Chapter 255
Ruchu looked at the direction Nie Rulan was going away, she did not choose to return to the palace, but fled all the way north, followed by a golden light and a blue light relentlessly chasing after her.

Slightly relieved, she glanced down at the capital city that was almost destroyed. If there was no monk who came out to help suddenly today, she alone might not be able to stop the crazy Nie Rulan. What kind of power, which does not belong to her and has not yet been refined, if it is really successfully refined by her, the result of today will probably be changed.

Looking back at the palace, I don't know what's going on there. Nie Rulan didn't go back, so they should have succeeded, right?

As a result, when she went back, what she saw was a group of dejected people. The sixth prince was sitting in the room with a dark face and sulked. The two people, Lin Zhiguo and Lin Zhiguo, were discussing something in secret, and they looked sullen, but they didn't succeed.

Ru Chu was a little surprised: "What's the matter with you? Didn't you succeed?" How could it be possible, they had an army in their hands, and Nie Rulan was not there, how could they still miss it?

When Zuo Zhan saw her coming in, he finally looked a little better: "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Ru Chu looked at Zuo Zhan and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, although he was in a bad mood, he didn't have any scars on his body. It seemed that nothing serious happened. He stretched out his hand and took him to the side quietly. Asked in a low voice: "What's the matter? Everyone is holding their faces, and Nie Rulan hasn't gone back."

"Don't mention it, we underestimated Nangong Fan." Zuo Zhan's face darkened immediately when he heard the words: "He may have seen that Nie Rulan was attracted by you and became suspicious. When we arrived, he tied the saint to him. If we don't leave, he will stab Ling Chi with one knife, what can we do? Barefoot people are not afraid of those with shoes on, anyway, if we make a sound, it will be a dead end for him, so we might as well fight to the death."

"Then you just came back like this?" Ru Chu couldn't believe it, so many people, couldn't even deal with one person?
"No." Zuo Zhan shook his head, glanced at the room where the sixth prince was, and snorted: "For that position, a son can disregard his father's life and death. But he still asked the soldiers to enter the palace, and I brought them back after being knocked out. The Holy Majesty is in his hands. We dare not act rashly, and we dare not spread the matter to cause chaos in the world. When the time comes, the ambitious will rise up and the matter will be even worse. It's complicated, so we can only control the palace secretly, unless Nangong Fan puts the knife on the holy neck all the time without blinking, otherwise, as long as someone who neglects us will take the opportunity to attack."

It turned out to be like this, no wonder the Sixth Prince's face was so ugly, he was only a short distance away from ascending to the throne, but Zuo Zhan ruined things, it's no wonder he didn't hate him.

"Let me go, Nie Rulan is not here, a Nangong Fan is not a problem, I can easily deal with him." Ru Chu patted Zuo Zhan's hand, and troubles for others are a piece of cake for her: "Don't be angry, After the affairs here are over, the Sixth Prince will probably be enthroned as emperor, and then we will leave here, shall we?"

A gentle smile flashed across Zuo Zhan's eyes when he heard the words, and he nodded: "Okay."

As before, Zuo Zhan said hello to Zhenbei Hou and Lin Zhiguo, but deliberately did not inform the sixth prince. Zhenbei Hou shook his head and sighed when he saw this. Zuo Zhan had a good personality, but unfortunately he was too rigid and not suitable for him. While in the court, he went to inform the sixth prince, who came out with a gloomy face, seeing Zuo Zhan, a flash of anger flashed across his face, and finally endured it, got on his horse and headed towards the palace without saying a word.

Zhenbei Hou patted Zuo Zhan on the shoulder: "You child, you are so inflexible, why are you angry with him? In the future, he will become the one who is superior, and he can kill you if he gives you anything. Dilemma, even if you don't care about it yourself, don't you think about it for the whole family when you get married and start a business?"

Zuo Zhan was at a loss for words. He had to admit that what Zhenbei Hou said was very reasonable, but he was unwilling to tell him to be loyal to such a person against his will. Let's leave, don't care about anything in the future, the two of you will live a good life.

After Ruchu entered the palace, he saw five steps, one post and ten steps and one sentry post, all soldiers in bright armor. When they saw Zhenbei Hou and others, they saluted very respectfully. Ruchu followed them and walked inside. Not long after, inside A bowed eunuch came out and was full of joy when he saw them: "Hey, Your Highness is here! That thief just took a knife and forced the emperor to go to the harem!"

"What?" Several people were shocked when they heard the words, what exactly does this Nangong Fan want to do?
Nangong Fan held a knife in one hand and put it on Emperor Jinxuan's neck. On the old emperor's right arm, a white bandage was hastily wrapped up the wound. The dark red blood had already seeped out, but no one paid attention to it. Nangong Xiao's confidants They all guarded the surroundings tightly with their weapons in their hands, and looked vigilantly at the soldiers who were following behind. A lot of evil things have happened, who knew things would change so fast, even if they want to turn back now, it is impossible.

The soldiers with unsheathed swords followed closely, but because of their respect for Emperor Xuan, they were afraid of throwing a mouse. Nangong Fan kept walking, and soon arrived at the Empress Dowager's bedroom, where a woman wearing a big white woolen dress had long been occupied. Empress Dowager, Nangong Fan showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. Cen Ruxue had already seen him, and put the dagger on the Empress Dowager's neck: "You all go out, you are not allowed to come in! We want to go inside, you can stay outside, but you are not allowed to come in. Otherwise, don’t blame us for being rude!”

"Did you hear that? Back off!" Nangong Fan brought Emperor Jinxuan to Cen Ruxue's side. When the Empress Dowager saw Emperor Jinxuan, she became anxious immediately: "Emperor, are you okay, Emperor?" She said angrily and glared at Nangong Fan: "You put The emperor let him go, and Aijia will be held hostage by you!"

"Shut up!" Nangong Fan waited and waited until Nie Rulan came back, feeling more and more hopeless, that woman disappeared at a critical moment, and his life might not be saved. It's a pity that he doesn't have military power in his hands, and he needs Cen Ruxue at a critical moment Such a weak woman stepped forward to help. "Call you Queen Mother, you really think you are great, you are just a dead old woman, don't blame me if you keep talking! Go in, hurry up!"

The Empress Dowager and Emperor Jinxuan were taken hostage into the palace, and several accomplices quickly closed the door, and the soldiers immediately surrounded the palace, waiting vigilantly for the movement inside.

Cen Ruxue let go of the Queen Mother after entering, and glanced at Nangong Fan: "Follow me."

Nangong Fan also handed over Emperor Jinxuan to a few subordinates, followed Cen Ruxue and turned left and right into the Queen Mother's small Buddhist hall. Cen Ruxue reached out and groped on the golden Buddha statue for a while, not knowing where it moved Suddenly, there was a creaking sound, and the golden Buddha statue moved aside, revealing a dark hole.

Nangong Fan was shocked and excited. Is this the legendary secret path?There will be such plots on every protagonist's road to success, encountering setbacks, being rescued by a beautiful woman, and then entering the secret room, the secret way, escaping from the sky, and making a comeback after some adventures.

Cen Ruxue waved to him: "Come down!"

Nangong Fan followed without hesitation, and the Buddha statue returned to its original position with a creaking sound.

Cen Ruxue walked in front with a candlestick in her hand: "The Crown Princess told me about this passage. Several generations ago, there was a queen mother in the Lin family. This secret passage was built at that time, and only the Lin family knew about it. She wanted to get me. It's convenient to help the prince, so I told me this, but it's retribution, she told me this secret way, it is convenient for me to seek revenge from her, she should have thought of retribution when she killed my sister .”

Nangong Fan had known about Cen Rufeng's death for a long time, and he was considered a poor person, but it was really rare for Cen Ruxue to meet a concubine sister to do this.

"Look, the princess is so noble and so proud, isn't she just the same rotten piece of meat after death?" Cen Ruxue suddenly stopped, holding up a candlestick and said, the faint light reflected on her face, just showing a weird smile, looking It was a bit gloomy, and Nangong Fan was a little puzzled. They happened to be standing at a corner, and Cen Ruxue stood in front, blocking his view. In addition to the dim light, he couldn't see clearly at all. Out of curiosity, he took a step forward to Cen Ruxue. A female corpse hanging from a bronze lamp post at the corner suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Nangong Fan was frightened and took a step back. The woman was not wearing any clothes, her whole body was covered with blood, and there was no trace of good flesh. Her hair had been cut off, and her face was bloody. It was covered with black ants, and the sweet taste hidden in the smell of blood could be smelled in the nose.

Nangong Fan suddenly remembered how Ah Zi dealt with Kang Min in "The Eight Parts of the Dragon", cut a wound on her body, sprinkled honey, and then attracted ants and other insects to eat her flesh and blood.
Cen Ruxue was so terrifying, before he recovered from the shock, he felt a chill in his chest, and then a sharp pain, he lowered his head a little dullly, and saw the sharp sword tip protruding from his chest.

"Why?" He seemed a little unbelievable, and stretched out his hand to hold the tip of the sword. The pain was so painful that it was almost unbearable.

"Because you make me feel sick." Cen Ruxue sneered, full of disdain: "What do you think you are? You're just a bastard, and you think all the women in the world will look down on you? Every time you hug me I would feel sick sometimes, and let me tell you, I don’t need any of you to touch except my sister.” He drew out the dagger.

Nangong Fan's eyes widened suddenly. No wonder Cen Ruxue endured Cen Rufeng's provocation all the time, and she was so kind to her, even caring about her own life and death in order to avenge her. This woman actually likes her sister!

 Mission accomplished today!
(End of this chapter)

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