reborn idle wife

Chapter 250 Shocking Change

Chapter 250 Shocking Change
Chu Liangchen's soul-absorbing method is not to strip people's souls, but is similar to the sorcery cast on the copper hairpin, which is to control other people's minds. As for the husband and wife, they are naturally the leaders of the previous cult. And his wife Zhu, these two people are also very lucky. After Nie Rulan's failure, the cult was once again clarified on a large scale, and everyone fell apart.

Chu Liangchen controlled the two people, looked at their dim eyes, and waved at the three ghosts: "Go and tell them, I'm going to interrogate the prisoners first, and I'll go to them after I find out the result. "

The three ghosts are extremely disdainful and resentful of this cruel couple. Unfortunately, as ghosts, if they don't want to become evil spirits and be captured by the underworld and be sentenced to death, they can't do anything to mortals, so they can only express their feelings to them viciously. Resentment, and getting rid of Chu Liangchen, he must not let them have any good fruit to eat, and then turned into a gust of wind and left angrily.

Dongli and Nangong Xiao had already changed their clothes and were ready to go to bed. Pregnant women are always more likely to get tired, and they yawned endlessly not long after dinner. Nangong Xiao, who cherished his wife, accompanied his wife to bed early, helping her Massage the legs and feet: "The situation is not so serious these days, do you still have cramps at night?"

"It's not that serious, it still happens occasionally." Dongli narrowed his eyes comfortably, and stretched his body: "The little thing is so tossing around before he was born, and I have to spank his ass when he comes out."

Nangong Xiao Wenyan laughed loudly, and suddenly came over with winking eyebrows, breathed on her ear, and laughed in a low voice: "Madam, you can't treat one more favorably than another, since you are pregnant with this child, you have been very neglected as a husband. Counting the number of times we've had intercourse over the past few months, you're not worried that your husband can't help but have sex outside?"

Dongli is no longer as blushing as before with just a few words. It's a joke. She is about to be upgraded to a child and his mother. What kind of innocent girl are you pretending to be?Wen Yan gave her husband a blank look: "If you dare to flirt, I will take your son and run away from home."

Nangong Xiao smiled sullenly, leaned down carefully against her body, kissed his wife's delicate lips, and nuzzled her: "I won't find other women, since you got married, you Step by step, it has slowly become a habit in my life. I can't imagine what I will do if one day you leave me, but you have the heart to tell me to endure it? Ma'am, otherwise we will be together tonight "Up" slowly stroked his wife's back with one hand, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

Dongli looked at him with anger from the corner of his eyes, suddenly smiled, stretched out his hands to hug his neck, and exhaled like blue: "Then, husband, you should take pity on the slave family, be gentle!"

Nangong Xiaofan was molested, and upon hearing the words, he looked at his wife's provocative eyes close at hand, and let out a muffled laugh: "Madam has a request, so of course I will go through fire and water for my husband." Said with one hand Pulling Dongli's cotton undershirt down his shoulders, revealing his fair and round shoulders.

"Dongli, we discovered a big secret!" The three ghosts rushed in bluffing, originally wanting to share this big secret with the two of them with excitement, but as soon as they rushed in, they saw such an embarrassing scene. In the first scene, Liu Shi and Ran Ju ran out immediately, and brought out the Wu children's shoes that they hadn't seen yet. Children should not look at this, or they will be spoiled.

The husband and wife are also very embarrassed. You said that the couple was about to do something unsuitable for children, and three daredevils rushed in without shouting. Of course, they closed the door before, but they couldn’t close it. Is closing the door useful to ghosts?The current situation clearly tells them that it is useless!The two put on their clothes in embarrassment, and they were also thankful that they were still just starting out. If they broke in at a critical moment, they would never even think about raising their heads.

The three ghosts didn't float in very embarrassingly until Dongli called them in. Xiao Wu's shoes didn't know what happened, and his face was full of curiosity. Other than that, it was quite normal, while the two women It's different, I can't wait to bury my head in my chest.

"Ahem!" Nangong Xiao cleared his throat, because he was thick-skinned, he almost performed live in front of others, and he was extremely embarrassed and shy: "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"It's that couple." Ran Ju lowered her head and said dully, not daring to raise her head to look at them: "It's actually the husband and wife of the leader of the cult who have dealt with before."

Dongli raised his eyebrows in surprise, and glanced at Nangong Xiao. The latter was also a little surprised. They just felt that these two people were a little unclear, but they didn't expect to catch two big fish all at once.

"The two of them are very vicious. They were responsible for everything about Qinglian and Hongxing." After Ran Ju said the first sentence, she seemed to regain her courage and began to speak sharply: "They I still want to control you, I want to use your hands to control the Zhenbei Army!"

What a great wish. The husband and wife sighed silently. Knowing that Chu Liangchen used the soul-stirring method to control the two people to interrogate them, the two of them were not in a hurry. They waited for Chu Liangchen to find out why they came to discuss it.

Dongli was already a little sleepy, rubbed her eyes and thought about waiting a while, Nangong Xiao got up and supported her shoulders, "Go to sleep, I still have something to do, I'll tell you tomorrow, don't stay up. "

Thinking about it is also true, these things are not in a hurry, I am embarrassing myself if I suffer like this, so I will not insist on it anymore, I will go back to bed after saying good night to a few ghosts, and it will not take long for my head to touch the pillow. Falling asleep soundly, Nangong Xiao La covered her with a quilt, and lightly kissed her on the forehead.

When Chu Liangchen came over after dealing with the matter, the lights were still on in the room. When he entered the door, he saw Nangong Xiao sitting at the table with a book in his hand, and the three ghosts were floating around the room bored. Dongli had already fallen asleep.

"Come on, let's go out and talk, don't disturb her rest." Nangong Xiao made a silent gesture, opened the door lightly and walked out, and closed the door: "How is it?"

"Extremely exciting." Chu Liangchen responded with a helpless smile: "I didn't know there were so many people following you. You already know who those two people are, right?"

Nangong Xiao nodded, and Chu Liangchen shook his head weakly: "Those two have always thought that you killed their sister, and you killed Nie Rulan, who fell short. The cult disbanded them and turned them into bereaved dogs. I must hate you so much in my heart." ? They were sent by Nie Rulan, the purpose is to control the Liaodong area and the Zhenbei Army, of course, out of selfishness, I want to clean up the two of you by the way."

Nangong Xiao stroked his forehead helplessly: "It's not a disaster, actually I want to say that we have never met that little sister."

Chu Liangchen shrugged his shoulders sympathetically: "But people don't think so. Also, your eldest brother is very talented. He hooked up with Nie Rulan. He was the one who came up with the idea of ​​suppressing the Northern Army. That's right, he wants to be the emperor. Yes, how can we do without an army? The Zhenbei Army is brave and good at fighting, so of course it is the best choice."

Nangong Xiao raised the corners of his mouth, thinking very well, the Zhenbei Army is a brave army established by their father and son after so many years of bloody fighting, how could it be taken away by others with such low-handed means?

The three ghosts floated there quietly. They didn't understand these things very well, and they didn't want to get involved in too many mundane matters. They just remembered Dong Li's kindness and stayed to help them do some things.

After those two people were inquired about all the information, they were humanely destroyed by Chu Liangchen, that is to say, Nie Rulan's two pawns were pulled out before they could be used. , will definitely shoot again, they just need to wait patiently.

Nangong Fan wants to seize the country, but Nangong Xiao doesn't care much at all, as long as he doesn't interfere with his family's small life, it doesn't matter who he is the emperor, it's still the same.But now that people are bullying them, trying to destroy their peaceful and stable life by all means, if they endure it any longer, they will no longer be men. In this case, it is better to fight back vigorously.

Chu Liangchen took out his pocket watch and looked at it, and said in surprise: "Oh, it's already so late, I'd better go back to bed quickly, now that guy is no longer on me, I can't keep my face young, if I go to bed too late It will make me look depressed, no, go back to catch up on sleep, and don't bother you young couple."

You have already interrupted, Nangong Xiao rolled his eyes, turned around and entered the door and closed the door, thinking about it, he opened the door and poked his head out. It happened that the three ghosts took this opportunity to float out to appreciate the ice lantern, but Nangong Xiao called out: "Remember before entering the door. Make a noise first, and if this happens again, I will burn the dolls you are hiding in."

The three ghosts trembled for a moment, and the ruthless man had retracted his head and closed the door. He walked briskly to the bed, took off his clothes, climbed onto the bed carefully, hugged his wife's soft body from behind, and closed the door contentedly. Eyes, Dongli felt the familiar breath around him in his sleep, bent the corners of his mouth, and shrank into her husband's arms, sleeping extremely sweetly.

The lock hanging on Dongli's neck emitted a faint light, as if he was trying to inspire something, but he didn't get any response for a long time, as if he had exhausted his strength, and finally the light dimmed and returned to ordinary No wonder.

Nie Rulan opened her eyes, and the two weapon spirits absorbed in her body just now wanted to escape from her, hmph, the remaining one must be calling them, and when she completely refined the two weapon spirits, Yes, after losing a lot of strength, she will make up part of it. When she thought that not only did she fail to obtain Chu Liangchen's millennium-old strength, but instead took half of the strength she had accumulated through hard work, she gritted her teeth at those two people even more. : "Chu Liangchen, Nie Ruchu, I will never let you go!"

Nangong Fan pursed his lips slightly when he heard the roar coming from the emperor's bedroom. No matter how powerful a woman is, she can't get rid of her love affair. If she is hysterical because of a man, how can she still have the image of a superior person?

The Crown Princess Lin Susu was taken away by Cen Ruxue. Nangong Fan didn't understand what Cen Ruxue wanted this woman to do, but he didn't ask any further questions. She was just a woman, and she couldn't make any big waves. Besides, Cen Ruxue was his loyal ally.In addition, the eldest prince and the prince's women were all under surveillance and control. Because Yang Jinzhi was hated by the eldest princess, he took the opportunity to make things difficult for her. Locked up with Concubine Cui.

In addition, Song Lianxin, the Crown Prince Liang Di, disappeared after the palace change, and no one knew where she went, not even the people in Duke An's Mansion.

 The starting point recently logged in abnormally, and it took a lot of effort to get up.Thank you for your review vote

(End of this chapter)

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