Chapter 231
A child with Chu Liangchen's face, with two crooked fox eyes when he smiles.

Dongli thought for a while, and felt a little silly. If Nangong Xiao saw such a child, would he be so excited that he would strangle the child to death?No, no, my child will definitely not be able to do that, but as long as he sees that face, he will definitely feel uncomfortable.Besides, it's not just a matter of having a similar face, it's also a matter of the problematic character becoming his own son. If Nangong Xiao knew about this, wouldn't he be crazy?

Just because of this problem, Dongli didn't fall asleep all night, and he didn't dare to toss and turn frequently, for fear of disturbing the men around him. He had worked very hard these days, and when he came back, he would fall asleep soundly as soon as his head touched the pillow, and sometimes even Tired and snoring slightly, Dongli felt sorry for him, and he tried his best to solve any problems by himself, not wanting to bother him anymore, so he rubbed his stomach and thought wildly.

When I sleep until the fifth watch, the child in my stomach starts to get up and do morning exercises, stretching his fists and kicking his legs so active, the mother who is pregnant with the steamed stuffed bun naturally doesn’t want to sleep anymore, and it used to feel extra warm, but now Although she would also feel warm and moved, as long as she thought that this bun was actually Chu Liangchen, her emotions would be a little weird.

Nangong Xiao hadn't woken up yet, and his brows were slightly frowned. He had been working really hard recently. Dongli couldn't help but stretched out his hand and stroked his brow gently. Nangong Xiao didn't move, but after a while, he suddenly stretched He took her hand and put it under the quilt: "It's cold outside, it's still early, if you stay in the bed for a while, there's nothing wrong anyway, is it because the child is making trouble with you again?"

As he said that, he put his hand on his wife's lower abdomen. The little guy who was still jubilant just now seemed to be shy suddenly, but at this moment he refused to move any more, and obediently stayed in his mother's stomach without moving.

Dongli nestled obediently in Nangong Xiao's arms and closed his eyes. At first he thought he would not fall asleep, but when he opened his eyes again, he found that it was already broad daylight, and Nangong Xiao's shadow was gone, and he moved slightly. Caiwei, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately heard the movement, and asked aloud outside: "Madam, are you going to get up?"

Dong Li sat up slowly, closed his eyes subconsciously, the outside felt extraordinarily bright, and he got up so late: "Come in."

Caiwei immediately came in with a few maidservants. Dongli had already put on her clothes and was standing on a thick, long-haired carpet. Caiwei went to wet the handkerchief with hot water and used it to serve She cleaned her face, and the little maid obediently went to tidy up the bed, wipe the tables and chairs, and someone brought in fresh twig flowers, and the room was tidy and tidy in an instant.

"What time is it? I got up late today." Dong Li wiped his face, feeling as if all the pores on his body were opened at this moment, and took a breath of cool air: "Where are the others?"

"Master Zuo was looking for Master Zuo early in the morning." Caiwei took the towel and handed it to the little maid beside her, and said with a smile: "It's still early, it snowed yesterday, and the outside is full of snow. Very bright."

By the way, it snowed yesterday, Dongli remembered it in a trance, and suddenly became interested: "It is said that there is a lot of snow here in Liaodong every year, and there are people who make ice lanterns in winter. It sounds very interesting. If you have time, you can do it too." Let's go and play, I don't have that life, but if you are happy, you should be more relaxed."

Caiwei smiled and thanked: "The little maids are very happy. I have never seen such heavy snow in previous years. The slaves' hometown is also in the south, so I haven't seen it a few times. I only saw it when I came to the north. What does it look like under the snow, it’s really pretty, but it’s a bit cold.”

Dongli also laughed. When I was young, it often snowed in my hometown in winter. At that time, the greenhouse effect was not so strong. There would be long ice slivers hanging under the eaves. Naughty children would break them off and eat them. Adults I get up early in the morning to sweep the snow, and the children like to play snowballs and build snowmen, or ski on the hard snow.

Thinking about it now, it seems very far away, but every time I think about it, I still feel extra warm.

"My son ordered to burn the warm kang, so I can sleep comfortably in that winter." Caiwei combed Dongli's hair, and simply put on the jade hairpin: "Madam grew up in the south of the Yangtze River, so you can't sleep on the kang in the north, right? The servants have heard from them that it is very comfortable to sleep in this place, but it will be very dry when you wake up the next morning, so you have to put a basin of water in the room."

I slept on the kang head in my previous life, especially when steaming steamed buns for a long time. The heat on the kang was so hot that I could hardly lie down, and I could deal with it at night with a thin quilt: "burn it up, the sky is over. It's cold, the bed is freezing cold every day, even if it's specially overheated, it will feel cool in the middle of the night, if you go to the countryside, you will get used to this hot kang after sleeping for a while."

Qing Ran walked into the room quickly, stomped her feet outside, and then smiled and lifted the curtain to come in, with a few scattered snowflakes on her body, which were melted away by the warmth as soon as she entered the room: "Oh, what a big snowflake." The snow can cover the feet all the way, but fortunately, the servant has the foresight to put on the leather boots early, otherwise the snow would have poured into the shoes."

In the winter, the maids and servants at home made leather boots in unison. This is based on Lao Zhao’s suggestion. The snow in the north can really sink people’s knees. The embroidered shoes brought from the capital are fundamental. Not very useful, but tall leather boots. The outside is not easy to get wet, and the inside is thick fur or cotton. It is warm and not easy to soak in the snow.

"Madam, will you eat in your own room today or go to the old lady's?" Qing Ran went aside to warm her hands, and then came to drink Caiwei to serve Dongli together: "It's snowing outside again, here and there, there is no wind , It’s very cold, madam, why not just eat here? After a while, the servants will clean up the warm pavilion, and move in directly, and it won’t be cold in the middle of the night if you sleep on the warm kang.”

"Let's go to my mother." Dongli absolutely refused to admit that she actually wanted to go out to see the snow scene. The winter in the Northeast is so beautiful. She hasn't seen heavy snow for many years: "The national teacher will take care of you." Be careful, don't be negligent, if he has any unreasonable demands, be more patient, he is just that tempered, and he is actually not evil." She still prefers this often Chu Liangchen, who made Nangong Xiao so angry, was not the Da Na who was a thousand years ago. This one is more cute and lively, and more harmless.

"Don't worry, ma'am, the servants understand it in their hearts." Qing Ran rubbed the delicate ointment in the box and wiped Dongli's face. It's cold outside, and anyone who doesn't pay attention to the skin will suffer, and Dongli himself I understand that it is best not to use cosmetics at this time, so as not to hurt the child, but in order to deal with the environment in the north, I still need to apply some ointment every day, which is all made by Wang Yueniang, under the premise of ensuring that it will not hurt the child Dare to use it.

Caiwei took a big fur cloak and put it on her, and when the hat was buttoned on her head, only half of her face was exposed, the other half was completely covered by the furry hat, and the maids carefully helped her out the door, Going to Xu's for breakfast.

There are a few plum trees planted in the yard, and a few flowers have already bloomed. There is still white snow on them, which looks very beautiful. A cold fragrance seems to linger in the whole yard, which is refreshing.

Dongli couldn't help standing still, there were only a few fiery red flowers flamboyant in the snow-white area, which was particularly eye-catching: "This flower blooms really well, let's fold a few and take them to vase for mother."

Immediately, a little maid went over to pick up the blooming flowers and folded them down. With a slight movement, the snowflakes on the branches would fall, and the ice would be cold inside her neck. Zhu Zhu took a few steps forward and reached out to reach for the plum blossom closest to him.

In the morning, the rough envoys had already cleaned the yard and made a path, but the snow was too heavy, and it would take a while to completely remove it. They are standing on the path now, There was still a piece of white snow beside him before he had time to clean it up. Dongli took a few steps forward, and suddenly slipped under his feet for some reason. He was shocked and couldn't help but let out a soft "ah", and subconsciously grabbed the front of his eyes. On the branch of plum blossoms, the snow on top fell rustlingly onto the big fur cloak.

Can a fragile plum blossom support the weight of a person?Obviously not, Dongli grabbed the plum branch with one hand, but his body still fell forward, as if his heart was about to jump out at once, and the other hand subconsciously protected his lower abdomen.

Caiwei and Qingran reacted very quickly, one of them held her firmly. The snow that had just fallen should be soft and not easy to slip, but the soles of their feet slipped together, and they fell down uncontrollably. Go down, in this way, Dongli is at the front, and if she falls down, she will probably lie face down, and the two maids will largely overwhelm her.

In this way, children are absolutely unsafe, and even adults may be in danger.

The incident happened suddenly, and the maids who followed were either picking plum blossoms under the tree, or standing behind Cai Weiqingran. By the time they saw that the situation was wrong and wanted to save it, it was too late, and several of them took a step forward. He stretched out his hand, but only had time to grab Cai Weiqingran's clothes, and Dong Li had already fallen off.

The maids have already exclaimed, if something happens to the madam, they will definitely not escape, maybe the son will beat all these people to death in a fit of anger.

After Dongli became pregnant, the tight belt had been discarded, so Xueming, who was originally tied around her waist, naturally changed places. Nangong Xiao believed that pregnant people could not deal with these weapons every day. Li was worried that Nangong Xiao would not be safe when he was running around every day, so Xue Ming was handed over to Nangong Xiao just in case.

This time Xue Ming couldn't help her, and Dong Li fell down full of panic, but felt a slight heat on his neck, and a stream of heat flowed down the neck and directly connected to the lower abdomen.

 Scheduled chapters, upload new ones when you come back after planting corn
(End of this chapter)

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