reborn idle wife

Chapter 254 Confrontation

Chapter 254 Confrontation
With the help of the two generals in the army and the Tiger Talisman in hand, the deployment of troops was a matter of course. The sixth prince felt that it was not too late, so he secretly transferred the camp in the west of the city, which was relatively close to the capital, over here. The ones in the army, such as the Zhenbei Army, even if they are famous for their bravery, they are helpless if they can't quench their thirst far away.

What's more, the Zhenbei Army is currently at war with Wala. Under the internal and external troubles, it is not suitable to leave the northern border. This is what the Zhenbei Hou wants to see. Being involved in the imperial power disputes, those people had better stay away from the imperial power in order to live a stable life.

But there is a problem that is more difficult. Although Nangong Fan has no army, there is a mysterious Nie Rulan beside him. This woman is very powerful, how should a group of mortals resist?Zhenbeihou, Zuo Zhan and Ruchu made a decision after discussing in private, but they didn't tell the sixth prince who was pulling his hair in a hurry. If there is no accident, the sixth prince with more and more dragon spirit will be the next emperor. Some powers are not suitable for him to know. There are countless things about crossing rivers, demolishing bridges, dismantling mills, and killing donkeys for the king. It is not a good thing to be the master of high meritorious deeds. I just told the sixth prince that they got reliable news that one day Nie Rulan will leave the palace to go out. , the return date is undecided, and that time is the best time for them to act.

And in fact?The day before the agreed day, Ruchu changed into the fiery red outfit that she was very used to, said goodbye to Zuo Zhan, and went straight into the palace without telling the sixth prince and others. This time she did not deliberately conceal her aura, Nie Rulan Immediately found her, Nie Rulan, who was almost mad, immediately attacked Ruchu without hesitation.

The sky was filled with red clouds and black mist, and even ordinary people could clearly see the strange phenomenon in the sky. This strange scene happened to be just above the palace, which naturally caused panic among the people in the palace. Where to hide, Nangong Fan doesn't care if he sees it, just some small people, can't do big things, but his face looking at the sky is extremely gloomy.

The black side is naturally Nie Rulan, he is very familiar with it, but what happened to the red side?To be able to fight Nie Rulan evenly, in Nangongfan's cognition, the unpredictable Nie Rulan is already an extremely terrifying character. He is still worried about how he will face this woman after he seizes the country, but he did not expect to appear Another enemy who also has magical powers.

Nangong Fan's mood is very complicated. On the one hand, he hopes that Nie Rulan is defeated, so that he will not have to worry about threats from her in the future, but he has not yet obtained military power. If Nie Rulan is defeated now, what should he do to control so many people ?There are also other horror masters, what kind of world is this episode?Is it human beings who rule here?

Under Ru Chu's deliberate temptation, the two people's fighting position gradually deviated from the palace and went elsewhere. But seeing the two lights in the sky, one red and one black mixed together, it seemed indistinguishable from each other, and they rushed to the nearby official's mansion. passed.

Nangong Fan suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, Nie Rulan was the only one he could rely on at the moment, if Nie Rulan was lured away, what would he do if someone came forward to deal with him at this time?The more I thought about it, the more wrong I looked at the gloomy palace: "The emperor is still in the bedroom?"

A white-faced and beardless eunuch beside him bent down respectfully: "Returning to you, the emperor has never come out of the bedroom."

"Let's go, let's go see the emperor." Nangong Fan immediately rushed to Emperor Jinxuan's bedroom, the eunuch followed closely behind, and looked back at the still tumbling lively two colors from time to time, shivering. After a while, he trotted along.

Ru Chu dodged Nie Rulan's attacks a few times, feeling anxious, she suddenly withdrew her hands and stood in the air: "Since you dare to come, fight with me in a fair and aboveboard manner. What's the use of hiding?"

Ru Chu also stopped, and the red cloud around his body also dispersed to reveal his true colors, and the obvious aura that belonged to a living person immediately caused Nie Rulan to be shocked and disbelieving: "You, you have become a living person? how is this possible?"

Ruchu looked at Nie Rulan who had dissipated the black mist, and smiled slightly: "Nothing is impossible, at least, haven't I already done it now?" But she, who killed so many people, ended up becoming a ghost look.

Nie Rulan had a faint blackness on his face, and he looked a little ferocious: "It was him, did he help you? He didn't hesitate to kill me to restore his strength, but he didn't hesitate to waste his strength to make you a normal person. Why? Why?" A pretty face twisted, and the bloody light in the eyes became more and more obvious.

"I don't think anyone can answer these questions for you." Ru Chu's smile became more and more beautiful. This ice beauty has long since lost the inaccessible coldness of the past, and her gestures and gestures have already possessed the unique charm of a young girl: "You You know, he's never going to come back."

"What do you mean?" Nie Rulan suppressed the panic in her heart. She had been trying her best to feel Chu Liangchen's aura, but until now she still hadn't gained anything. "You want to lie to me? If even the mortals around you If he can survive smoothly, how could something happen to him?"

Ruchu looked sympathetically at Nie Rulan who was trying to persuade herself. She had been fighting with this woman for thousands of years, but now she suddenly realized that she was so ridiculous. Whether she was fighting for a man or a resentment, she had already followed Chu Liangchen's departure made it irrelevant. She already had her own needs and needed her own people, but Nie Rulan was still in such a vicious circle and couldn't escape. How sad it was.

"I didn't say he's dead, but he won't show up again." Thinking of it, Ru Chu felt apologetic. Speaking of which, Chu Liangchen had always been kind to her, but in the end she destroyed it with her own hands. Chu Liangchen regained the hope of becoming the overlord thousands of years ago, but that man gave her what she dreamed of at the last moment, to live like a normal person with flesh and blood.

"Then what do you mean?" Nie Rulan stared at Ruchu closely, looking forward to and worried at the same time, looking forward to hearing about Chu Liangchen, worried that she would hear some bad news, and felt uneasy.

"Even if he reappears, he is no longer the original person." Ru Chu sighed and laughed: "He will become another person. Since birth, he has been cared for by his relatives and elders. He doesn't need to be like that anymore." He will grow up in peace, marry a wife and have children, and try a life he has never experienced before." Chu Liangchen must be tired too, although the overlord is beautiful, there are several people behind the hardships visible?He chose to be reincarnated because he also wanted to give up the accumulation of thousands of years.heavy burden.

Nie Rulan's eyes were wide open, and she could hardly believe what she heard was true.What Nie Ruchu meant was that Chu Liangchen was reincarnated?How is this possible?

Seeing that the thick black mist on Nie Rulan's body was getting thicker and thicker, Ruchu immediately became vigilant. Nie Rulan's obsession with Chu Liangchen was still so heavy after thousands of years. She heard that Chu Liangchen abandoned everything in the past so easily If you want to reincarnate cleanly, you will definitely be hit hard.

"One of you has become a new person, and the other has been reincarnated, and you have all let go of the burdens of the past." Nie Rulan raised her head, and her blood-colored pupils made people feel chills: "But no one has ever thought of me. What should I do? Why can you start over so easily? Why!" The last sentence was like a thunderbolt from the sky, shaking the mortals on the ground almost unsteady, and the black fog roared like a ferocious monster Seemingly rushing towards all the surrounding beings, Nie Rulan seemed to be so stimulated that she lost her mind, and it turned out to be an indiscriminate and all-round attack.

Ru Chu was shocked. Although she was not afraid of Nie Rulan's attack, the mortals below couldn't resist. She jumped down without hesitation and stood on a roof with a handprint that looked like a blooming orchid in one hand. She raised one hand up to the sky, muttering something, a layer of red barrier suddenly appeared on the raised palm, and spread rapidly to the surroundings, sheltering all the houses near her inside.

The black mist was covered with a red barrier, soundless and seemingly powerless, but countless sparks like fireworks burst out where it touched, Ruchu's face turned pale, and he felt a mouthful of blood had already reached his throat.

The range she covered was really too big, and she consumed a lot of power. This kind of offensive made her feel a little overwhelmed, but she gritted her teeth and insisted on it, increasing the output of power.

Nie Rulan laughed wildly in the sky, crossed her arms forward, and more black smoke came out from the palms of her hands to join the battle: "Want to be reborn? It's not that easy!"

"Bold and monstrous!" Just when Ru Chu was about to lose his hold, someone suddenly yelled at the crazy Nie Rulan in the sky. Seeing in Ru Chu's eyes, it was like a golden rune hitting the black mist with this loud roar. Nie Rulan, an old monk with white eyebrows and white beard, appeared in their line of sight. He was wearing a washed-white monk robe and a string of brown rosary beads in his hand. He was an old acquaintance, Master Zhifan.

"Old monk, it's you again!" The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and Nie Rulan became even more angry when she saw Master Zhifan: "You are helping them too, right? Then you can die together!" The black smoke turned into Two black dragons rushed down on Master Zhifan with their teeth and claws open.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable!" Another chanting, a Taoist priest wearing a blue Taoist robe and three long beards appeared on the scene, flicking the dust in his hand: "Where is the evildoer making trouble here!"

The monks cooperated tacitly together, and directly attacked Nie Rulan in the sky. The golden Buddhist mantra, the mysterious Taoist spells, and the black mist rolling in the sky made it very lively for a while.

With the help of a helper, Ru Chu's pressure was greatly relieved immediately, and with a slight shake of her raised palm, the red barrier immediately seemed to be caught in her hand. The raised fist suddenly loosened, and punched hard into the sky, the red barrier immediately came out of his hand, like a huge red net without gaps, directly covering the scattered black mist When she got up, Ruchu immediately flew up, and the huge red net covering countless black mist fell back into her hand and turned into a sword that seemed to swallow flames. As soon as the black mist touched the flame on the sword, it immediately disappeared.

This is He Jingmei, the sword that was originally possessed by her body. After she regained her body, this sword still uses her body as the scabbard, never leaving it.

Being attacked by three people, Nie Rulan, who was so mad and her strength soared, couldn't hold on anymore. After spitting out a mouthful of black blood, it turned into a black light and ran away quickly.

"Where is the evildoer going?" The Taoist yelled and chased after him. Master Zhifan folded his hands and nodded slightly to Ruchu, and followed closely.

 Uploaded together at three shifts, and then went to work

(End of this chapter)

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