Chapter 248
Just on the eve of the New Year, the border of northern Xinjiang was in an emergency again. The Wala people lost a lot of cattle and sheep due to the heavy snow, and there was an emergency shortage of food. They had no choice but to attack the border in such a cold season, hoping to get enough supplies to help the whole The nation spends this cold season, and when the spring comes and the earth recovers, they will be able to get out of the predicament.

The Zhenbei Army was involved in the tense battle, and the return of Zhenbei Hou to Beijing was naturally postponed indefinitely. However, at this time, the riots of the victims who had been temporarily subdued due to the approach of the New Year broke out again, and it was worse than every day. Every time it is serious, even the capital, which is the center of power, has not escaped this disaster.

Before the New Year's Eve, due to the outbreak of several small-scale disaster victims' riots, all the doors of every house were closed, lest their own home would become the next unlucky one, and the things they simply purchased were basically finished, and they waited for a safe and secure life. After this troubled New Year's Eve, I hope that the weather in the coming year will no longer be the same as this year.

The only person who is in charge of the Zhenbeihou Mansion this year is Cui Shi. Nangong Fan did not come back directly in the palace. It is natural for Cui Shi to be the master of the house for the first time. Naturally, there will be a lot of excitement. The entire Zhenbeihou Mansion has been cleaned and looked brand new. The lights and festoons were very festive, and the servants also got an extra month's money. Each of them cut a suit of clothes, and they were all smiles. The family is benevolent, kind to servants, rich and powerful.

On New Year's Eve, a group of people hosted by Mrs. Cui paid homage to the ancestral hall, and they wanted to have a New Year's Eve dinner together. Of course, this year, no one is pressing her head, so she naturally wants to show her status and do her part. Sitting in the main seat, the maids presented exquisite dishes in an endless stream. The daughter next to her was wearing a waist-length jacket with pink peonies sprinkled with gold thread on her upper body, and a water-green skirt underneath, dotted with white lilac flowers. Wearing pearl earrings, she looks more and more like a lotus.

After waiting for a while, those people still didn't show up. Cui's face began to look bad. It was the first time she presided over such a big event. Those people dared to shake face and not save face for her. Okay, since they don't give her For the sake of face, she didn't need to give those ignorant people any favors, and immediately slapped the table: "It's fine if you don't come, it's better for us girls, clean! Come on, tell me, if you don't want to come, then you're fine." Alright, just lock the doors for me and tell them to contemplate their mistakes behind closed doors in their own rooms!"

Now Cui is covering the sky with one hand at home, and someone will do it immediately after she says a word, and the remaining concubines and aunts are locked in their own house, only the maids of Zhenbei Hou and Nangong Fan Those concubines came to join in the show, but Cui didn't care, the women called Zhenbei Hou waited on the side, they were just housemaids, and they were not serious masters, but the women who asked their sons to sit down, most of them They are all the maids who come out from her side, and they know her well. You can flatter me and I praise her, but it can be regarded as a joy.

Cui still felt that there was a fly in the ointment. There was only a group of women, not even a man, and she sighed: "It's okay that Hou Ye is far away in Liaodong and can't come back. This child, Fan'er, doesn't go home during the New Year, so what is he busy with?" The same goes for Mrs. Lu, man, there is no one who doesn’t like flowers and grass, isn’t she just a brothel girl, worthy of her regular wife, it’s not embarrassing enough! If her life is up, Fan'er will be involved to think of a reason for her, and if she dies, she will be able to earn an imperial order from the emperor, so she is considered blessed."

These people didn't know what Nangong Fan was doing, they only knew that he was out with a woman and pretended to inquire about some news, but Lu rushed up and smashed it, and the woman found out that Nangong Fan was just Using himself, he killed Lu Shi when he got angry, and he ran to beat the shocking drum, and the villain complained first, and framed Nangong Fan for murdering the prince. , still startled a group of women.

Fortunately, the emperor was wise and was not fooled by some villains with ulterior motives. Nothing happened to Nangong Fan. On the contrary, he was valued by the emperor and accompanied him in the palace every day. After getting the benefits, she became the imperial wife.

"Those villains don't even think about it. The eldest prince is Fan'er's cousin. How could he harm his cousin?" Cui Shi sighed. up.

Someone was setting off firecrackers outside. Seeing the women at the table, Cui Shi felt more and more exhausted: "Let's not be too late, ask the servants to set off firecrackers and cook dumplings. Go to bed early."

As soon as the words were finished, the Chief Manager appointed by Cui Shi ran in scramblingly, one of them couldn't stop and fell under the table, and subconsciously grabbed the long tablecloth spread on the table, suddenly there was a sputtering sound, and everyone The cups, plates and dishes on the table all fell off and became a mess.

"What is this for?" Cui was so angry that she wanted to drag this idiot out and kill him: "What are you doing when you celebrate Chinese New Year?"

The chief steward crawled out from inside, trembling all over: "It's bad, it's bad, there's a rebellion outside! A lot of people are looting, and the servant saw that many houses were broken into!"

Cui's face turned pale immediately. She had also heard about the riots of the victims a few days ago, and she didn't take it seriously, because she felt that she was too far away from her, and they didn't dare to attack the Zhenbeihou's mansion with their courage, but today On New Year's Eve, many of the usual family guards have gone back to celebrate the New Year, and the rest probably drank a lot. Those of the Cui family have already gone back to the Cui family. The current defense strength of the Zhenbei Houfu is extremely empty. It's easy to call someone in.

"Go and close the door! Tell everyone to get ready, and if anyone breaks in, they will beat me to death!" Cui settled down, thinking that there are many servants in her family, she calmed down : "Ask someone to go to the palace to send a letter to the uncle, and ask the uncle to bring someone to rescue quickly!"

A group of servants started to get busy in a panic, some of them went to close the door as promised, but more people sneaked back to their houses to pack up the gold and silver, and sneaked away through the corner door of the back door. Forest birds, when disaster is imminent, fly separately, let alone master and servant.If you want to blame it, blame Aunt Cui herself for being bad, but she sent away the guards left behind by Master Hou and Shi Ziye. The bounty is true, but the one who has served the master well, is worthy of his own conscience, and has no psychological burden at all when he escapes.

Soon, the terrified screams of the female relatives came, and Cui grabbed her daughter's hand tightly, her face pale: "What's going on? Didn't you tell someone to close the door?"

"Master, let's go! Something is wrong!" Someone ran back in a panic, saw Cui Shi still standing there, and paused: "There are people in the mansion cooperating with the thieves outside, and they have already been brought in!" Said Without any further hesitation, he ran for his life in a hurry.

Cui's feet staggered, her face was completely drained of color, Nangong Min beside her hurriedly supported her: "What is Auntie still thinking? Run away quickly, if we stay in the green hills, there is no fear of running out of firewood, as long as we save our lives, Brother gets the news and will come to the rescue soon, let's avoid the limelight first!"

The women around Cui looked at each other, turned around without saying a word, and ran away.

Cui gritted her teeth: "You are right, let's go, let's leave quickly!"

The mother and daughter ran back in a hurry, Cui Shi was still thinking about the things in her house, so she asked her daughter to take a step ahead, rushed into the house by herself, put her bank notes and land deeds into her arms, and the hairpin and jewelry I also packed it up, and as soon as I went out, I bumped into several tall, dark-skinned men head-on.

These people were all wearing tattered clothes, with disheveled faces, they looked malnourished, nine out of ten they were refugees, Cui screamed in horror, turned around and entered the house and wanted to close the door, but was kicked by the leader one by one. On the door, he suddenly lost his footing and fell to the ground, the small package in his arms fell out, there was a clanging sound, gold, silver and jade wares fell all over the floor.

The few people who entered the door straightened their eyes immediately, the brilliant jewelry made them almost unable to turn their eyes away, and a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks chuckled: "Brothers, this is the current head of the Zhenbeihou Mansion. The rewards for the servants to buy new year's goods have all been seen, and they are rich."

It turned out that I had attracted the attention of the thieves by being too ostentatious a few days ago, and Cui regretted it unceasingly. At this time, there is no money to worry about, as long as I save my life, it will be good: "Take everything away, don't hurt me!"

Those people didn't wait for her to speak, they had already stepped forward and swept away the jewelry on the ground and the valuables in the house, even the gold and silver inlaid on the tables and chairs were removed, and the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks looked lewdly Take a look at the charming Cui family: "I won't say much, I don't believe that you only have such a little property, if you are sensible, quickly take it out!"

Cui hesitated for a moment, and a person next to him immediately swung a big knife in his hand and slashed at the table next to him: "Hurry up!"

Cui shivered, and quickly took out the banknotes and the like that she had put away, but was snatched by someone as soon as she took them out, the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks squinted his eyes: "Brother, this woman saw our appearance Shall we do it?" He stretched out a hand and slashed into the air.

Cui collapsed on the ground in fright: "No, no, no, I won't say anything, I don't know anything, I swear to God, don't hurt me! These are also for you!" He took off all the things on his wrists and ears, but because of too much movement, something fell out of the hidden pocket in his sleeve. The golden phoenix held a shining pearl in its mouth, shining brightly under the light, but It is the Zhufeng that only the wife of Zhenbeihou's wife is qualified to wear.

This thing is worth a lot of money at a glance, those individuals are not willing to let it go, but Cui Shi seems to be possessed at the moment, snatching the thing back and hugging it in his arms: "This is what I want to get all my life, I'm finally getting that position, please leave this to me! I'll give you everything else!"

All she wanted in her life was the position of the main wife of the Marquis of Zhenbei, but she was always suppressed by the Huang family. Now that her son is promising, she controls the entire Hou family, and the whereabouts of that bitch of the Huang family is unknown. Well, she could get that honor immediately, how could she fall short at this time!
"Have a bargain after you get to hell!" A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man, he slashed down with a knife, and snatched the things out: "Let's go, the dog officers and soldiers will be here soon!"

There was a big gash in Cui Shi's neck, and blood flowed out, but she was not willing to just close her eyes like this, opened her mouth and let out a loud breath, and stretched out her hand with all her strength, as if she was extremely unwilling to grab her. What to live, and finally fell down powerlessly.

 the second
(End of this chapter)

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