Chapter 263
Nangong Xiao's guess was right. Dongli was indeed about to give birth, and it was still in a very critical situation.

As the days got closer, the people around Dong Li became more and more nervous, and tried their best to hide the news for fear of being discovered by Song Lianxin, so besides the parents and a few trustworthy maids around him, there were also the grandparents of the Wang family, The only one who knew about this matter was Chu Liangchen. Whether it was the old lady or the Huang family, including the sisters Nangong Yuegongling, they were all kept in the dark. They all believed what the old doctor Wang said. , at least a month or so away, so I'm not particularly anxious.

Dongli was kicked awake by the child in his stomach at night. Since the child's head was put into the basin, there has been basically no movement. Dongli was worried at first, but after asking, he knew it was normal, so After feeling the activities of her son again after such a long time, she is still very happy, with one hand gently placed on her belly, feeling the little life in her stomach, hoping that the child can say hello to her again .

However, he seemed to be tired, or maybe he was sleepy. After that time, there was no movement. Dongli was a little disappointed, but slowly with a burst of sleepiness, he fell asleep again.

I don't know how long I slept for, anyway, when I opened my eyes again, it was still dark. This time, she was woken up by the pain, her waist was a little sore, and her stomach was throbbing. going to give birth?

Although it is to cheer yourself up every day, there is nothing to be afraid of, isn't it just to have a child, any woman will have such a day, but when the thing comes to an end, she finds that all of them are self-deception. How can she not be afraid? First time having a baby!

Resisting the panic in his heart, Dongli sat up carefully with one hand on the bedpost, and shouted: "Qing Ran, Qing Ran!"

Tonight is Qing Ran's vigil. Ever since she entered the expected date of delivery, her two big maids have become extremely nervous, and they don't feel at ease with others being close to them, so this vigil has become the affair of the two of them. One person takes turns every day, I'm afraid that there are those maidservants with ulterior motives below, if they hurt Madam, it's not enough to pay for their lives.

Qing Ran didn't sleep deeply, she heard Dong Li's call, and quickly put on her clothes and came in: "What's the matter, madam? Do you want a drink?"

"Qing Ran, come here and help me." Dong Li didn't dare to say anything, for fear of alarming someone with a heart, who can guarantee that the people in her yard are loyal: "I have a stomachache."

Qing Ran was startled: "Ma'am!" Hurry up and carefully support her: "Are you going to give birth?"

"Maybe." Dongli felt that his stomach didn't hurt anymore, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's time to calculate, how long is it until dawn?"

Qing Ran took out the pocket watch from under Dongli's pillow and glanced at it: "There are almost two hours left."

It will be more than two hours, that is, there are still more than four hours before it will light up. Dongli rubbed his stomach: "Now don't say anything, go and wake Caiwei up, be careful not to alarm others."

Qing Ran agreed, but she was still a little worried, so she made Dong Li a cup of brown sugar water and took it, and then hurried out the door.

Brown sugar is a good thing, nourishing qi and nourishing blood, Dongli held the hot sugar water and drank it in small sips, and it didn't take long to see Caiwei ran in in a panic with disheveled clothes, and saw Dongli sitting there recuperating Holding the brown sugar water and drinking it, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Phew, I was scared to death, you girl didn't speak clearly, I thought I was going to give birth soon, I was so scared that I almost lost my mind!"

Dongli saw the two of them coming in, and immediately put the cup in his hand aside: "You two, hurry up and call Yueniang, be careful not to be seen by others. It’s convenient to find me moving into our yard at any time, and tell her to be careful not to disturb anyone. The delivery room has already been prepared, and the girl Mint is also loyal, so I also call her. I think she will burn it later Water or something, has Wen Po arranged it?"

"Madam, don't worry, the old lady has already made arrangements. The two stable women are reliable and honest people. They came in quietly through the back door, and no one was alarmed." Caiwei knew more about this matter, and immediately Explain: "Two people live in our courtyard, and they will come over as soon as they call."

"That's good." Dongli was slightly relieved, thinking about what still needs to be prepared: "I've done everything before dawn, and I'm afraid Song Lianxin will come over when the sun is up. It's too late."

Song Lianxin has come to pay her respects every day, rain or shine, and she is not afraid of getting her feet worn out. The distance from where she lives is not too short, but she persists every day, and she doesn't care about the cold eyes of the maids. , became very thick-skinned, no matter what you say, people just don't leave, they have to see Dongli with their own eyes, probably because they feel a little suspicious about Dongli's delayed due date.

"I just started to feel it, and it's probably still early before the real birth." Dongli generally understands some knowledge, from the rupture of the amniotic fluid to the real birth of the child, there are still several hours or even a day in between, and she is only now beginning to feel the pain. , the amniotic fluid has not yet broken, and the time is still very early: "After dawn, go find the old lady and the national teacher, and find a way to not disturb people if you can."

"Don't worry, ma'am, the servants understand." These two people have figured out who is sincerely good to them and who has ulterior motives. These days, the two of them have figured out who should be called and who should not be called, and they also know that the news has leaked. What kind of consequences would there be, Dongli was not worried that they would lose their sense of proportion.

"I'll lie on the bed for a while, and ask the small kitchen to cook me something to eat. Before the pain is too severe, I need to eat something to preserve my strength." When the pain becomes severe, I can't eat anymore.

The courtyard in the night began to be filled with tension. Caiwei and Qingran followed Dongli's instructions and woke up Mint first. After explaining the matter clearly, they asked the girl to stay in the kitchen and watch. The lady cooks something to eat, and during this period, no one is allowed to touch anything in it.

As for the two of them, one ran to find Wang Yueniang, and the other woke up the ladies. Although they were nervous and busy, they all understood the importance of the matter, and they entered Dongli cautiously without making a sound. bedroom.

Wang Yueniang and two stable women went up to look at it, and they came to the same conclusion as Dongli. It was still early, so there was no rush, but the things that should be prepared should be prepared immediately. Water, clean cotton cloth, sterilized scissors, etc. are all ready. Mint also made a big bowl of chicken noodle soup, and asked Caiwei to send it in. I really stayed in the kitchen and never left. , so that the old woman who was watching the night in the kitchen was extremely puzzled.

Not long after Dong Li had eaten noodle soup, he felt his lower body heat up, and a stream of liquid flowed out. He immediately understood that the amniotic fluid had broken, and then it was time to open the bone seam. Only when the bone seam can be opened enough can the child be able to The delivery went smoothly, otherwise it would be a dystocia. She is too young and her pelvis is not too big, and it is her first child, so it is estimated that some of them have worn out.

Wang Yueniang would feel her pulse every once in a while. Fortunately, although Dongli was young, he was in good health, and there was nothing wrong at all. Amidst the tense emotions of several people, the sky gradually brightened.

Caiwei and Qing Ran split up to find Nangong Xiao and Xu Shi at dawn. The two rushed over without hesitation when they heard the situation. Xu went straight into the house, but Nangong Xiao went to the delivery room. After a careful deduction, array flags were set up in several places. His strength is not enough to fight against Song Lianxin. Lianxin is nothing to worry about, even if it is a newborn baby, that evil star is not something Song Lianxin can count on.

Dongli was lying on the bed silently enduring the attack of labor pain, thin beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, Mrs. Xu gently wiped her with a handkerchief in her hand, comforting her, maybe there is a mother here It's different around me, Dongli's panicked mood has stabilized a lot, and he will say a few words to them when the pain passes.

"Ma'am, Prince Liangdi is here!" Qing Ran was a little flustered, but even more angry. This woman is really running here without rain or shine. It seems that she has bad intentions: "Why don't I send her away?" leave?"

"No, I'll go see her." Dong Li flatly refused. Song Lianxin is a very suspicious woman. If she doesn't go out to see her, she will definitely doubt whether it's time for her. Now she won't allow any appearance Deviated, gritted her teeth and held back Xu's arm to sit up: "She won't give up if I don't go out, send her away quickly and we will go directly to the delivery room."

Qing Ran hurriedly brought Dong Li's coat to put on for her, and she simply pulled up her hair, and walked out without makeup or jewelry. Did you sleep well last night?"

Dongli hid one hand in his sleeve and pinched his palm fiercely to endure the labor pains, and forced a smile and said: "What's so good, this guy in my stomach has troubled me all night, and I almost didn't close my eyes much. It’s on, and I’m going to go back to sleep for a while later.”

Song Lianxin's eyes focused on Dongli's stomach, and the envy and hatred in her eyes could hardly be concealed. After sitting for a while, she had nothing to say, but she still refused to leave. Caiwei stood aside and could tell Madam Sweat broke out on his face, he was very anxious, and thought for a while: "Madam, should I eat here this morning, or go to the old lady's place? It's not suitable for you to go to Madam's place to eat fast and chant Buddha."

People are going to eat, so if you are sensible, go away quickly!There is such a meaning hidden in Caiwei's words, unless Song Lianxin has the cheek to stay and eat, otherwise he will have to leave immediately after hearing this. Madam will never keep her. Could it be that she said she wanted to stay? Have dinner together?
Song Lianxin glanced at Dongli suspiciously. Could it be that this woman really will take a long time to give birth?She came here every day and didn't see why, but the maids saw her as a thorn in the side, sarcasm and ridicule in secret, with various tricks, and sometimes she was so angry that she wished she could just take out the talisman paper to kill people .

This time, she returned in vain, Song Lianxin's face twitched, and she gave Caiwei a hard look: "Since my cousin doesn't have time, then Lianxin will leave first."

"Go slowly, don't send it off." Dongli didn't force him to stay, and after he said a word, he saw Song Lianxin's sold left foot tripped over his right foot, almost didn't sit down, and walked away in a state of embarrassment.

As soon as she left, Dongli grabbed the armrest of the chair, almost groaning in pain, Caiwei was so frightened that she hurried over to support her, and Dongli whispered in her ear: "Come on In the delivery room, I won't be able to get out for a short time after I enter, so you help the old lady look over, and don't let Song Lianxin get close."

"Ma'am, don't worry!" Caiwei immediately assured her, and helped her carefully into the delivery room that had been set up long ago, and then Po Wen, Wang Yueniang, and Mrs. Xu also washed their hands and changed their clothes and came in.

 Thanks for the pink vote in one word!

(End of this chapter)

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