reborn idle wife

Chapter 268 Baby

Chapter 268 Baby
Nie Rulan's eyes exuded a strange red light, and she felt incomparably heavy and oppressive in the eyes of the crowd. They were numerous but not heavy, and most of them were dying. They were old, weak, sick, and disabled. To deal with a mysterious and unpredictable Nie Rulan is really not something they can do.
Speaking of which, maybe so many of them combined might not be as lethal as the milk doll in Dongli's arms. As expected of a big shot, he chopped off one of Nie Rulan's arms in the first shot. He hugged the restless kid in his arms tightly, stretched out a finger to poke his son's soft little face, and said in a low voice: "Little guy, you have to be good, in case you are caught by that woman, You will be miserable, so, you have to be a good boy and try not to attract attention, understand?"

How could the little milk doll understand anything? Feeling someone poking him, he frowned unhappily, clenched two small fists and pushed his mother's fingers away, curled his mouth, as if he despised his unscrupulous relatives. Mother, I yawned a little, closed my eyes and went to sleep.

He is still a child, he has no physical strength when he was born, and needs a good rest.

"Even if you succeed, what about the future?" Dongli's long-awaited character finally arrived at the critical moment. Nie Ruchu, who was dressed in a light purple dress and beautiful as a fairy, descended from the sky holding Zuo Zhan in one hand, and a pair of biren's robes fluttered. Piao's appearance is almost like a fairy coming down to earth: "He will hate you even more, hate you, and even if he doesn't try his best to kill you, he will be a stranger to you. Do you think it's worth it?"

Nie Rulan was silent for a moment, then suddenly waved her hand and spewed out a cloud of black smoke, taking advantage of everyone's unpreparedness and dodged to leave here, leaving her voice in the air: "The child is still young, so I will stay with you for the time being, but I will still come again Come back, just wait!"

Ruchu waved her sleeves, the black smoke slowly dissipated, she looked at the injured people, Song Lianxin was hopeless, Huang's, Xu's, Wang Yueniang and several servant girls were all wounded, It will be fine in a few days. If they make a move, they will be back to normal soon. Chu Liangchen is in some trouble. His body is already fragile, and it can withstand Nie Rulan's attack there, but now he is the most seriously injured: "Left Brother, you send Master Chu into the house first, he is seriously injured, I am afraid he will have to give birth for a while, I will go over to have a look after I finish dealing with the matter here."

Zuo Zhan nodded, carefully lifted Chu Liangchen up and put it on his shoulders, nodded to everyone, and sent him to a nearby room.

Ruchu treated the wounded in a simple way, and these people came alive instantly. Mrs. Xu couldn't wait to see her daughter and grandson, and after making sure that both of them were fine, she breathed a sigh of relief and touched her forehead: "But I'm scared I'm dead, fortunately everyone is fine, look at this little guy, how soundly he sleeps, he doesn't panic when encountering such a big event, he looks promising."

The newborn milk baby didn't understand anything, so he panicked.Dongli rolled his eyes and was speechless. Xu's eyes are now full of grandchildren, and even his precious daughter has to stand aside.

"Mother, the cousin of the Song family died in our house, we have to think of a way?" Dongli carefully put his son who was sleeping soundly beside him, and whispered: "She is a royal after all, even if she dies, she still needs to be treated." Reported, what should we say about this matter? Will it arouse other people's suspicion?"

Song Lianxin is a troublesome person, and troubles will follow wherever she goes. This time, she originally wanted to murder others with evil intentions. Instead, she died unfortunately, but she asked others to bother to find a way to end it for her. , It's really unreasonable, Xu couldn't help but feel aggrieved when she thought about it: "I don't care, if you want to take care of it, let your mother-in-law take care of it. It's her natal family and has nothing to do with our Mo family."

Mrs. Xu is angry, why can't Dongli hear it and ask Mrs. Huang to deal with it?Right now, Mrs. Huang would just hold Song Lianxin's horrific corpse and weep, muttering something to herself, looking so pitiful, how could she have the emotional strength to do something for her niece, until the end Don't you want to push yourself down?
"What do you worry about, they will take care of the royal affairs themselves." Ru Chu came in to see the child, and helped move Dong Li from the delivery room into the warm pavilion. Nie Rulan broke several big holes in the delivery room, and the wind blew It was pouring in, but fortunately there were so many people to block it tightly, otherwise the new mother and newborn baby would not be able to hold it.

Xu and Ruchu sent Dongli to the warm pavilion, and the little baby was still beside her, but this time he had put on a gown, and the little guy smacked his lips, never waking up, sleeping like a little pig.

Wang Yueniang came to feel Dongli's pulse, and Ruchu took this opportunity to look at the little baby carefully, with a face full of novelty, this little ball is Chu Liangchen?It's really unbelievable, think about that majestic and arrogant guy, and then look at the bare-bottomed doll in front of you, if you want to draw an equal sign between the two, after thinking about it carefully for a while, it is finally as expected tangled up.

Wang Yueniang withdrew her hand: "It's nothing. The delivery went smoothly and the baby is healthy. As long as you finish your confinement properly, everything will be fine."

Xu immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and put his hands together to thank the gods and Buddhas for their blessings. Seeing Dongli was both funny and sad.

"If you still have to worry about Song Lianxin, you don't have to." Ru Chu said what he hadn't finished: "You don't know yet, do you? This woman later colluded with Nangong Fan, and the royal family is looking for her. But she disappeared one step ahead of time, so it turned out that she had arrived here, and it was fine if she died, and the emperor and the third prince would not mind if she reported the news."

It's just a woman, the empress, imperial concubine, and prince are all dead, so what is a little prince Liangdi?What's more, this woman once colluded with thieves, it would be best to die to avoid trouble.

"You just gave birth, you are weak, lie down and rest for a while." Mrs. Xu covered her with a quilt, gave her some instructions, and then went out with a few people, closing the door, Caiwei and Qingran He kept guarding every step of the way. After decocting mint for a day in the small kitchen, he was already full of joy and began to prepare some food suitable for pregnant women. The news that the wife gave birth to a small child has spread, and the old lady will probably wait a while There will be happy money over there.

"Kang, bang, bang!" There was a slight knocking sound as footsteps approached: "How is Madam?"

"Just fell asleep." Caiwei answered subconsciously before she suddenly understood, her eyes widened and she looked at the person in front of her in disbelief: "Master? When did you come back?"

Nangong Xiao's armor was still covered with dust, his unshaven face looked extremely haggard, his eyes were bloodshot, he probably hadn't rested for a long time, he looked much thinner than when he left, He was also a lot haggard, but he seemed to be in good spirits.

As soon as Dongli fell asleep, Nangong Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. With this relaxation, his body immediately seemed to have been drained of his last strength. His feet shook, and he quickly supported the door frame to stand firm, frightened. A servant girl screamed in a low voice and hurried over to support him, but he waved her hand to stop her.

He set off with Bi Shu, and always felt uneasy as if something was going to happen, so he asked Bi Shu to go back first. Fortunately, it was like this, otherwise it might be too late when Ru Chu arrived, and he I was afraid for a while, if there was no Chu Liangchen desperately stopping today, no monks and priests intervening to help, no Bi Shu rushing back in time, and no Ruhu finally appearing, as long as one of these did not appear, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Master Shi Zi, do you want to go in and see Madam and Xiao Shi Zi?" Qing Ran looked at Shi Zi Master's exhausted face, and silently sighed: "Little Shi Zi is so cute, I want to sneak here and raise him."

After saying this, Nangong Xiao couldn't help laughing, looking at his dusty appearance: "Forget it, I'd better go take a shower and change clothes first, so as not to be disgusted by my wife and son just after returning home."

His wife was lying sideways on the bed, her brows were slightly frowned, and she seemed to have infinite thoughts in her sleep. Nangong Xiao gently stroked Dongli's eyebrows guiltily. His wife gave birth, but he couldn't come back in time, but he met again. Such a thrilling thing.I am really not a qualified husband.

Next to his wife is a small head, with a blushing face, slightly sideways towards the direction of the mother, breathing very evenly, even in his sleep, Dongli carefully protects the child beside him with his hands, the mother and the child take a closer look There are still many similarities, especially when they are close together like this, it feels very warm in my heart when I look at them.

Gently printed kisses on the foreheads of his wife and son one by one, but Dongli curled his mouth with a look of disgust, and his son frowned with displeasure. After two exchanges, they have already been disgusted by others?

Dongli slept very deeply this time, and when she woke up, the sun had already set, and candles were lit in the room, covered with glass lampshades, lest the smoke from the candles would overwhelm people.She turned her face to the side, but she didn't see her son, she sat up in a panic in her heart, and wanted to get out of bed to look for him anxiously.

An arm stretched out from behind and hugged her waist tightly, and the man's displeased voice sounded: "Where are you going? I don't know if I'm in confinement? Lie down quickly, don't catch the wind, and the nanny will carry the child to nurse her." gone."

Dongli looked at the man beside him in surprise, thinking that he was still dreaming, rubbed his eyes, and then saw that the man was still there, couldn't help touching the exhausted face with trembling hands, and couldn't believe it: "Sanggong? Really?" Is it you? When did you come back?"

"Lie down first." Nangong Xiao couldn't help but push the person down, covered the quilt, and said, "I've been back for a while, and you were sleeping at that time, so I didn't disturb you. Dong Li, thank you for your hard work, I It's really outrageous that they come back late at such a time."

"I'm very surprised that you can come back." Dongli is not the kind of person who can't look away. The war in northern Xinjiang is tight, and Nangong Xiao still finds time to come back to accompany her at this time. She is already very content: "See Is there a son?"

"I've seen it, the little guy is as red as a little old man." Nangong Xiao frowned. When he said this, his mother-in-law slapped him unceremoniously. Wang Yueniang laughed at the side, the husband and wife really have a good understanding Tong, said the same thing.

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(End of this chapter)

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