reborn idle wife

Chapter 262 Helpless

Chapter 262 Helpless
Bi Shu threw a big red apple up and down in his hand, with a bored expression on his handsome face, suddenly his ears moved, his eyes sparkled, as if all the boredom had been driven away, he jumped up: " Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, they are coming soon! Shall we start?"

Nangong Xiao was also eating with a bowl in his hand like everyone else, when he heard Bi Shu's voice, a sinister smile appeared on his devilish face, wondering how long these guys could last, this is the first time The next time I couldn't help it, I greeted the soldiers who had already eaten and chatted in twos and threes: "People have come, ready to fight."

The soldiers who had already prepared for a long time suddenly became excited. Unlike the previous few times when the enemy troops came, they were completely untouchable. This time they came here, but they were calculated long ago. The delicious fresh soup was cooked, and within a short while, the army was in formation, and was led by several generals of the militants to the place they had already arranged to wait for the battle.

Bi Shu didn't wear any armor. He was a demon, so he didn't need to wear human armor. However, as a demon, he couldn't meddle in human affairs at will, otherwise he would be punished by God sooner or later. So although he followed Nangong Xiao on the battlefield, he never I have never confronted the Oirats head-on, that is, to help get some food and grass, and monitor the other party through things like vegetation.

The Wala people were all grown up on horseback, and they were born with a sturdy spirit. Their cavalry is especially powerful. You can see the menacing cavalry, surrounded by flying dust, rendering a thick background.

Nangong Xiao raised one hand, but still held the clairvoyance in the other hand to watch. The soldiers around him were already ready, just waiting for his gesture. Nangong Xiaoyou's jaw was tense, Pursing his lips, he quietly watched the enemy army getting closer and closer. His eyes of excitement could already be seen in his clairvoyant eyes, as if they were about to rush in front of him.

A tripping rope appeared in the sky, an extremely long one, woven by countless grasses. The length seemed to be endless at a glance. It was too late to stop, the running horse fell down with a mournful hiss, and the row of cavalry in front was knocked off the horse by the tripping rope without any accident.

When the cavalry charged, the speed was very fast. The people in front suddenly fell down, and the people behind had no time to react. They huddled together and were trampled by horses. The people behind didn't know what happened and were still rushing forward.

At this time, Nangong Xiao raised his hand and waved it down fiercely, and the general who followed him immediately drew out his sword: "Soldiers, go!"

The army that had been ready to go for a long time immediately turned into a torrent, and quickly rushed towards the Oirats who were still in a mess and had not been rectified. Although his temperament was fierce, he gradually couldn't hold on anymore, and the victory began to lean towards the Zhenbei Army.

Nangong Xiao rode on the horse and watched, and did not act rashly. Now it is no different than before. He used to be a general, and he only needed to lead troops to fight fiercely. Now he is the commander. He must first take care of the overall situation and stay behind to direct the battle. It was what he was supposed to do, so even though he was envious of the lively fight, he still gritted his teeth and controlled the rushing blood in his heart.

Just when the two sides were fighting lively, there was a different breath from the sky. The originally clear sky seemed to be overcast all of a sudden, and it was getting dark. Both sides who were fighting were a little stunned. Nangong Xiao raised his head, astonished It was discovered that a huge black dragon with teeth and claws appeared in the air, with antlers, crocodile kisses, snake body and fish scales. Every scale on the body seemed to be clearly visible.

Why are dragons flying out in broad daylight?Whose black dragon ran out without locking it?

Compared to Nangong Xiao's calmness, the others are not so well defined. What is that?Dragon!That's something in legends, and it appeared without warning. They are very lucky!The Wala people knelt on the ground and kowtowed like crazy, uttering a lot of their own tribal language, as if they were praying for the blessing of the black dragon to save them.

It turns out that the Oirats also worship dragons?Nangong Xiao felt that there was something wrong with his mentality. At this moment, all he could think about were some extremely weird questions. He shook his head, and a dragon flew out in a good way. It was really disruptive. Originally, he had Make sure to annihilate the invading Oirats in one fell swoop. It's not as good as God's fortune, but a dragon ran out to disrupt the situation, your sister!

Looking carefully around the huge black dragon, there are two rays of light, one gold and one blue, dodging back and forth non-stop. The black dragon in the air uses its claws and tail to fight against the two rays of light from time to time. Sometimes it opens its mouth with a mouthful of black mist. Unfortunately, even the hundred-refined refined steel was corroded badly by this weird black mist.

"Everyone below leave quickly! Don't let the evildoers take the opportunity to take your life!" The golden light suddenly fell to the ground, and when it landed, it turned into a kind-hearted old monk, who shouted loudly at the two groups of people who were stunned in the battlefield: "Hurry up, hurry up, the evildoer Susu is leaving!"

The old monk Nangong Xiao rubbed his eyes, widened his eyes and looked over carefully. That's right, it was Master Zhifan.

"Monk Wuna, what do you mean by leaving me alone to deal with that evildoer?" Qing Guang also turned into a Taoist priest on the ground, and said to Master Zhifan with a bit of dissatisfaction.

"Monsters are so powerful. Although we are fighting in the sky, we will inevitably harm the innocent. It is better to tell them to leave." These two people have been chasing Nie Rulan for a long time, and they know each other very well. Master Zhifan After saying this, the Taoist priest's expression became much better: "It's extremely, this evildoer is really hard to deal with, you and I have fought her repeatedly and there is nothing we can do about her!"

"Master Zhifan?" Nangong Xiao Cema slowly came over, his expression was not very good-looking, why are there shadows of these capable people everywhere, is this still a place where ordinary people live? "Why did the master suddenly come to Liaodong? Where is the black dragon in the sky?"

Master Zhifan was also a bit surprised when he saw Nangong Xiao, put his hands together and said: "Amitabha, it turned out to be Nangong's benefactor, the capital is different, I don't know how good the benefactor has always been."

"I said monk, don't talk about the past here, okay?" The Taoist's face was a little green: "There is still a monster up there, deal with her first and then you can talk later!"

Nangong Xiao looked at the mighty black dragon above, and always felt that the aura was somewhat familiar. He counted the warlocks he knew in his heart, and said awe-inspiringly: "That is Nie Rulan? How did she become like this?"

The two of them didn't bother to talk to him anymore, they rose up into the sky again and continued to fight the black dragon. Nangong Xiao looked at it for a moment with a gloomy expression. Every time the black dragon incarnate by Nie Rulan made a move, it would drop a large amount of black air. It will be corroded, the Zhenbei Army has strict military discipline, and the soldiers will not move around without orders. There are already corrosions on the armor of many people. With a wave of his hand: "Ming Jin withdraws troops and returns to the camp!"

The soldiers around him didn't say much, and immediately acted according to the orders. The Zhenbei Army retreated in an orderly manner. Not to mention the pursuit of Wala, he was already in a mess.

Not long after Nangong Xiao returned to the camp, the monks followed him in a panic, and there was no sign of the black dragon behind him, but that alone was scary enough. Nangong Xiao looked at these two gods with blue noses and swollen faces. Looking modified, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he asked calmly: "I don't know if the two elders are not going to subdue demons, what are you doing here in my camp?"

Master Zhifan coughed twice, his sleep color turned red suspiciously: "To tell you the truth, the two of us intend to stay here and continue to fight against the black dragon, as long as we are still here, we will not allow this evildoer to stir up trouble! "

After all, these two guys still plan to stay here and not leave?Nangong Xiao raised his eyebrows, and stretched out his hand to press the center of his brows: "What do you mean? You want to fight the black dragon, does it have anything to do with living here?"

"The evildoer has already gone to Oara's side. It seems that he intends to support Oara to attack the Central Plains." The Taoist whisk was corroded and only one handle remained. He habitually swung it on his arm, only then realized his Fuchen had already been destroyed long ago, and his complexion suddenly darkened: "As people of Huaxia, the two of us should resist evildoers and protect our people."

Nie Rulan ran to help Wala?This is not good news.

Nangong Xiao slammed his head against the map in front of him in grief and anger. He originally planned to go home to accompany his wife to wait for the birth after he had successfully settled the war. Year of the Monkey?Maybe when he goes back, his son will be running around all over the place!

But can he say that he doesn't need help from others?If these two don't help, who will they rely on to restrain that witch Nie Rulan?
After weighing the gains and losses, Nangong Xiao squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying: "If so, then please ask the two immortal masters!"

The monk and the Taoist went to find a place to meditate and adjust their breath. Nangong Xiao untied the Xue Ming from his waist, put it on his knees and groped gently with his forehead. After a long time, he sighed a long time. He didn't know what happened to Dongli. Well, counting the days, she was about to give birth, but she broke her promise and couldn't rush back to accompany her.

(End of this chapter)

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