose to spend a lot of effort to fulfill me, so it is even more impossible to recover. I can't even maintain my original form, so I can only choose to reincarnate."

so what?Dongli's face was stiff, and the child in her belly kicked her stomach with joy.

"So, he needs to choose a mother body that can bear his reincarnated soul fetus." Ru Chu's head almost dropped to his chest, as if extremely embarrassed: "And obviously, the most suitable mother body is you."

Dongli turned his face silently, and silently gestured a middle finger in his heart.

Rely on it, what the hell, it's not enough for an adult to plot, do you want to plot against a child?Calculations come and go, even death is restless!
Dongli was so angry that he could just laugh it off if he plotted against her, but he couldn't plot against her child!No matter how weak a woman is, she will unleash incredible power for the sake of her child. Even a strong man like Chu Liangchen must never hurt her child!
"Actually, there is one thing you don't understand." Ru Chu sighed, full of sympathy: "You are a soul from another world, and there are still some places that don't fit with this body, so it stands to reason that you will not have children .It is because of his help that you can truly be a mother. Only after giving birth to a spiritual fetus can you truly become a complete woman, and having children in the future will not be a problem at all."

That is to say, she had to agree, because they had already made the decision.

Dongli's hand touching his stomach froze immediately.

 Today I am going back to my hometown to help plant corn. There is only one more watch. Hua Luo plans to end his idle wife within this month, and is working hard.

(End of this chapter)

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