reborn idle wife

Chapter 251 A new plan

Chapter 251 A new plan
So, where did Song Lianxin go?

Nangong Fan saw Emperor Jinxuan who was controlled by Nie Rulan, and after telling his confidants to watch over them, he went to the harem with his hands behind his back. There are not many beauties of Emperor Jinxuan. Those with high status can live in gorgeous and rich palaces, and there are many beauties who have not had time to be favored by the emperor, or who have offended high-ranking concubines and have been retaliated against, crowded in small and remote palaces. Nangong Fan went to these small palaces One of them is Yilan Pavilion. This palace is divided into a main hall and two side halls, but there are no less than six low-ranking concubines, none of whom have ever shown their faces in front of Emperor Jinxuan.

Now that Emperor Jinxuan is controlled and turned into a puppet, it is even more impossible for these women to get close to the emperor. Nangong Fan took this opportunity to dismiss some of the huge concubines and maids in the harem in the name of Emperor Jinxuan. Raising women is also very expensive. Yes, now there are frequent rebellions in various places, Emperor Jinxuan doesn't want to think about how to relieve the disaster, but still lives a luxurious life with a group of women, he deserves to be in danger.

The ones who were dismissed were all older palace maids, and some low-ranking concubines who were not favored. Letting them go out to get married was, on the one hand, giving these poor women a chance, and more importantly, saving a lot of money. Money and palaces, this Yilan Pavilion is now a vacant palace.

The location of Yilan Pavilion is remote, surrounded by green trees and flowers. It is quiet and quiet, but because it is too remote and quiet, it is difficult to get a chance to see the emperor. It can be said that it is a cold palace, and even the maids and eunuchs are not happy to come here Come.

Nangong Fan stepped into the main hall of Yilan Pavilion, and the inside was a little desolate. With the departure of the previous owner, this place has lost much popularity. The long curtain hangs on the ground and no one cares about it, adding to the empty palace. A little lonely.

"Why is it here at this time?" A woman's voice sounded from behind, Nangong Fan turned around, and a woman dressed in bright red came in with a pot of daffodils in her hand: "It's not popular here at all. A few potted flowers are here to add some popularity." As he said, he found a place to put the flowers down, and wiped them carefully on the chair: "Sit down, I don't have any good tea here, so I won't entertain you Tea."

"Why are you being polite to me?" Nangong Fan smiled, stretched out his hand and pulled her to sit on his lap, pinched her cheek: "Why, living in such a remote place, why are you wronged?"

"How dare I?" The woman pursed her lips, but she looked squeamish and cute: "I'm just a ruined woman, but you are hot. How many officials have been inquiring about their daughter as your stepmother and concubine these days?" How can I remember who I am?"

Nangong Fan laughed loudly, and took a sip on her lips: "No matter what others do, you are irreplaceable."

The woman seemed very satisfied with what he said, she threw her boneless body into his arms, gently curled a lock of hair on his temple with her fingers, twirling around, giggling and saying: "My friend, such words are also I don’t know how many women you have told, and you still use it to coax people, I don’t believe it. Tell me, when will I be able to leave?”

When it came to business, Nangong Fan immediately put away his unserious expression, and pondered for a while: "We don't know the specific situation in Liaodong, and Zhenbei Hou has too much influence there, so we can't arrange it at all." If you go in, you should leave early, and you won’t know what they will do when it’s too late.”

There was a hint of sinisterness in the woman's eyes, and then she became extraordinarily soft and charming: "It's whatever you say, but I'm so busy for you, you can't forget me when the time comes, you know?" ?”

"If you're worried, why don't I give you a child right now?" Nangong Fan's serious expression immediately disappeared, and he turned into a lustful look, exploring the woman with all his hands: "You're leaving now I don’t know when we will meet again in the future, but you have to accompany me well before you leave.” As he spoke, he hugged her and put her back on the table in front of him, tearing open the neckline with one hand and leaning down to sniff In one breath, the other hand has already lifted the plain belt around the woman's waist, exposing the freshly peeled skin like a boiled egg to the still very cold air.

A trace of disgust flashed in the woman's eyes, but with a smile on her face, she stretched out her arms and hugged his neck: "Don't stay here, friend, do you want to freeze me to death?"

On this side there was another erotic drama, on the other side Yang Jinzhi was carrying the food brought by the palace servants, hesitated for a moment, and walked into Concubine Cui Gui's bedroom with it.

Both of them were imprisoned here, guarded by three layers of guards on the outside, Yang Jinzhi felt very sad and angry, if it wasn't for the eldest concubine deliberately making things difficult for him, he wouldn't have entered the palace bitterly. The first prince copied some scriptures to pray for blessings, and when something happened, he would not even have a chance to escape, and now he would not be locked up here with Concubine Cui.

"Your Majesty, let's have something to eat." Yang Jinzhi put the food on the table. Now that they are prisoners, it is naturally impossible for them to eat as well as before. Although the food delivered is not too bad, the two Meat, two vegetables and one soup, but for these two women, it is extremely rough food: "You haven't eaten anything for two days, how can your body bear this? Take a bite."

Concubine Cui Gui lay weakly on the bed: "Go away, don't bother me."

At this time, why are you still putting on airs like a noble concubine? Yang Jinzhi curled his lips secretly, but patiently persuaded him: "Don't be like this, you are taking advantage of those people's wishes, even His Highness will not let you go." of."

When the eldest prince was mentioned, Concubine Cui's eyes burst into tears. Her excellent son, who has been her support for so many years, would be harmed like this: "What am I still alive? He has already left me, I might as well die, how could this child leave me and leave, telling me to send a white-haired man to a black-haired man!"

Yang Jinzhi's eyes flashed, and he secretly turned his thoughts away. Now that the Great Prince's Mansion has already existed in name only, whether he stays in the palace or goes back to the Prince's Mansion, it will not end well. Starting her own life, she is still young, and she doesn't want to be imprisoned here to die of old age with the half-aged concubine Cui Gui, or be secretly dealt with someday, she must leave here.

Thinking of taking a look at the concubine who was lying on the bed weak and only crying, Yang Jinzhi was silent for a moment, then sighed suddenly: "Now that Nangong Fan controls the palace, we can't do it even if we want to avenge His Highness, but it's a pity he pretended to be With a hypocritical face, he deceived the princes and ministers outside. No one knew what great things this wolfish and ambitious rebel had done. The palace was so strictly guarded that no news could be spread. It is a pity that the concubine is just a Even if the little concubine dies, no one will be alarmed, otherwise the concubine would rather die to expose Nangong Fan's vicious face and avenge His Highness!" He took out a handkerchief to cover his eyes. Weeping.

Concubine Cui Gui had already pressed into her withered eyes and suddenly a ball of light burst out. After Nangong Fan took control of the palace, she did not start a massacre, especially the famous concubines in the harem. Most of these people belonged to capable mothers. , Nangong Fan has no military power in his hands, and can only rely on evil methods to control the palace guards in the palace to help him do things. He is not strong enough, so he dare not publicize his palace changes, but carefully maintains everything in the palace as before. False, if some of these high-ranking concubines die suddenly, it is impossible to hide it from the world. At that time, the news can be spread, and then people will naturally rise up to serve the king, no matter who wins in the end It is conceivable that Nangong Fan without military power will not end well.

Hiding behind the handkerchief, Yang Jinzhi saw the weird smile on Concubine Cui Gui's face, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth, wiping away his tears: "Look, the concubine really doesn't know the rules, and she offended the empress again. You are sad, the food is almost cold, and the concubine took it to ask someone to warm it up, these people are bullying and afraid of evil, in the past, they cater to everyone, and when they see something, no one will come." As Yang Jinzhi said, he picked up the food on the table and went out, complaining about the coldness of the world as he walked.

Concubine Cui Gui got up from the bed and thought about her plan, even if she died, Nangong Fan would not benefit.She hadn't had any water or rice for two days, and she had no strength. She stumbled up and opened the cupboard in the palace. In the past, there would be ladies in the palace who would wash, iron and put the clothes she would wear the next day in advance. It was prepared inside, and the clothes in it now were several days ago. Concubine Cui rummaged around and found a fringed belt. , It looks extremely elegant and beautiful.

Concubine Cui Guifei looked at the beams of the sleeping hall, it was too high to reach, she had no choice but to enter the relatively shorter warm pavilion, put a light stool on the table, climbed up and hung the belt on the beams Tie the knot, and smiled strangely: "Cheng'er, concubine mother is here to avenge you, you wait for concubine mother, let's see what happens to that thief together!" He hesitated and kicked down the stool.

Yang Jinzhi carried the food and entangled with the people at the door for a while. These people would not help her to heat up any food. She also understood that it was nothing more than deliberately leaving time for Concubine Cui Gui to do something. It took a long time Afterwards, he came back with the meal full of resentment. There was no shadow of Concubine Cui Gui in the bedroom. Yang Jinzhi thought for a while, and went into the small Nuan Pavilion next to him.

"Ah - come on, someone! The imperial concubine has hanged herself!"

The woman's frightened and shrill cry immediately alarmed the guards guarding outside, and someone rushed in to check it out, and they were frightened when they saw it, Nangong Fan told them to guard the imperial concubine, but they didn't know that the imperial concubine hanged herself now If Nangong Fan found out about the situation, it would be a disaster. Suddenly, everyone was in a mess, clamoring to save the imperial concubine quickly to see if it could be saved, but Yang Jinzhi quietly slipped out of the door watching the opportunity. The people panicked into a mess, and actually told her to run out.

As soon as she left the gate of the palace, Yang Jinzhi immediately ran away without caring about anything else. She was not very familiar with the palace, so she didn't dare to run to those tall and majestic palaces, so she ran towards the residences of those low-rank concubines up.

 I don't know if I can log in later, so I will upload all three chapters now

(End of this chapter)

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