reborn idle wife

Chapter 269 Matchmaking

Chapter 269 Matchmaking
Liaodong, where spring has begun, has begun to recover at this time. Unlike the wars and chaos in the Central Plains, Liaodong has become a paradise at this time. The people live and work in peace and contentment, busy with spring farming, and start a new year full of hope. years of hard work.

The plan for a year is in the spring, and Nangong Xiao has successfully repelled the Wala people. Nie Rulan seems to have been greatly stimulated by Chu Liangchen's choice of reincarnation. , the war quickly subsided, and in order to avoid future troubles and prevent the Wara people from invading the world again in order to save their losses, Nangong Xiao accepted his wife's suggestion and wrote a letter to his father who was still in the capital, hoping that he could Find a suitable opportunity to tell the emperor and the sixth prince that it is best to open up the trade market with Wala, which can solve the biggest crisis of Wala right now, and they will naturally not be eager to snatch it. In addition, the horses on the grassland are not in the Central Plains. Rare things, the war horses in the army are not as good as others, so you can take this opportunity to get some good horses from there.

Dongli has been busy taking care of the newborn recently, and doesn't have much time to take care of her husband. At this time, the child is different every day, which makes a large group of people very curious. The Huang family in the heart-dead tragedy couldn't resist the cute smiling face of her baby grandson, and raised the white flag to surrender within a few days. Now the first thing I do when I open my eyes every morning is to run to see Looking at grandson, if you don't look at it, you will feel extremely uncomfortable in your heart. After watching it, you will be even more reluctant to leave, which makes your son's face dark every day.

Nangong Xiao is very depressed. This kid is very cute, and he likes it very much, but it doesn't mean that he is willing to be ignored by such a large group of people and become an empty air. His wife only has that brat in her eyes. That's right, I squeezed myself out of status when I was born, where will I have my own place when I grow up?

The old lady stopped chanting Buddhism, and after the child was born, she also came to report every day unshakably. After Dongli was confinement, she turned into holding a tightly wrapped little bun to see the elders. The old man was very anxious. Before dawn, she dressed neatly and waited without feeling tired. The maid jokingly said that after having a young master, the old lady's spirits improved a lot.

"Okay, your body has fully recovered, and you can go out as you like in the future." Wang Yueniang withdrew her hand to feel her pulse, and nodded to Dongli with a smile: "Why are you so leisurely today? Where's the child?"

"The old lady and the wife have hugged them, and now I, a mother, can't snatch them." Dongli shook his head and laughed, old children, old children, the old lady and Mrs. Huang's temperament has become more and more inclined to children recently, especially keen on On the snatching of children: "Speaking of this, you are not too young, have you ever thought about your life's event?"

Wang Yueniang was not prepared for her talking about this, she shook her hands, and almost threw out her precious medicine box, and stammered: "You, what are you talking about, what? Will you think about something else?" Putting away the guy in front of him, his face is still a little gloomy, a woman will eventually find a home when she grows up, but if she shows up in public, which good man would be willing to marry her? she?The elders of their own parents who are too low in status will not agree.

Dongli has been paying attention to her expression. Seeing this situation, the corners of her lips are raised playfully, and her eyes are a little weird: "What stupid things are you talking about? I used to be like you. It's good to be alone. However, I have saved a lot of money from my private house, and I feel that I can support myself for the rest of my life. Why do I have to find a man to marry and cause so much trouble for myself? Maybe I will marry a Zhongshan wolf, and it will be miserable. So I In the beginning, Nangong Xiao was particularly repelled, especially when he was famous for being romantic."

Wang Yueniang pricked up her ears curiously: "Then what happened later? How did you get together?"

"What else can I do? The words of my parents and the matchmaker, and my status at that time was very special. Apart from him, no one else would dare to marry me. If I stretch my head, I will take a stab at it, so I will take a bet Come on, just negotiate terms with him, and if the time permits, give me a divorce letter and let me leave in style."

"Ah?" Wang Yueniang was stunned, how could this happen?A woman asks her husband for divorce papers on her wedding night?She imagined it for a while, and couldn't help but burst out laughing. At that time, Prince Nangong's face must have been very good-looking: "Then he agreed?" Impossible, it can be said to be a kind of humiliation for a man .

"I promised, I promised." Dongli thought about it, and now he still finds it a little funny: "That person is as cunning as a ghost. He said it nicely, but he has been working hard to get me to get rid of that idea. What? All the means are used, very rascal."

But didn't he succeed in the end?It can be seen that rascals are also beneficial. Wang Yueniang looked thoughtfully at Dongli's radiant and happy face, and seemed to understand something, and took a deep breath: "I understand, thank you."

Dongli smiled, and blinked at Wang Yueniang, whose pretty face suddenly turned into a red tomato, and she lowered her head embarrassedly to pack up her things: "I'll be leaving first, don't worry, I I know what to do." Then he ran away.

Nangong Xiao sneaked in like a thief with his son in his arms, inspected back and forth, and made sure that there was no one else waiting here to wait for the rabbit to rob his son. Me, is it easy for me to fight openly and secretly with so many people every day? This is my son, okay, a bunch of people who can't tell!"

Dongli took the little bun. The little guy was already hungry after playing for a while, and immediately became happy when he came into contact with the familiar taste. His little head was arching back and forth in his mother's arms. After finding the target, he immediately felt aggrieved, his mouth was flattened, and he hummed, as if he was about to howl.

Dongli glared at Nangong Xiao. The thick-skinned man had no intention of avoiding it at all. Thinking about it, he was a bit hypocritical. He pretended to be an innocent girl only after he was a child. It seemed a lot late, so he turned his back and opened the skirt , Xiao Baozi found the target this time, and immediately caught it with force.

Nangong Xiao leaned his head over to look at him, his eyes were filled with incomparable tenderness, the little guy ate a little anxiously, and seemed to be choking all of a sudden, Dong Li hurriedly patted his back lightly, with a gentle smile on his lips.

"This guy is Chu Liangchen, right?" Nangong Xiao asked after appreciating it for a while.

Dongli's hand holding the child couldn't help shaking. The little guy who was breastfeeding was very sensitive, and immediately swallowed his own food forcefully. Dongli himself let out a soft cry, feeling very painful, and looked up sadly. Looking at her husband's piercing eyes: "Why are you saying such things at this time?"

Nangong Xiao blinked and stretched out his hand: "Does it hurt? Let me rub it for you."

"Go!" Dongli rolled his eyes at him when he heard the words. This guy became more and more shameless: "How did you know? Chu Liangchen told you?"

"No." Speaking of this, Nangong Xiao became depressed, and maliciously stretched out his fingers to poke his son's tender little face. Dad poked it, spat out the red cherry in his mouth, tilted his head and gave Dad a white look, and groaned twice, as if he was saying: "Don't make trouble, people are eating!" Dongli couldn't help laughing.

"Stinky brat!" Nangong Xiao poked again, this time the little guy was not happy, and the earth-shattering cry immediately alarmed a group of maids who were eager to protect them, and Cai Weiqing ran Mint all ran from outside , as if they have grown ears, no matter where they are doing, they can hear the little master as soon as he opens his mouth to cry, and they will arrive at the first time.

Dongli quickly picked up his son, patted his back carefully, and coaxed him softly, the little guy was extremely wronged, staring at his father with eyes like black pearls, sobbing and choking with grievance, that little boy The maids who watched all wanted to make trouble and help the little guy punish Nangong Xiao.

"Okay, okay, you guys have nothing to do, go out!" Seeing Nangong Xiao's embarrassing expression, Dongli couldn't help being angry and funny, and told the maids to go out to wipe off the white fat for his son The teardrops on his little face, "How old is he, and he has a fight with a child, why, don't you think he is Chu Liangchen feeling uncomfortable?"

Seeing his son hiding in his wife's arms, Nangong Xiao was sobbing, his head was a little tight, if his grandmother, mother, and mother-in-law saw him like this, these three women would definitely talk about him to death, and couldn't help but regret it I played too much: "What's so uncomfortable? If it's uncomfortable, it should be Chu Liangchen's discomfort. What's the use of being so good before? It's not the same as calling me a father!" Thinking about being majestic The overlord of the first generation obediently called Dad in front of him, which seemed very refreshing: "Besides, this little devil is your own flesh and blood, even if it is not Chu Liangchen's reincarnation, it will be the reincarnation of someone else we don't know To be our child, I think it's better to be an acquaintance!"

What is the logic?Dongli's face was covered with black lines, and he silently hugged his son who had stopped crying to his chest, and hiccupped his milk. The little guy cried again after playing tired, and soon fell asleep.

Dongli put the child on the crib, called Caiwei to watch carefully, and went into the next room with Nangong Xiao: "Hey, I just said a few words to Yueniang, what do you think she will do?"

Nangong Xiao heard that he was in good spirits, eagerly gearing up his fists: "Shouldn't we know about this? Youran should be watching spring farming in the east today, right? Let's go and have a look?"

Dong Li was a little moved, but he was worried about the child. Who knows when Nie Rulan's nerves will be wrong and she will come again. The child is the heart of the mother, so there should be no mistakes: "I still don't want to go, you go to see it and come back to me." Just tell me. I'm worried that Nie Rulan will come back, and even though Ruchu is nearby, I'm still afraid that something will happen."

What happened to Nie Rulan last time made everyone in the mansion more vigilant. Chu Liangchen was the most seriously injured, and he had to be nursed for nearly a month. By the time he was able to get out of bed, the child would be full moon, because if Nie Rulan left before leaving, he and Ruchu still has Bi Shu, and the monks live near the little guy, so they can rescue him at any time.

 Thank you for the pink votes outside Xinyi Hongchen, and the evaluation votes of c who played soy sauce!

(End of this chapter)

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