Chapter 247
Chu Liangchen squatted on the ground staring in a daze at an ice lantern in the shape of a rabbit. His eyes, which were habitually completed with fox eyes, were so dazed that even Dongli stood beside him for a long time and still did not respond.

Nangong Xiao squinted at someone who was squatting on the ground thinking about life, stretched out his foot and kicked the opponent's leg with the toe, in exchange for a small look full of confusion, indescribably cute: "You are squatting What are you doing here? Aren’t your legs numb?”

Chu Liangchen seemed to have reacted for a while before he realized who the other party was. He grinned and showed a cheerful smile, and patted the place on his leg that was kicked by Nangong Xiao: "I didn't feel numb, but there seemed to be countless ants crawling on my leg. It’s so uncomfortable to crawl around.”

Husband and wife looked at each other silently, isn't that called numbness?

Chu Liangchen sighed suddenly, the expression on that face was bright and sad: "Oh, you are all in pairs, and I am the only one left alone. It is exciting to look at." As he was speaking, Zuo Zhan and Ru Chu walked over side by side, and occasionally looked at each other with affection, envious of others.

Chu Liangchen sighed loudly again, and looked at the two people with disappointment in his eyes, but more of a joke. It was silly for these two people to get together and not say a few words in love. It's been so hard, it's hard to tell Dongli and the others that he was chased by a very curious pregnant woman for several days to find out the truth, which made him hide and hide as if there was something shameful.

Ru Chu was thin-skinned, and when he met Chu Liangchen's joking eyes, he blushed immediately, and turned his eyes to look at the ground under his feet, like a little ostrich that hides its head when it encounters something.

Zuo Zhan cleared his throat, glared at Chu Liangchen, but spoke to Nangong Xiao: "Is there any news from the capital?"

Nangong Xiao helped Dongli into the house. Some naughty child outside stole the firecrackers used by his parents for the New Year, came out and dismantled them one by one. The sound was crisp and clear, adding a bit of New Year flavor to the air: "My legend The communication channel has been destroyed, and there is no news for the time being, even if there is any news from the capital, it will be sent to my father as soon as possible."

Zuo Zhan and Ru Chu also entered the house. There were several pots of daffodils in the house. The flowers had already bloomed. In order to create a comfortable environment for his pregnant wife, Nangong Xiao used glass containers for these daffodils. The water inside is clear, and the pebbles are clearly visible. The stems and leaves of daffodils pulled out from there are green, and the white flowers and yellow stamens look very comfortable.

Dongli sat down cautiously. As her belly got bigger and bigger, her actions became extremely inconvenient. Nangong Xiao became the queen's nanny. The big man took care of his wife carefully every day, and didn't care whether others thought he was special or not. Not promising, very busy, just like now, just as the wife sat down, he squatted down very consciously and hugged one of his feet and slowly massaged it, because Dongli's legs and feet were a little swollen recently during pregnancy, and there was a Sometimes she gets cramps, and Nangong Xiao will give her a massage as long as she has time recently.

Ru Chu looked at them with some envy. Although the husband and wife did not say anything, the faint warmth that lingered between them was extremely admirable. Zuo Zhan noticed her eyes, and secretly reached out his hand to shake Holding her hand, Ru Chu turned around, he smiled, his eyes were full of tenderness and firmness, Ru Chu blushed, he struggled a little, and let him go without breaking away, his face was red and he lowered his head .

"The letter sent by Master Hou should have arrived in the capital long ago." Chu Liangchen found a seat and sat down, far away from the two loving couples, so as not to accidentally catch the eye of the president: " If the emperor receives the letter, such a major matter as treason cannot be solved quietly, besides, it involves the Zhenbei Hou Mansion, and we are also important participants here, and there is no way to avoid us, so I I feel that this letter either did not fall into the emperor's hands, or something happened in the capital that we don't know about."

What kind of accident will it be?They could vaguely guess that it was nothing more than a battle for the throne, but it was impossible for them to predict which prince, or Emperor Jinxuan, would win, or Nangong Fan would benefit from hiding in the sidelines.

"The sixth prince seems to be very busy these days." Dongli changed the subject and said thoughtfully. Although the prince has become a common man, he doesn't seem to give up on that chair. They all followed Zhenbei Hou on the saddle, and everyone knew the purpose, and it was nothing more than wanting to be favored by the Zhenbei Army so that they could use it for themselves in the future.

People say behind their backs that people should never do it. There is a saying that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, but Dongli just mentioned the sixth prince, and Caiwei knocked on the door outside: "My lord, madam, Lord Hou and the sixth prince are here, bring me with you." According to the imperial decree of the emperor, the old lady and the wife have already rushed over, so I want you to hurry over!"

The five people in the room exchanged glances with each other, and then got up. After receiving the imperial decree, the incense table needed to be set up, and they changed into formal clothes. Dong Li looked at his stomach, and thought about the heavy imperial servants, and immediately lost his appetite, poor Xixi looked at her husband: "Do I have to change clothes?"

As soon as Nangong Xiao saw his wife's appearance, he immediately went out of his mind, and immediately came up to coax him: "It's all right, I think the imperial decree went directly to my father, they should have finished receiving the decree, let's just go and have a look, there is no need to change clothes Come on, let's walk slowly, it's cold outside, add some clothes before we go."

Chu Liangchen couldn't bear to witness and turned his head away: "I'll go and have a look first, you take your time." Unable to take it anymore, goosebumps all over his body danced.

Caiwei and Qingran had already brought over the prepared clothes. The white fox cloak wrapped around her smaller figure, revealing a much rounder face that looked even more radiant. The brilliance of denominator sex.

There was a roll of bright yellow silk in Zhenbeihou's hand, which was the imperial decree, and the sixth prince was sitting beside him. The two looked dignified, and Zhenbeihou's fingers subconsciously tapped lightly on the armrest of the chair.

Seeing a few juniors coming in, Zhenbeihou restrained his mind: "The emperor sent a decree, asking our family to return to Beijing to report on our duties."

Nangong Xiao was taken aback for a moment, they came to Liaodong because Emperor Jinxuan was worried about them, they were secretly exiled, why did they suddenly call them back to Beijing at this time?If it is said that they are planning to organize a festival for the New Year, then don’t be kidding. They have not participated in the so-called festival for so many years, and they have never participated in the fight against the Wala people in the frontier. At this time, they suddenly remembered, Nothing feels right.

Dongli came up to greet his in-laws, but before he could bend down, he was stopped by Zhenbei Hou: "Don't be so polite, you should pay more attention to your inconvenient body, and sit down quickly."

After arriving in Liaodong, the old lady who wrote down the burden and began to enjoy life also nodded with a smile: "That's right, why are you all so polite as a family? Sit down quickly, Xiao Er, help your wife to sit down. National Normal University You can just do what you want, so you don’t need us to greet you, right?”

Chu Liangchen sat down with a smile: "No need, I feel like my own home here."

Zuo Zhan and Ru Chu also took their seats. As for Ru Chu, the beauty who appeared suddenly, everyone was surprised at the close relationship between her and Zuo Zhan after seeing the close relationship between her and Zuo Zhan. They were all happy for Zuo Zhan, who had been so lonely for so long The big man finally got his own happiness, so he was extremely friendly to this unbelievably beautiful girl like Ruchu, treating her like his own family.

Chu Liangchen took the imperial decree, opened it, looked at it, threw it aside, and sneered: "From what I said, I probably don't know the emperor well. I have been by his side for so many years, and I can say that I know his nature well. Such a tone It is impossible for the emperor to write such an act, I think if you have time, you should go back to Beijing to have a look, so that nothing serious happens."

The face of the sixth prince turned pale immediately. He must have been a little worried about his father. He probably paid more attention to the throne. He was far away in Liaodong, and he was out of reach. If he can't use his strength, everything will be settled by the time he rushes back.

Although Zuo Zhan has changed his attitude and is no longer blindly loyal as before, Emperor Jinxuan has been treating him well for many years and has taken care of him many times. The Queen Mother also regards him as her own grandson. How could he not care about it? , stood up immediately: "I'll go back, the emperor and the queen mother don't know what happened, I always feel uneasy here."

The sixth prince also opened his mouth immediately: "That's right, I want to go back too. I don't know what to do with the father and the queen mother's ancestors. How can I ignore it as a child?"

"Don't worry about it." Chu Liangchen waved his hand to stop them, and thought for a while: "It's okay to go back, but you can't be blatant, I think something must have happened to the capital, at least the imperial decree was not written by the emperor himself, or it was a medical condition. Seriously ill, or being coerced by others, calling us to go to Beijing at this time is nothing more than wanting us to leave the Zhenbei Army. In this way, you secretly return to Beijing, and don’t take the initiative to contact the spies who stayed in the capital before, and secretly observe the palace and Zhenbei. Hou Mansion, if you have anything to do, use the eagle to send the letter."

Zuo Zhan nodded, and the sixth prince also agreed again and again. After thinking about it, Ru Chu didn't worry. After all, Nie Rulan was still in the capital. Let's go together, and I can help you, I think Nie Rulan is also there in all likelihood."

She didn't continue to say the rest of the words, but Zuo Zhan already understood that he was just worried about herself, and felt warm in her heart.

The Sixth Prince and the others did not understand what this beauty was capable of, but Dongli and the others knew that Chu Liangchen, who had the highest force value at the moment, had become a fetus in his stomach, and he was the most powerful one at the beginning, so there was no problem in terms of safety with her , of course there is no objection.

"As for other people, it's better not to go to Beijing." Chu Liangchen sneered, "Wala has reached the time when he lacks food and clothing, and the war will start when the spring is warm and the flowers bloom at the latest. We can secretly move our hands and feet on the border in advance Make some noise so you don't have to leave."

No one dared to do anything to them if they stayed in the Zhenbei Army, but after they left, Chu Liangchen snorted, thinking beautifully, but unfortunately he didn't see the facts clearly.

 Thank you Life Over the Sea for the pink vote, getting out of bed is such a pain!

(End of this chapter)

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