reborn idle wife

Chapter 256 Song Lianxin Arrives

Chapter 256 Song Lianxin Arrives
Time really flies, from the time Zhenbei Hou left Liaodong to the present, counting on his fingers, it will probably be more than two months or nearly three months.

Dong Li tried to lower his head to look at his toes, but unfortunately he only saw a round belly, and sighed helplessly, and stretched out his hand to pinch his cheeks, which were fleshy, although Nangong Xiao liked this look very much, saying it was a hug It feels very comfortable, but as a woman, who wants to see their figure out of shape?

Caiwei and Qingran watched in horror as his wife walked back and forth with one hand on her waist. As a pregnant woman, she should rest well. She is about to give birth, and the eldest son is not at home at this time. What should I do? ?The old doctor Wang also added to the chaos, saying that it was a good thing for walking around. The old man and the old lady also believed that even the wife took the old doctor's words as an imperial decree. They pitied the two little girls and trembled every day.

Before Zhenbei Hou left, he handed over the Zhenbei Army to his son. Now that the battle between Zhenbei Army and Wala is in full swing, he has no time to rush back. He is worried about his wife with a big belly, so he can only I entrusted the matter to my mother and father-in-law, and I went to direct the war with my heart full of worries.

"Ma'am, this servant came from my wife just now, and I saw that there seems to be a visitor from my wife." Bo He, a second-class maid who was newly brought up from Dongli House, came over with a bowl of bird's nest: "This is made by the old lady herself. Please take advantage of it." Eat it hot!"

Does Mrs. Huang have any guests?Dongli raised his eyebrows in surprise. This mother-in-law has lived in seclusion since she arrived in Liaodong. There is no one at all. How can there be guests?Suddenly my mind moved, and I thought of a person: "Is it the person who sent his wife to Liaodong?" Could it be Lin Rongrong?
"It doesn't look like it." Mint was there when Lin Rongrong came, and it was completely different from the one who came now: "It's a woman, she looks like she is only in her twenties, and the clothes she wears look good What about the material! The servants peeked at her, she seems to have a very good relationship with his wife, and the two of them wiped tears from each other!"

Ok?Dongli suddenly became interested, Huang's acquaintance?

Without waiting for her to ask questions, Mrs. Xu had already walked over angrily. When she saw her daughter, she restrained her expression, but she could still see the anger between her brows: "Have you been away for a while? Hurry up!" Sit down and rest for a while, Mother has something to tell you. It has been agreed in advance, don’t be angry, it hurts your body, don’t hurt your child.”

"It hurts you to be so angry. Look at yourself, you are so angry." Dong Li laughed, but was supported by the maids to sit down as he said, and he was really tired after walking for a while: "Say Well, what happened? Does it have something to do with my mother-in-law's guest?"

"You already know?" Mrs. Xu was taken aback when she heard the words, and glanced at the maids around her. Someone must be talking too much: "Isn't it just Song Lianxin? What about the lingering spirit?"

Is it Song Lianxin who came?Dong Li almost thought he had heard it wrong: "Wait, isn't Song Lianxin the Crown Prince Liangdi? Why did she come to Liaodong?" Is this woman crazy?Don't want your own husband anymore?

"It is said that a major event happened in the capital, that is, Nangong Fan, who actually rebelled and killed a lot of people." Xu Shi also felt terrified when she said it. Fortunately, her family left there early and went to Liaodong: "She said she was Those who sneaked out did not dare to go back to An Guogong's mansion, they had nowhere to go, so they came all the way to join my cousin."

Dong Li blinked, a little astonished, Nangong Fan rebelled, how could she escape as a weak woman without help?Moreover, Liaodong is thousands of miles away, how did she come here?
"My mother-in-law agreed?" Dongli suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart. Huang knew how much her natal family valued her. Since she had already come and said the situation was so pitiful, Huang probably didn't will refuse.Could it be that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, who had finally eased up because of this unknown Song Lianxin, is about to become tense again?

"Why else am I so angry?" Thinking about it, Mrs. Xu felt full of anger. She thought that the woman would become a little smarter after she got rid of Mrs. Huang. !Song Lianxin came suddenly at this juncture, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that something was wrong, so she really felt that her niece was in trouble and homeless, and she completely forgot that this was in Mo's house, not Nangong The family is not even the Huang's family, who actually decided to keep her without even asking anyone else. Could it be that they have the nerve to refute her face and drive her away?
"Forget it, let's come if you come, there is nothing we can do about it." Dong Li rubbed his chubby stomach and thought for a while: "When arranging a room for her, try to stay as far away from us as possible, and, try to Don't let her come to my side, we still don't know what she wants to do, it's better to be more cautious."

Mrs. Xu thought so deeply, and the maids around her also nodded repeatedly, and immediately regarded Song Lianxin as the number one confidant's serious trouble.

Leaving aside these troubles, Mrs. Xu looked at her daughter's stomach, and immediately smiled: "According to the days, it should be soon, right? You are going to suffer a little bit for this first child, Xiao Er. I can't come back at this time, it's true." She said and patted her hand: "Don't be afraid, Mother is by my side, it's nothing serious, this is what happens to a woman."

Is Tori nervous?It is impossible to say that she is not nervous. After all, it is the first time she is pregnant with a child, and her body is young, so there will definitely be some troubles at that time. She has recently gritted her teeth and exercised, just to save a little effort when it comes time to give birth .

As the mother and daughter were talking, a young maid came over to salute: "Old Madam, Madam, Madam brought a female guest over."

The mother and daughter frowned at the same time. At this time, the similarities between the mother and daughter can be seen. The movements of frowning and curling their lips are exactly the same. People really can't help but say a few words, and they came to the door .

Dongli stood up: "I don't want to see her, so I just said I was tired from walking and fell asleep."

Mrs. Xu waved her hand: "Go back to the house and rest, just leave it to me, I don't believe they dare to be arrogant in our house?" Said getting up and winking at Caiwei and Qingran, the two The maid immediately helped Dongli up one by one, and planned to go back to the house to lie down immediately. Before Dongli left, Dongli called her mother: "By the way, if Song Lianxin asks when I will give birth, mother, please don't tell the truth." , I just said that the fetal image is stable, and I have to go next month no matter what. I asked someone to talk to Mr. Wang, and everyone got the word out, don't let it slip. As for the mother-in-law, she and Song Lianxin can be said to be right. Talk about everything, since that's the case, let's keep it a secret from her."

Mrs. Xu understands that now that Dongli is pregnant and is about to give birth, she naturally has little energy to face other people's open and dark arrows. These words may not have any effect, but as long as Song Lianxin is unpredictable.

Mrs. Xu went out to confront the two women. Dongli went back to the house with a full stomach, lazily leaning on the bed in a daze. Nangong Xiao had been away for a long time, and the two had only met twice during the period. , and each time they met each other in a hurry, and left in a hurry without saying a few words, and the whole person seemed to have lost a lot of weight. It is said that this time Wala’s attack was very violent, and the heavy snow in winter caused heavy losses on the grassland. , They have increased their efforts to obtain what they need from the Central Plains.

"I don't know how to write a letter and come back. It looks like he is not gentle!" Picking up the pillow, he slapped his hands hard twice, vented his uncomfortable grievances, and then hugged him in his arms and rubbed his face. Like a lazy cat.

"Can I come in?" Chu Liangchen knocked on the door, Dong Li quickly got off the bed, and Caiwei helped her sit on the chair by the table: "Come in, the door is not closed."

Qing Ran stepped forward and opened the door, Chu Liangchen walked in with a fan in his hand, this cynical guy seemed to suddenly understand the difference between men and women recently, he no longer broke into women's rooms unscrupulously like before, but This change seems to have happened after Nangong Xiao left. In those few days, Chu Liangchen's children's shoes had been covered with a face covering, and he was not willing to take it off until several days later, and a faint bruise could be seen on the corner of his mouth.

"Why are you here at this time?" Caiwei served tea to Chu Liangchen, and Dongli couldn't help squinting his eyes as he watched him sit opposite and sighed comfortably. "Did you see the guests outside when you came here just now?"

"Song Lianxin?" Chu Liangchen was not surprised, Song Lianxin was surprised when he came in, his eyes were so wide that the eyeballs almost fell out. "You'd better not get close to that woman. Why do I feel that she has mana fluctuations on her body, and she just rushed over from the capital. I suspect that she has colluded with Nie Rulan. You should be more careful."

Caiwei and the others don't know who Nie Rulan is, but it's not difficult to see from Chu Liangchen's words that this Song Lianxin is very dangerous, and they can't help but feel a little anxious: "In this case, why didn't Master Guoshi directly expose her face and expose her How about driving away? It's too dangerous to leave her here."

"I also have more than enough heart but not enough strength!" Chu Liangchen rolled his eyes and screamed strangely: "I am not the omnipotent national teacher before, that woman has the mana exerted by Nie Rulan, I am no match at all, If she said it hastily, believe it or not, if she suddenly made a move, who would stop her?"

The girl was at a loss for words, and looked at him unconvinced: "Although the servant has no ability, she will protect the madam and the young master with all her life!" Protesting with clenched fists, she seemed very dissatisfied with Chu Liangchen's tone of voice.

"Forget it, what are you guys doing fighting for these?" Dongli stopped them with a smile: "As long as you know that Song Lianxin's comers are not kind, just be more careful."

"It's a pity that Bishu is not here. Otherwise, if I add up with him, as long as Nie Rulan doesn't come in person, a Song Lianxin is not a problem at all." Chu Liangchen was very depressed. When the soul was there before, let alone Song Lianxin, Even Nie Rulan didn't pay much attention to him, but now that guy got into someone's stomach, his ability is gone, and he can only watch a group of fleas jump up and down, suppressing his nausea.

Bi Shu followed Nangong Xiao to the northern border. Dongli's body became heavier and heavier. In addition to the urgent battle, he could not keep up with the food transportation back and forth. Nangong Xiao simply took Bi Shu with him when he left. This guy Mana is not very good, but it is second to none when it comes to spawning plants. When the food runs out, once this person makes a move at night, the next day is slowly waiting to be consumed.

Dong Li was worried about Nangong Xiao, so he gave Xue Ming to him. Bi Shu was also suggested by her to be taken by Nangong Xiao. It's a pity for Liang Chen, but she doesn't feel regretful. On the battlefield, swords have no eyes. As long as she can give Nangong Xiao more protection, she is willing to do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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